Straight up Olmec!

in #pulsechain3 years ago (edited)

Straight up Olmec!

To get where you want to go it will not be easy, besides the tribulations and setbacks there are opportunities and decisions.

What would you sacrifice? For the end results you are looking for you. It is right in front of you and no one else in the history of time will be able to say they were there.


The safe play would be to stake it all for 5555, However you could always create new stakes later... This is a chance to tell the industry we mean business and business should not cost such fees. When a platform promises to be one thing and actively works against those promises, why stay?

As the bridge is built to enable the community, why not take the time to perform your sacrifice. By making the commitment you can let the platform that let you down, that you want the things they promised, and tired of being overly milked. By drying up their lake to fill our reservoir, we get a better product, in an ecosystem with other committed participants.

Wiggling Tie
You need to go APE!!! ALL Possible Effing-INN. Eat nothing but ramen and sunshine for the 29days and inform the blockchain you are committed, SACRIFICING everything takes more of the toys away from those who continually burden their users, while empowering your new ecosystem and securing your seat in a better network with other committed participants who all sold a dream and feed a torture scenario of trillions of malnourished leeches with VB's face bleeding you dry, on fees.

You have a window no one else has, If you are reading this YOU ARE EARLY still, and have a small window of time to act. Lever UP. Pull The Lever! Find any and all capital. We are going to take this capital and sacrifice it, and you need more in order to maximize your results, why not use this time to effectively pull on as many strings as possible to get your bag full while you have the opportunity. The rest of the world is going to let this event pass them by and no matter how loud we yell or try to inform them most still will not care, and like the good little lemmings they are they will continue to run off the cliff. If you understand math, truly want a superior product, why not do your part and commit to your sacrifice, help build the blockchain, claim your throne of those with skin in the game and took action. Others will miss the boat hoping to ride the coattails of others and completely miss the opportunity. Knowing this is generational wealth, it would be wise to maximize your position. Remember that old saying the early bird gets the worm... you are earlier than early, if you take action you get to reap the benefits. Or you may one day remember me trying to inform you, and got the message, just did not act, thus having to enter in later at less opportune entry points missing the whole reason I wanted to put this together, to try and prevent such scenarios.

The Sacrifice.
HEX should be the only thing sacrificed. Why not use those poop coins to increase the buy pressure on HEX, draining supply, and adding positive pressure to price performance. This helps keep it out of the hands of those who would try to use it to adversely affect price { Who's Sellin? -- HEXo }, and making a scarce asset even more rare & scarce. Understand this sacrifice will remove tokens from the market and cementing your new network.

The committed
Do not forget about the list you would be putting your self on, if any future projects decide to launch for pulse, your sacrifice would be there claiming your seat for the ride of a lifetime & while the next stop may be the moon, we will be going intergalactic!!!

Go Big or Go Home
Thought you wanted results? Results are for those who take action.

Once You have made your sacrifice


Afterwards, continue staking, build your t-shares, and


~Much Love!!

Want to support our efforts? Why not purchase our HEX Price Pager.

Looking For A Marketing Solution?

Want the results but do not have the time or want the best results and would prefer someone just hand them to you, and let you enjoy your life? We want to use our knowledge, time and skills to provide results and if you would be willing to take action, we are looking for qualified purchasers, qualified clients or accredited investors that would let us provide results.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 60814.66
ETH 2400.80
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.60