A message to victims of physical and psychological abuse

in #psychology6 years ago
I have been thinking about writing this for a couple of days now and am still not sure if I will be able to say everything I want to and make a powerful enough text that will make a difference to somebody. My hope that it will is strong and sometimes helping even one person is good enough because that one person maybe needed exactly this to help herself. This is one of those topics that I am very sensitive about and if anything can get me to show my teeth it is the subject of abuse, any abuse.

Before I start, let me tell you a little personal story. 11 years ago when I started going out with my hubby, I told him that he can hit me but only once and if he decides to do so he better hit me so hard it kills me. If he fails and leaves me alive... Well... Sooner or later, he too will fall asleep and that is a sleep he will not be waking up from ever again. I may be weaker than him but I will find a big and heavy enough object to use while he is not awake and not able to defend himself or know what hit him. 11 years from then, we are happy together and I found out that he would never abuse me. He is just not that kind of person but I do know (he told me so several times) that he will never forget our little talk back then and that he is proud of me for standing up for myself. I am happy that I never resulted in finding a heavy object and that I have an amazing and loving person in my life who will always be by my side with his support and kindness. Not all women are that lucky...

It has come to our attention that one of our friends is in serious trouble. Yes, she is in trouble because of some bad decisions she has made but that does not mean she does not need help and support. Blaming the victim is something that really annoys me and "to annoy" is an understatement. Smoke starts coming out of my ears when I hear idiots saying "She had it coming". Well, idiots, you had my foot coming with that kind of stupidity... But I will get to that later. Let me first tell you her story...

She is in a really bad place now and was feeling trapped for a long time. It all started in high school when she got pregnant. Everything was fine and she married the father of her child, it was a love story you would not believe with the help and support of everyone. It turned out that he was a control freak that psychologically abused her for years so she divorced him. Eight years ago she met another man and fell head over heels in love with him. I know him and I always found him creepy as hell. You know that feeling when you meet someone and you immediately realize they are not a nice person? Sometimes, I hate when I am right.

He is a psycho...

In eight years they were together he managed to win over her family and turn them all against her portraying himself as perfect and convincing them she is stupid and incompetent. Her family was never normal and always had Jerry Springer issues but to turn your back on your own daughter is, at least for me, horrible and unforgivable. They started being his family first and hers second. The next thing he did was to crush all her friendships. She was not allowed to go anywhere and speak to anyone without his presence. Classical psychological abuse and manipulation. He told her that he needs to be enough for her and that she has no reason to go anywhere without him and of course how he loves her and is doing everything for her. Her proof of love is that she listens to everything he says and blindly obeys.

Alchocol, drugs and cheating...

She was not allowed to have friends but he was. The explanation was how he is a man and needs company, she as a woman does not. Who knows how many times he cheated on her. She was home and he was drinking, taking drugs and fu*king around everything he could. Her family was on his side and she had fewer and fewer friends to turn to. Nine months ago, she gave birth to a baby boy and (just as far too many women do) thought how things would change for the better. Of course, they didn't. It only got worse. This is a good time to say how her first husband is not paying her alimony, she is not working and completely financially dependant on this psychopath.

Lucky break

She does not realize it yet but she did catch a break when he left to work in another country. She was home alone with two children and she was sending her some money, very little money but still enough to brag about it. It was not enough to even buy diapers let alone anything else. In that other country, he started living with another woman and did not even try to hide it. There were pictures on social media everywhere and this friend of ours started losing it. He even told her that he is going to be with both of them and there was nothing she could do. That was his decision and it was final. After some encouragement, she finally decided to leave him and that is when all hell broke loose. He is not a person who takes rejection easily...

200 calls and messages a day...

