Can You Solve It? Dice Challenge #17 + 1 STEEM Dollar (SBD) Prize!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #puzzle7 years ago (edited)


Looking for something to challenge your brain? You’ve come to the right place: Dice Challenge #17!

Figure out the color of the missing dice and number of eyes on each missing dice. I will transfer the prize to the first person who posts the correct answer to the puzzle. To be eligible for the prize your answer should include:

  • The color of each of the missing dice combined with the number of eyes on those dice
  • A clear explanation on how you got to your answer (the logic behind your solution)

Solution: Purple 2 | Green 3
Logic: The dice of each color should add up to 12 (based on the complete sets).

Green: 1 + 6 + ? + 2 = 12
Purple: 2 + 4 + 4 + ? = 12
Pink: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12
Blue: 1 + 5 + 6 = 12

Dice Challenge #17

Inside information: The missing dice next to the Green 4 is a Green 1
Dice Challenge 17.jpg

Can you solve it? Post your answer in the comments!

* Follow me for regular updates on my cryptocurrency portfolio, recent crypto purchases, crypto research or just some Dice Challenges to train your brain ;-)

Upvotes & Resteems are appreciated (and they might lead to higher prizes in the future..).


Extra information: The missing dice next to the Green 4 is a Green 1

Hahaha! I didn't even notice those had to be filled in as well xD You're gonna have to write bigger next time :P

Hahah damn, will do! Good feedback ;-)

What about my latest answer? Still wrong?

Logic: cubes in the left are to be summed, cubes to the right are the square of the ones in the left so:
Green (6+6=12) 12^2 = 144
Black missing: 3 so: (5+3=8) 8^2=64
Blue missing: 6 & 6 on the left, 4 on the right so: (6+6+6+3=21) 21^2=441


Nice! That is correct :-) Check your balance in a few minutes ;-)

:D:D:D:D thank you!!

Well done! Was bummed I missed this one going up, but I don't think I would have gotten it anyway :P

Black, 3.
If you substract the dices 2 by 2 for each colour you get:
Blue 3 and 3, yellow 0 and 0. Therefore it is black 2 and 2. So 3 eyes on the missing black dice.

Unfortunately that is not the correct answer yet. FYI: I've added a little extra information in the comments :-)

Logic: Each group on the left should add up to 12, every group on the right should add up to 10.

Blue (left) missing: 2,1
So: 2+1+6+3=12
Blue (right) missing: 5
So: 5+4+1=10
Green (right) missing: 2
So: 4+4+2=10
Black (left) missing: 7
So: 5+7=12

Unfortunately that is not the correct answer... FYI: I've added a little extra information in the comments :-)

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