Shaman Knowledge - The personal basic sound

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Introduction to the Nada Brahma system

Vemu Mukunda, an Indian musician, has spent many years studying the various ancient records of Indian culture to learn more about the effect of sound. His studies finally brought him to the conclusion that every human being has his own fundamental tone.

With this article, I will describe the foundations of this system and make you, dear reader, a pleasure in finding your own fundamental tone. The knowledge of your own fundamental tone opens up various ways to achieve inner harmony, your potentials or your strength. My teacher, Sangit Waldner, learned this system in India from Vemu Mukunda, the founder of this system, and passed it on to me.

The determination of the fundamental tone

The determination of the fundamental tone is very easy if you're in your middle and have no great problems of psychological nature. Otherwise, the assistance of an experienced teacher is displayed. The sequence of such a session is as follows:

  • Preparation: At least 30 minutes before the vocal cords may not be used, not even a cough and cough. The environment should be free of any loud noises.
  • Welcome without physical contact and without speaking.
  • Comfortable sitting on a prepared chair.
  • Quiet whispered guidance in a meditative mood with closed eyes and relaxed breathing.
  • Physical measurement of the frequencies of the speaking voice by means of tuner and recording the measured tones.
  • Analysis of the measurement by means of various questions and classification in the 12 tones.
  • Control of the extracted sound by vocal exercises with simultaneous vibrations in certain body regions.
  • Learn the cosmic sound AUM


The mantra AUM, we have already seen in different versions, this form here is called the cosmic sound and is much more complicated in execution. I will only explain the fundamentals of this, a personal instruction can hardly replace it. It usually takes two hours to learn, for three letters at first a bit much, but in a moment it will be clear why. At first, each letter is learned individually.

  • The A is sung with open mouth, then let it slowly slide down into the abdomen, as if you were swallowing the sound. In the end, the sound should produce clear and distinct vibrations in the abdomen. This part is not easy if you have never sung or have any special training in this area. Give yourself a lot of time and try to watch the sound as it slowly sinks deeper into the abdomen and generates vibrations there.
  • The U is as in one of the previous versions, the smiling baby sound wu with an imaginary w in the beginning. With the right technique, the lips will vibrate and these vibrations will spread into the body.
  • The M is the simple part, with closed lips, try to hold it as long as possible and track the vibrations.

Now these 3 techniques are summarized in one technique:

  • Starting with A to U to M.
  • Pitch at A is your root tone, at U the fifth, and finally at M the octave of the root.
  • The execution is glissando-like, ie without sound steps, flowing an octave upward.
  • Make a short break, 1-3 seconds, between inhaling and exhaling.
  • The number of repetitions depends entirely on your needs. One to three times should be enough.

The 12 notes and their characteristics

Each of the 12 sounds of our Western sound system can be seen as a representative of a character image, similar to the 12 zodiacal signs. The tone G stands for the pure spirituality, F for creativity, Fis (between F and G) stands for artistic-creative, etc. Each of these tones has its assigned color and a reference to the professions these people particularly like.

Wearing clothes in the color of the fundamental enhances the effect of the character of the surrounding area and should be chosen with care. My fundamental tone A stands for materialism and the color yellow makes me insupportable for my fellow men, so I wear yellow only if I like to annoy someone especially.


Through the practice of AUM all emotions are harmonized in seconds. You feel instantly at home in yourself, in a balanced mood. However, the effect only occurs when the execution is perfect. If you want to try it on your own, allow yourself time in the individual steps and try to listen into you and to perceive every change. The use of an instrument for generating the fundamental has proved to be helpful. You can also use a tuning fork in this sound to fix the start and end tone of the AUM.

See you next time!

Thank you for your attention!

by @schamangerbert 07/2017, all images are CC0 Public Domain
Translated and edited from my original post: Der persönliche Grundton

Schaman Gerbert


Thanks for such an informative article :D

You are welcome to try it out. If any questions, ask please.

nice article

I thank you for reading and commenting!

I´m with you.

Thanks for reading!

Thank you. Great advice. I have found aum to be a really powerful sound indeed. Always makes me feel good. Enjoy and best of luck!

Thank you a lot!

This sounds really interesting. It's late here so I will look at it again when I'm less sleepy! Thank for sharing.

Thanks! Ask if anything is not clear.

This is very cool i liked reading it thanks for sharing it here.

I didn't know you are a good psychologist :D

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