When she told him they were breaking up, his response was "No we're not." He called her family members and they all started pushing her. This is what her family members sent her in text messages:

  • "You are fat, he found a prettier one. Ask for forgiveness." by her mother
  • "This is all your fault, he is perfect and you are stupid for wanting to leave him" by her grandmother
  • "Do not make trouble, be silent and happy anyone wants you." by her father
  • "He is a man, men cheat, do not be so dramatic." by her grandmother
He started calling her and sending her more than 200 messages per day with threats and saying how she owes him everything and is nothing without him and he will not have this. He even threatened to take her children away. Her mind began to break and he ended up in the hospital having a serious panic attack after two days of pain in her chest and troubles breathing. No sleep for two days either and nothing to eat. She is still breastfeeding her baby and her older child is traumatized by seeing his mother crying and screaming all the time. Finally, we convinced her to call a certain organization that helps women in this kind of situations.

Very satisfied and proud of that organization

People came one hour after they were called. A psychologist, a bodyguard, and a layer. Our friend got the support she needed. Her family is furious about this and are still calling her names and telling her she should be ashamed of herself for calling for help but she is starting to feel better. She now knows that there will be professionals helping her with her children while she is visiting a doctor or looking for a job and that she will have help with getting back to her healthy self. They even politely explained to her grandmother to leave her apartment before they call the police when the old bat came and started yelling at our friend. Time will tell but I am optimistic and believe that everything will work out for her. Fingers crossed.

Abusers are always cowards and can feel powerful only when they make someone else powerless and dependent on them. Psychological manipulation is the main problem here.

Victims of abuse are convinced that they are stupid, ugly, worthless and should be happy their abuser loves and is taking care of them. They will not speak about this and will often defend their abuser. They feel so much fear that it is making them unable to ask for help. A lot of them even refuse help when it is offered because they do not see a way out.

There is always a way out

If you know a person who is abused in any way or are one yourself, trust me, there is always a way out. When you are robbed of your personal power and feel so low that you do not consider yourself a human being, you first need psychological help. Your brain is screwed and it needs to be fixed. You do deserve to be happy. You being abused is not your fault. You are a beautiful and smart person. You are strong enough to help yourself. No one can help you if you do not help yourself first.

The only way you can help yourself is to take your power back. You will do this by accepting that you deserve better and there is a way to get there. By deciding you have had enough and sticking to that decision, you are helping yourself and that is enough. Everything else will be done by professionals.

We live in a modern age, if you do not know the number you can call, google it. If you do not have internet, go to a nearby library and use the internet there. If you have zero money and no phone, walk over to the first police officer you see and tell him your story. There are organizations that will help you.

Every physical abuser started out as psychological abuser, each and every one. If he is using his words to abuse, he will use his fists soon enough, they all do. It is a normal evolutionary pattern in their abusive behavior. It is never too soon and never too late to ask for advice or help. IF you are suffering physically or emotionally, there are people who can help. They will help financially, legally and medically.

You are not alone

There are people who are able to help you, people who know what they are doing and have experience. You are not the first and sadly will not be the last victim. You are only one call away from getting the help you deserve. YOU DO DESERVE HELP! There is no shame in asking for it, no shame in being the victim and no shame in being powerless. There is always a way out. Even if your family and friends are against you and if you feel all alone in the entire world, you are not. There is no excuse for violence, no excuse for abuse and you DID NOT brought it on to yourself, you ARE NOT the one to blame.

Here is a list of numbers you can call if you need help. I have done some digging around the internet and these are the ones I found. I am sorry if your country is not on the list. If it is not, it is not because there is not a hotline there but because my time is limited and there are too many countries in the world for me to cover them all at this moment, but I hope I will soon.


Australia1800 737 7321800respect
Austria0800 222 555gewaltfreileben
Belgium0800 30 030ecouteviolencesconjugales
Bosnia and Hercegovina126516dana
Bulgaria+359 2 981 76 86stopvaw
Croatia+385 1 4663 666b.a.b.e.
Finland+358 800 02400naistenlinja
France3919 solidaritefemmes
Germany08000 116 016helpline
New Zeland0800 733 843WomensRefuge
Russia08800 700 600ANNA
Serbiavarious phones on -->brojevi telefona za podršku
Slovenia080 11 55SOS
Sweden020 52 1010terrafem
United Kingdom0808 2000 247nationaldomesticviolencehelpline
United States1-800-799-7233HotLine

Do not let fear control your life and determine your future. There is always a way out. If you had no one that believed in you, now you do. I BELIEVE IN YOU! You are a beautiful person deserving of love and a nice life. In order for others to help you, you need to help yourself first and you can do that by taking your power back and saying STOP. STOP to abuse and suffering. STOP to violence.


