Sometimes you take a day off

in #psychology7 years ago

I had every intention of meeting my writing goals for the day. Three posts. That's what I prefer to crank out. But my morning was hectic and the day never slowed down. What did happen is I got together with a beloved friend for a meal after my workout. I held space for her.

I dealt with a very hard family situation. Other friends held space for me.

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It turned out my friend was exhausted. Her house is about 40 minutes from town. I invited her back to my place to nap while I took my child to an appointment. I checked in on her, then I was back off to pick up my other children.

Homework. Dinner. Library program.

And between those things, phone calls. Body pain. Anxiety. Gratitude.

I am doing very well right now, but I am also just barely hanging on. I have too many irons in the fire. It's time to simplify. Part of that looks like me leaving Facebook. Of the classes I am now teaching through Ivy Tech, I will have to scale back from four to two. Either that or turn one into a weekend retreat rather than a 6 week session.

I am pruning my activities to make room for what brings me the most joy. The weather is warming. I grow frantic in Winter because it is a season of death. Cold pushes me into overdrive. I typed until my fingers are numb, stringing words together at a dizzying pace, head down and focused on an income. It's unfortunate that reaching my goals requires money.

Let me tell you a bit about one: My coaching business is built on supporting writers and artists in releasing their hard stories for their own recovery. I love honing their work with them, walking alongside through the editing process. To that end, I have created @surviveyourstory. That account will soon have an application process. I want to highlight writers on Steemit who are engaging tough topics and using their pain not only to make art and heal themselves, but to heal others.

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I am also working on a proposal calling for delegations to @linkyourlife, the account for my non-profit, LinkYourLife, which seeks to provide financial support for artists and survivors seeking educational opportunities. LinkYourLife is about COMMUNITY; we connect deeply with one another and work to co-create business and learning events such as retreats, product cross-promotion and many other options. It is all inclusive, compassion-based and will offer constructive business coaching within our Discord. We work for each other and with each other to effect global change through awareness of issues pertaining to survivorship through the arts.

If this excites you as much as is it does me, you are welcome to delegate SP to @linkyourlife now, helping us amplify disenfranchised voices. Also feel free to tag a friend who might love this in comments.

You can tell there is a lot on my mind. Most of it is wonderful. But today my spoons were low. So I cranked up the music in the car while I was between places and didn't worry about writing until I had a lovely quiet moment. One daughter is playing Minecraft, one is building with Lincoln Logs, and my son is with the teen Anime club hopefully making some new friends or, at least, discovering some new anime.

Even with all the pain, I love today. Thank you for reading, friends.

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This sounds like an amazing initiative! I know it will help si many ppl. Question anout spoons.. how do you keept track of them? I feel like im running on empty a good 75% of the time. I want to start excersizing, managing my time, all that.. but its my day off and i could barely get myself out of bed. I cant even imagine how you manage to stay so calm and peaceful and there for everyone... also how does one gain spoons?

I love this question. For me, I usually know about how many spoons I have when I wake up. I'm very cautious about how I parcel them out. I know, for example, I've got to have a minimum of two to deal well with my eldest child. One each for the others. So if I wake up like I feel today, I take my as-needed medication to hopefully bolster my mental wellness and spoon level, and then proceed with caution, doing only the minimum to get by. Getting more spoons? That, for me, came through being able to identify the causes of feeling low. My spoons increase as I release trauma, although they often decrease during the release because it's hard work. I'm guessing it's different for everyone as some people have clear physical spoon-saps. Exercise actually gives me more spoons. I wish I was hitting the gym this morning. I think it would knock the fluff out of my brain.

Always remember that you can't pour from an empty cup.

I felt the truth of this painfully when I reached the end of my coffee this morning. I refilled that cup and also scheduled myself a nap.

Naps are awesome. Good for you.

Such BIG heart you have @shawnamawna :) You decided to stop for the one, your friend's life will never be the same!

Heys, you attitude towards life is super inspiring! It's okay to go slower for a day with that much of things going on constantly in your life. You have my respect! Be loved and be filled again.

Even with all the pain, I love today.

BREATHE! Joy and peace to you today, hugs! <3

Thank you so much. My friend--she's wonderful to be around because she truly lives moment to moment. I am supposed to help her tomorrow morning at her house. I'm trying to determine whether I can based on how I feel today. I think I may need to schedule more rest and help her another time.

