in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,it's good to be back, been engrossed recently and I'm not been in the best place yet. Last month and early this month has been the most toughest times in my life, I express gratitude toward God for friends ,my husband , my son and family. Without them I would have been selfish enough to end life it. I wish I can go further however i'd wanted to stop here and relate more on the present topic.

I know a few of us haven't known about the word Gelotophobia? it's an exceptionally regular phobia and I will also let it out that I have this phobia.

To start with what is Gelotophobia ? It is fear of being laughed at. When I was growing up, people taunted me for some specific reasons, possibly the way I walk, talk or dress(tomboyish dressing) I allowed it get to me and furthermore my mum beating me within the sight of my childhood friends kinda presented me to this fear. We see people on social media who barely acknowledge a joke, having not to trust cordial laughter even from friends.

Being amidst a gathering of laughing friends is typically a happy experience ,yet for for those with a standard Phobia, it is definitely not they are people with this phobia. They are considered to misinterpret laughter related situations,auditory laughter as well as teasing situation as ridicule, including feelings of shame.

people with this phobia may think that its hard to discover love as flirting regularly includes laughing.

Gelotophobia beliefs and outlook.

  • They dodge social circumstances to avoid from being laughed at or mocked.

  • They worry that they look absurd/ridiculous to others.

  • They have low self-esteem due to feeling incompetent in social situations.

  • They think they are not an enthusiastic/lively person, are not unconstrained/spontaneous and do not experience many joyful moments in their daily lives.

  • They struggle to know what to say to people in a natural way.

  • They generally question their knowledge/intelligence.

  • They worry that people figure they don't connect with them in a warm, inviting manner and think they are humorless.

people with this fear prefers solitary activities to social activities.


It is caused by traumatic experiences of ridicule and shaming from childhood or adulthood. Situations like beating a child in a public where his/her peers are within. Growing into puberty so rapidly.

How to overcome such Phobia.

  • Face your fear heads on: Always realize that there is not nothing to be humiliated/embarrassed about and remember you're not the only one in this journey.

  • Try not to let panics and setbacks a chance to incapacitate your objectives: everyone has a terrible day once in a while (as I did two days ago, I called it a shitty day, those in my Contact list knew a little about it because of my WhatsApp story/status). The most vital thing isn't to let yours incapacitate you from moving forward. Although such days may feel like you're not making progress, they are deceitful, on such occasions, step Bach and assess how you've come with your gelotophobia.

  • Lastly speak to someone about it or speak to a professional if you can afford it.

Till next time I remain my humble self @sweetestglo-eu.

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1, 2, 3,4,5.

Thanks to @organiks for the awesome toon.


Lovely topic. I believe most of us readers faced this challenge growing up. Even till present a good number are still weighed down by this "phobia".

I consider this piece helpful and recommend it for all who feel so low in esteem.

Great work @sweetestglo-eu. We await more.

Thank you dear for the visit. yeah more coming your way.

This exist but didn't know it was a psychological ish or even considered as phobia. I hate when parents beat or abuse children in the public or in front of their friends, it will only make kids go back into their shell which leads to gelotophobia.

Thanks love for sharing. Also I want you to take things easy it will all be fine. My regards to my young cutie

My sweet sis, I pray I get back to myself.. It has not been easy but I have to be very positive. Thank you so much for visiting.. I learnt the not beating kids in public from what my mum did it to me.. It kinda zeroed my confidence level and I wouldn't want that for my son. I will greet him for you ...

Your post reminds me of a time of how i do feel when a minnow laugh at me, it make me feel completely devastated and absurd, but as time goes i learn something.
Which i should never let other people laughter become a source of pain to me, rather it should be an open door for me to smile.

Lovely words of encouragement, and yes the best time to put in your best is when being laughed at.

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