Deciding that it is time for the abuse to STOP is all you have to do. Decide now.

Image sources:
- a purple ribbon in my titles to promote awareness of domestic violence is from wikipedia, you can check it out here
- all images used in this post are from pixabay and are free for personal and commerical use, you can check them out by following these links: Alexas_Fotos , Free-Photos, rebcenter-moscow , Engin_Akyurt, DianaERios & isabellaquintana




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Thank you 💚💚💚

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Thank you, that is very lovely of you 💚

Wonderful article @zen-art! Awesome that you shared where people from all over the world can get the support they need too. I can't believe your friend had to endure all of this, glad she got out of such a horrible situation. This guy was definitely a narcissist, and she is probably has an empathetic personality that he was attracted to. It's a match made in hell, and sadly this kind of pairing happens all the time.

Oh yes, this kind of pairing happens far too often, unfortunately. Thank you for your lovely comment darling 💚

Very informative post. Very glad you wrote this!

Thank you, I am glad you found it interesting 💚

It is so important to write about this @zen-art, even though it is difficult to talk about it remaining silent allows the abuse to continue. I cannot get over her family though, that man must be something else to be able to turn them against her. I am glad she has you though, but please keep writing about this it is so important to be the voice for those who are oppressed. much love xxx

Keeping silent about this is the biggest problem, a lot of victims feel to much shame to speak up. I agree that it is the reason for the rest of us to talk, encourage and help whenever we can. Much love to you too 💚

Excellent post on an important topic. It's interesting that you say you found your friend's partner "creepy as hell", because one of my best friends from school was physically abused by her husband a few years ago, and when I first heard about it, I was astonished because he seemed like such a lovely guy - friendly, chatty, a good listener, and not in the slightest bit lecherous. When my friend invited us round to dinner for a girls' evening, he would cook, serve our food and then obligingly disappear. We all thought she'd found the perfect man.
When I first heard that he'd hit my friend, I thought it was a one-off and that he must have snapped due to stress. Then it happened again, and again. Eventually she left him.
She had met this man through a friend who was married to his relative. It turned out that this friend had been abused by her husband too, and he had also been sexually abusing their daughter, who is very psychologically disturbed as a result. I've never met the other friend's husband, but I know that both men are from a well-off family, well educated, and both have very good jobs - which shouldn't really be a factor, but people who haven't experienced this kind of thing tend to think it happens in families with chaotic lifestyles, maybe as a result of stress and/or alcohol and drug abuse. We try to rationalise it.
I'm glad that both of my friends got out of those terrible relationships.

They always pretend to be nice but I have radar for creepiness I guess :D This guy also seemed nice, especially to her family. I am happy that your friend managed to get out of that toxic relationship. Thank you for sharing your experience 💚

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Thank you 💚💚💚

It's hard for me to comprehend what happens in the mind of the abuser. It breaks my heart that there are people being abused every day and the only thing I can do is nothing.

Abusers were often victims themselves and suffer from big unhealthy egos with a need to control others. We may hate them but they need our help too. It is like abusers are breeding new abusers, unfortunately. It brings me pain too.

I’m glad you wrote this @zen-art. So much abuse going on and many people seem to be in emotionally and physically unhappy situations. I’m glad this woman has gotten help. I can’t believe the attitude of her family.

Her family is old school, very very old school and there are many families like that which think women should suffer in silence. Thank you for your comment darling 💚

Saddening to read through the experience of the culprit. Although it is a private matter that whether or not she wants to stand up against the abuse, it is always important to let her know that there are people who are more than willing to help whenever she needs.

There is always help and the victims need to be aware of that, they often think they are alone. This is what we need to teach them. Thank you for your lovely words 💚

Ya, education is important as well to have the knowledge and awareness about their rights and availability of aid. You are most welcome @zen-art!

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