Can You Solve It? Dice Challenge #16 + 1 STEEM Dollar (SBD) Prize!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #puzzle7 years ago

Are you ready for Dice Challenge #16?

As always: Figure out the color of the missing dice and number of eyes on each missing dice. I will transfer the prize to the first person who posts the correct answer to the puzzle. To be eligible for the prize your answer should include:

  • The color of each of the missing dice combined with the number of eyes on those dice
  • A clear explanation on how you got to your answer (the logic behind your solution)

Your answer could look something like this (example):

Solution: Purple 2 | Green 3 | Yellow 6
Logic: The dice of each color should add up to 12 (based on the complete sets).

Purple: 2 + 4 + 4 + ? = 12
Green: 1 + 6 + ? + 2 = 12
Yellow: 3 + ? + 6 = 12
Pink: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12
Blue: 1 + 5 + 6 = 12

Dice Challenge #16

Dice Challenge 16.jpg

Can you solve it? Post your answer in the comments!

* Follow me for regular updates on my cryptocurrency portfolio, recent crypto purchases, crypto research or just some Dice Challenges to train your brain ;-)

Upvotes & Resteems are appreciated (and they might lead to higher prizes in the future..).


Yellow 4 | Green 4
Logic: Plus means minus. In one line there should be one color.
5+3=2 → 5-3=2
4+5=4+x+1 → 4-5=4-x-1 → -1=4-x-1 → x=4
y+2+5=1+4 → y-7=1-4 → y=4

Wow, great answer! Apparently there is even another solution to this one! :-)


2nd row: 4 yellow
3rd row: 4 green

Sides are equal under mod 6 (i.e. remainder after division by 6)

Cool, this mathematical approach! Didn't think of it. Unfortunately not the solution I am looking for ;-)

Your logic would be correct for the green lines, but not for yellow right? Then we would get 9 = 9 mod 6, which is incorrect if I still understand math?

I applied mod 6 to both sides! (i.e. the equality holds in a mod 6 world).

Ah, now I get what you were saying! I guess that is correct then as well ;-) Congrats!

There is still another solution possible, but you'll get the credits of solving it first ;-)

And here I thought I was going to bed...

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