"The Darkest Wizard" - My Entry For V4Vapid's Psyops Writing Contest!

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

“All that stands between me and the enslavement of Earth is the will of the people.” thought the self proclaimed darkest wizard. “How might this ‘will’ be removed?” - the darkest wizard pondered a while and pierced the air with his pointy finger “They must remove their own will, by their own choice – that is the only way to use the will against itself! Yes!”.

dark wizard

And so it was that the destiny of an entire planet came under insidious attack from every possible angle. The darkest wizard had spent countless years placing his minions into every power structure on Earth – if he chose an outcome, every step necessary would be engineered through his heartless machinery to bring that vision into reality. The intention to destroy the will was not a new one by any means – but the conscious idea of turning the will against itself deliberately was new and it opened a whole new avenue for evil to explore in the name of nothingness and destruction.

“What is this will exactly Sir?” - asked the wizard’s lead henchman.

“The will is the part of life which feels, desires and resists our domination. The will knows what it wants and has the means to get it – but it has a weakness – it needs the hearts and minds of the people to guide it and these are what we must use to weaken the will and have our way.”

Sure enough, it was not long before huge teams of twisted and unscrupulous ‘experts’ were assembled to scour through thousands of years worth of research into every field imaginable – searching for ever more stealthy and corrupted ways to reverse hearts and minds against their real needs.

The darkest wizard stood in the control center of his vast network of underground bunkers – he cocked an eyebrow and said “We must deceive the people so thoroughly that they have no idea what is truth any more. The lies must look so true that no-one will dare question them and those that do will be uncertain and mocked as a result. We must employ our hand picked supporters in positions of high authority to reinforce the illusions and do everything possible to gain the trust of the innocent so they may be crushed and controlled through their own self created entrapment.”

feed the beast

This grand and evil plan soon took form – with thousands of men and women being deceived to join military forces where the ‘training’ destroys self determination in the name of ‘being the best’ - controlling the will of the people in every waking breath – just as the vision decreed. Once these men and women were turned into robotic, order following, heavily armed manbots they went forth into the world, backed up by hidiously reversed mind control programs that claimed to ‘win hearts and minds’ - yet which never mentioned the full truth of who exactly was winning and who exactly was losing. The truth was that the only winner was the darkest wizard and the losers were everyone else who fell for the half truths, propaganda and outright lies passed off as fact that his grand scheme had brought into being.

“Yes we can” was one slogan, which was conveniently unspecific enough to allow for redirection of the will of the people who had been tricked into chanting the words as a mantra. “Never lose hope” was another – which never mentioned that hope requires despair and that once despair is healed, hope is understood to be a waste of energy. No slogan was too empty or too vacant enough to be used, provided it gave the impression of leading the people to freedom, but in truth led them nowhere.

As the numbers of supporters grew, the power of the darkest wizard grew too – now it was no longer necessary to provide such defend-able evidence and logic for his propaganda – his hypnotised minions would not even question whether or not what they were being told was true, so he could say almost anything.

“We have many of their minds” - the dark wizard thought, “But their will still rejects total domination.. They still want to survive and have their own lives.. We must teach them that their will is their enemy.. If they discover an empowering idea we must quickly beat down their will into submission so that they feel powerlessness when that idea comes up again – they will reject everything that makes them stronger and think they are being helped as they grow weaker”.

Not everyone was under the dark wizard’s spell – some had seen and felt through his intentions early on and sought to use their own power to rectify the situation. Some used science to prove beyond any doubt that the dark wizard’s death dealing forms of ‘science’ were corrupt and some perfected their own strength in all ways possible to show how they did not need his pyramid structures and groupthink to be powerful. Whenever these groups sought to free those caught in the dark wizard’s spell, they would find that somehow they immediately met resistance that ranged from unexpected snarky comments from people they didn’t know, through to suddenly meeting ‘accidents’ that seemed to come from nowhere.

When the free people congregated there would often be shadowy figures heckling their conversations, claiming that their ways that supported life were actually tricks that were being used to weaken them, exactly as the darkest wizard really WAS doing with his death dealing ways. Whatever the darkest wizard did, they would deny he was doing and claim that in fact it was the free thinkers who were doing these things through their own ways that were, as they claimed, ‘new age woo woo’, ‘unscientific’ or ‘communist’ - sometimes they would use their favourite put down and call these people ‘twoothers’ - an undercurrent insinuation that anyone seeking truth openly was foolish and illiterate.

