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RE: The "Feel-Good" Pleasure-Trap Focus

in #psychology7 years ago

Was your fave subject philosophy? Because this reminds me of my Philo 3 class. That aside, this is something that a lot of us fall into daily. Quick fixes. Life is too hectic nowadays, too stressful that we end up grabbing the nearest quick fix we can get, if only to escape for a while. We're now more focused on self-actualization/gratification that it becomes the new "basic need". As I was reading this, I thought of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and it doesn't seem so simple now because we jumble the order. Or perhaps it's because there's a lot to be had that no one is ever satisfied anymore and in an attempt to fill whatever dissatisfaction or void, we easily fall into the pleasure trap. Kind of like cocaine (am I even allowed to say that here?). First shot is always the one with the biggest feel-good effect. After that, any dose wouldn't reach the same high so people would have to use a higher dose and use do it more often. I think that goes for this as well, whatever our fixes are. It's always easier to just want to feel "happy" than suffer through pain (unless you're masochistic of course lol) because we're wired that way. Avoid anything painful, stick with the good feeling. Or perhaps we just evolved that way because with the advent of technology, we have more options. Caveman years, I don't think they focused on feeling good because they were too busy focusing on how to survive.

Do what makes you happy. Isn't that what we're told now? Rarely does one tell you to do what is right. And even then, barely anyone ever listens anyway and the concept of right and wrong changes from one culture to the other. Ah! I'm gonna stop. I feel like I'm back in school and I'm probably going to end making a super long comment. Great post. Keep them coming!


It's part of survival, the avoidance of pain. We primarily feel in order to survive. And we are driven to seek pleasure because it feels good. Something that tastes good is generally safe to eat in that it won't directly kill us.

Yeah the mad focus on being happy to feel good is everywhere. Just do what you like, not what's right hehe.

Thanks for the feedback :)

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