IT was my first time to “meet” you, yeah crossed upon your page. I am less than 2-month old Steemian anyway. But as I was reading your post, wow, i am at awe how you are able to manage your time, much more your life pretty well. I am a full time mom, and manages a little business and I could barely breathe. Well, okay that was an exaggeration. LoL. So, yes, this post I read here is inspiring, that I can do other things besides being a mom. You inspired me to think outside of the family circle as well, and do something for the community.

It is SO HARD to step outside motherhood (or incorporate work into motherhood). I feel this fiercely. I have had to make many choices this year that had me questioning myself, but my truth is that when I'm busy with projects I enjoy that are unrelated to parenting, I have more room in my heart for parenting. I'm still working on that balance, but I'll get there. Good luck to you!

I am pruning my activities to make room for what brings me the most joy.

Two months ago after my graduation from the University, I was still confused on what to do. I had to wait for the perfect work to do.... I spoke with some family members who encouraged me to pray harder for divine direction.. I told God, I didn't want to live my life at anybody's mercy, I wanted to create happiness in whatsoever I'm doing .

When I joined steemit some weeks ago, I made some friends who were also writing poems, I derived great satisfaction in writing poems, the contentment I had was so real and solid, I had to prune some activities I was involved in to create more time to what gives me more joy....

I am joyful you made that choice @sammynathaniels. Your work is lovely and your presence here warms my heart. It's scary undertaking new risks, and Steemit is one. I'm glad you are moving heart-first in the world.

I love this. I love how giving you are, what a great friend you are... whilst at the same time careful not to overextend yourself too much (or at least not for too long). I feel like I need to get better at setting reasonable goals and stop beating myself up when I plan/want to do too much.

I think, like you said, I just don't do so well in winter. It feels like I'm dragging myself through the muck of depression and apathy for the season. I need to figure out better ways to deal with it other than just finding myself with my wheels spinning, trying desperately to find words to explain myself (even if it's only to explain it to ME so I can better understand what is going on in my own self). I feel like I used to be better at it... now, I just don't know.

I am going to go check out your other page and your project, because I would like to help with this at some point soon.

I need to get better at writing my actual thoughts and feelings, because I used to do it daily and it really helped me a lot.

Thanks for the inspiration <3

I hope you have a fantastic day.


I feel like I need to get better at setting reasonable goals and stop beating myself up when I plan/want to do too much.

I'm so glad to inspire you in any way. You are phenomenal. I love your honesty and presence. <3

Looks like you really do have a lot going on! I already followed your @surviveyourstory project - looking forward to checking it out. Take care.

Thank you so much. I am really looking forward to getting that going. I need to get @linkyourlife fully launched, then comes @surviveyourstory. There are ways they work together, although they are separate as far as business is concerned. :)

Hey @shawnamawna, I know this may seem like a paradox of sorts to write this here based on the subject of this post but I felt this is as good a place as ever to plead my case because I am truly a fan and I also I sense a kindred spirit connection. I wanted you to know that I am preparing to launch my first Steemit Fiction Writing Series that will be a collaboration. I am extending an invitation to all my favorite writers, that includes you. I have picked out characters and I have done script starters, I would like you to be apart, I think you would love the character and the script starter. You can be involved as miniature or little or as much as you like just please don't break my heart and say no. Like i mentioned earlier this is a series. A new episode will launch every 3 to 4 days. you can be in one, two or more you get to decide. I am only choosing about 12 people and you were at the top of my list. Thanks for your consideration

This is really exciting! I'm so interested in this! Thank you @rensoul17. I'm honored.

Ah yes!! @shawnamawna,Thank you , great!! Okay I am calming down....This is the link to my server on discord. It's my tribe - TribeGlobal-Love. We can talk more there. When I see you show up I can private message you. Again thanks. And also if you have another way you want to make contact just let me know. I have got to go grocery shopping now but I will be back on discord in about 2 hours. I know it's getting late tomorrow may be better for you I understand. Here's the link

I like your accent. You always share with us something unique in every little time you
get irrespective of your busy schedules. You are very strong woman in all areas
of life and this is what i have come to notice about you. @shawnamawna

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