For some time this plan to destroy the will on Earth gained in momentum and even while millions died in wars that no-one could fully understand the point of – many people continued to blindly trust what they were told through the darkest wizard’s ambassadors in mass media and the indoctrination centers that were cunningly called ‘schools’ and ‘universities’.

The darkest wizard saw to it that those who denied their real feelings and lost their own will actually rose in his artificial power pyramids – thinking that they were doing well; even when they died of a total lack of soul presence – they still thought they were doing well. The darkest wizard did this by negating every insight that emotions gave and claiming that emotions were dangerous and could not be trusted – systems of ‘law’ and science were created based on the removal of intuition and the felt understandings needed to truly be in touch with life itself. What remained was something that looked like life, but which really was only barely alive – yet the majority were so disconnected that they thought that this hollow shell was really all there was possible in life.

There was a flaw in the darkest wizard’s plan though – that he could not foresee because he could not feel. What he had not felt was that the will he sought to kill was, in fact, part of him too and that he could not achieve anything from his plan without destroying himself. He was also unable to feel that those who saw through his plan could themselves feel enough to be 10 steps ahead of him.

Every day those who stood for consciousness in place of unconsciousness diligently did what they needed to do to bring balance and despite being told good was bad and that they just weren’t ‘thinking positively’ enough – those who had awakened to their true nature were unstoppable. At first they were mostly un-noticed by the majority who were by now so confused and caught up in their own neuroses that they had lost the ability to notice the presence of real power. Gradually though, the paper thin veneer of the darkest wizard’s plots became ever more obvious even to the most lost of people and while they didn’t like to admit being so mistaken, they came to eventually learn that even in their most soul-less moments the universal light of consciousness was always watching over them and gently nudging them to draw into them the warmth that they needed.




[forgive me beforehand,,, i'm not a good creative writer,,, more a technical writer but you've tickled my fancy....]

A few of the more diligent and technologically inclined had uncovered powerful knowledge that would turn the tables on the Dark Wizard. They studied things like cryptography so that they could send private messages to each other without the Dark Wizard and his minions being capable of reading them. They crated a world wide network of decentralized nodes, all under the nose of the Dark Wizard as his corrupt organizations paid for it. Eventually they had enough knowledge and heart to put their attack into motion, a decentralized Operating System on top of the Network that allowed the creation of Banks and new types of Autonomous Organizations with no central controller. Yes they managed to bypass and make obsolete all the financial and culturally bound centralized systems of control that the Dark Wizard had been using via his ignorant zombie minions and their slaves.

It came out of nowhere, taking the Dark Wizard by total surprise, he wasn't even capable of understanding what it was in the beginning, because it was so revolutionary and beyond his capability of reasoning that even he and not only his ignorant minions were caught saying: "That stuff is a stupid fad for idots, like the Hula Hoop", but he was wrong, it was more like the skateboard or the surfboard.

This new economy grew, 300 Billion,,, 1 TRILLION,,,, until it devoured the entire Corporate, Government and Legal structure the Dark Wizard had put into place. These "automation" technologies spread into robotics and energy became almost free causing the creation of the Zero Marginal Cost economy where every product became almost free to replicate, even on the production scale of billions. This along with the now awakened hearts of the masses lead to the implementation of a Resource Based Economy and the world blossomed into an ever emergent paradise where all were free to pursue their inner most passion, the opportunity to Self Actualize. Life became miraculous again, and people and intelligence and heart expanded off the planet and took over the universe with LOVE and TRUTH as its only guide.

(see: Ethereum, Resource Based Economy, Zero Marginal Cost [Jerry Rifkin], The VenusProject)
@technoslut @ankarlie

Ah, very good - I am still unclear whether all of our online techno-magic is part of a trap or part of liberation - but it is surely more capable of helping us than the limited structures in society that came before it!

Have no fear, all that was meant to pass will pass.

Ah yes - each savior is more suspicious than the last!


our online techno-magic is part of a trap or part of liberation

Depends on how one uses it : )

Crypto FUD.png

This was Brilliant Bruv! Sorry I missed it the first pass.

Interesting with the personification into a dark wizard. I have heard everything from Lizard Aliens to Mindless black force - Dark Wizard seems somewhere in the middle!

There's been space in creation for all of the forms of heartlessness, but not for much longer!

The a-wakening is a-happening!

The repressed will resurfaces!

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