The Mystique of High Heeled ShoessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Most fashion trends come and go, but a very few are enduring. Among the most interesting of latter is the high heeled shoe.

Suiting up

Before they were "merely" fashionable, heels once served practical purposes. For instance, they were used by ancient horsemen to keep the foot from slipping from the stirrup (some theorize that this was, in fact, their origin). And they were used by ancient butchers to keep their feet clean and dry while standing in pools of blood.

But modern heels are worn purely for fashion. Right? not.

Studies have repeatedly shown that men (though interestingly not women) behave very differently (generally better) around women wearing heels. Check out this summary of some fascinating research on the subject: Perhaps the modern heel serves the very practical purpose of unconsciously manipulating men?

Given the enduring mystique of high heels and the differences in how males and females react to their wearers, scientists have long suspected an evolutionary explanation for their longevity. Heels tend to exaggerate certain well-known evolutionarily cues that apparently serve as proxies for female health and sexual vitality--namely, heels influence the apparent size and shape of female breasts (by thrusting them forward as the shoulders are drawn backward for balance), buttocks (as the hips are tilted forward the rear is lifted higher) and feet (by making them appear smaller). They also add an exaggerated sway to one's gait, forcing the wearer to walk in characteristically feminine and highly endearing (at least to males) ways.

These evolutionary triggers make sense, and I have little doubt that they explain some of the enduring mystique of high heels. And yet, I suspect there's a little more to it. Heels are so numinous to many males, at least in part, because they are their signaling (even though much of it happens on an unconscious level). Wearing them for extended periods is notoriously uncomfortable and they serve no practical purpose. So...why wear them at all? Why do women endure the pain?

Gaining attention is clearly part of the explanation. The beauty of heels, and their mystique, is at least in part due to the fact that there can be no pretext about them, no plausible deniability. "What, these old things? I was just slaughterin' me some pigs earlier and slipped 'em on to keep my feet nice and dry" really isn't believable.

This lack of plausible deniability creates a compelling and endearing emotional vulnerability. Add to that the fact that running (escaping) in high heels is well nigh impossible, and there's a very real physical vulnerability to boot. Furthermore, as the shoulders are pulled back for balance, the breasts are thrust forward opening and exposing the heart. And as the hips tilt and the rear is consequently raised, the lady parts are exposed to the world just a little more than usual. (To clarify, I'm not suggesting that a women in heels is looking to be groped or for sex)

Heels expose the breasts and heart and raise the rump

Most importantly, such an obvious display of emotional and physical vulnerability requires an incredible amount of confidence--confidence in her surroundings, confidence in her admirers, confidence in her protectors and, most importantly, confidence in herself. I submit that it's this self confidence, and the awesome power that comes from it, that ultimately explains the mystique high heels.

The mystique of confidence


You see this kind of sexual signaling all over the animal kingdom, where traits that would seem to make an animal more vulnerable are selected for because it indicates the animal is strong enough to survive them. The tails on the whydah bird and the peacock, for example, or the outrageous coloring on some lizards that actually make them more vulnerable to predators.

I guess one of the fun things about being human is we get to choose which signals to send, through fashion, rather than suffering from oddball evolutionary experiments.

We too are part of that animal kingdom and not immune to our own evolutionary display behaviors. I Agree with you in that we can emphasize things with fashion choices, but even without high heels...when I'm "in the mood" with Sean I INSTINCTIVELY stand on my tiptoes...which juts up my backside and throws forward my breasts just like wearing heels. lol I'm no better than the animals.

Sean is a lucky man! (Hope he doesn't mind my sayin'.)

So much of our behavior is determined by biology. But at least we don't have to drag giant tails around or bang our antlers into each other or devour our mates in a post-copulative feast.

Instead we get to carry these brains around - the biggest sex organs of all!

He doesn't mind. Thank you from me (and Him) for the compliments and the comments. The brain is the main sex organ for sure. Truth! ✌🏾

Enjoyed this post very much and I wonder if you might have figured, that I'd jump right in, when I see the "magic word(s)" ;-)

Also followed the link and the results of the experiments they talk about, don't surprise me at all! Its interesting to get all the facts and I'm sure they cover a lot of the mechanisms at work.

For me the question remains, why high heels keep their appeal for me, even when the effects on the female body are not in the field of view? The sheer irresistible attraction of the clack clack sound alone? Or when the girl is sitting down, as in your first picture.. a most alluring position by the way, with the opening or closing (!) of the straps of a high heel sandal...

Or when you don't even see most of the woman at all, like in quite a few of my paintings (posting with @sean-kings permission):


What matters for me also is, that a woman's feet in high heels simply look divine and I thank you for granting a look at a selection of @steemed-open's elegant collection, which she is wearing so gracefully.

Again, you killed me when I scrolled down !!!!
I agree completely - you definitely feel 'more woman' wearing heels.
I am very tall compared to the average height of a woman.. I am 5 foot 8inches =)... & yet, I would hate if I went without my heels. You are not complete in feeling feminine & flirty without them!.. especially if you are going somewhere fancy for the night.
Unquestionably, I do not feel dressed( or in some cases,=), undressed without them!

& my gosh.. how do you concentrate on taking THAT snap! ᵔᴥᵔ

good post @sean-king , thank for sharing..

Amazing. the black and white one the most. Reminds me of Reinhards nice painting you got :-)

You splendidly combined art and article together... Nice having you on steemit...

very nice body

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