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RE: Therapy is a Waste of Time....

in #psychology7 years ago

Studies have shown that all 'therapy' does is re-traumatize the victims.

it doesn't actually solve the problem. But there is something that (I think) does.

What is needed is someone to talk to who is not a therapist. Someone who will just let you rant and rage. Someone who will offer to bury the body with you, or at least hold your coat while you do it.

And then they'll hand you a beer and you go off and do something else.

Often that someone can just be a cat. (It takes some training to get them to get the beer out of the fridge however)

I have spent years working with abuse victims, and the most progress they ever had was just being out in the world doing stuff with someone (me) just giving them a hand when they needed it, how they needed it when they needed it. Not once a fortnight for an hour in an office.

I was not overly loved by psychiatrists however.


Thanks for your response. Yes, cats are helpful. :) No they aren't the best with the fetching of beer but that's okay. Yeah often when I'm in "crisis " it's not time to see the therapist and for the mostly competent one i have/ Had now he'd be be great if I could use him when actually in a bad moment rather Than have to drum it back up in the "hour" long session (often only 50 to 55 minutes....)
It's just not a good model of treatment.

As for psychiatrists, they can be annoying to great to just okay. I've had 2/3 that were ok/great. Only switched from the previous bc of moving. I really despise the Types trying to switch up the meds just so you have to go back more often. Or when they don't listen to you about what is helping. I had one cut back the anxiety med by 75% and increase the seroquel by 75% simultaneously. I seriously felt like a guinea pig. The other two / the one i have now don't try to change things so that's good. Consistency is obviously important with meds

I recently read ketamine is being explored as a treatment for depression!

Happiness is also good for depression. Oh and baby otters ;-)

Omg. That's such an adorable otter!! Thanks for the surge of happiness :D

You are very welcome ;-)

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