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RE: "The Darkest Wizard" - My Entry For V4Vapid's Psyops Writing Contest!

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

[forgive me beforehand,,, i'm not a good creative writer,,, more a technical writer but you've tickled my fancy....]

A few of the more diligent and technologically inclined had uncovered powerful knowledge that would turn the tables on the Dark Wizard. They studied things like cryptography so that they could send private messages to each other without the Dark Wizard and his minions being capable of reading them. They crated a world wide network of decentralized nodes, all under the nose of the Dark Wizard as his corrupt organizations paid for it. Eventually they had enough knowledge and heart to put their attack into motion, a decentralized Operating System on top of the Network that allowed the creation of Banks and new types of Autonomous Organizations with no central controller. Yes they managed to bypass and make obsolete all the financial and culturally bound centralized systems of control that the Dark Wizard had been using via his ignorant zombie minions and their slaves.

It came out of nowhere, taking the Dark Wizard by total surprise, he wasn't even capable of understanding what it was in the beginning, because it was so revolutionary and beyond his capability of reasoning that even he and not only his ignorant minions were caught saying: "That stuff is a stupid fad for idots, like the Hula Hoop", but he was wrong, it was more like the skateboard or the surfboard.

This new economy grew, 300 Billion,,, 1 TRILLION,,,, until it devoured the entire Corporate, Government and Legal structure the Dark Wizard had put into place. These "automation" technologies spread into robotics and energy became almost free causing the creation of the Zero Marginal Cost economy where every product became almost free to replicate, even on the production scale of billions. This along with the now awakened hearts of the masses lead to the implementation of a Resource Based Economy and the world blossomed into an ever emergent paradise where all were free to pursue their inner most passion, the opportunity to Self Actualize. Life became miraculous again, and people and intelligence and heart expanded off the planet and took over the universe with LOVE and TRUTH as its only guide.

(see: Ethereum, Resource Based Economy, Zero Marginal Cost [Jerry Rifkin], The VenusProject)
@technoslut @ankarlie


Ah, very good - I am still unclear whether all of our online techno-magic is part of a trap or part of liberation - but it is surely more capable of helping us than the limited structures in society that came before it!

Have no fear, all that was meant to pass will pass.

Ah yes - each savior is more suspicious than the last!


our online techno-magic is part of a trap or part of liberation

Depends on how one uses it : )

Crypto FUD.png

This was Brilliant Bruv! Sorry I missed it the first pass.

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