Shaman Knowledge - The 5th Element

in #psychology7 years ago


In almost all books on shamanism you find information about the four elements and the corresponding circles. This knowledge is also common in the whole esoteric world. Today, I open another treasure chest of the Siberian shaman cultures, which can be traced back to their origins in the past.

Holy Mountain in Tuva, the Sleeping Dragon

The contact with real shamans in Tuva, north of Mongolia, gave me a whole series of wisdom that I would like to share with you step by step. This knowledge is completely independent of any beliefs and requires only an open mind and curiosity to get to know something new.

There are about 150 different shaman cultures in the Siberian areas and the northern regions, and I have visited and met seven of them. In the southern regions of Tuva and Buryatia, Buddhism is widespread, and both exist peacefully side by side. Also, Chinese influences have penetrated the shaman's land with the Feng-Shiu teachings and have been partially accepted to expand their own abilities.

In the mountains of Tuva, high up in the taiga, many shamans have been hiding themselves in caves during 70 years of repression.

The true Feng-Shui is not taught in the West at all, and is simplified by reducing important elements. Thus neither sheep nor goats or horses can be found in the sly books of the western gurus, but without these animals a harmonious coexistence with nature is not possible. To us, however, it is of course impractical and therefore these animals have simply been removed.

The 5th element is somewhat more complicated.

The 5th Element: The Mountain

The four directions, with their meanings and the four elements: water, earth, fire, air, stand in every book that deals with this subject, and there are many of them. But now it is so that in the middle of this circle is something that we can simply call SELF, or as a mountain. And this brings us to the core of this article.

Holy Mountain in the Sajan Mountains, between Tuva and Chakassia, the sleeping Sajan

Everyone knows stories of monks, who retreat into the mountains for long periods of time and renew their spiritual power in total solitude. But whoever was in the mountains knows that there is not such a thing as silence. It only exist in caves in the mountains. And just so it is, the caves in the mountains are the refuge of the monks, deep in the earth, but high above, above all.

This knowledge, the power of meditation in caves in the mountains, is the 5th element of the Siberian shamans, the mountain in you, into which you can withdraw at any time to get to know your inner being, to recharge your strength, to experience spirituality. And therefore the circle with the four elements is only the external framework, the public perception; The self, the interior is withdrawn from the external, and therefore has not been recognized by the researchers, by the seers, by the ones grasping for material.

You can now use this knowledge for yourself. Find a cave in the mountains and spend at least one night in it. With these impressions, you can then return home and recall this situation whenever you like to feel it.

Until next time!

Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert
Translated from my original post in German: German Version



This looks super cool ! Very nice post 👌🏻

Great to hear! Thank you!

i love to visit mountain.... by the way nice post

Thank you for support, mutually!

Thanks for the translation and for letting me know! 🙂
Regarding finding a cave in the mountains and spend at least one night in it - well, I don't know...
I would have to deal first with my fear of being out there alone in wild nature as I would probably die with first strange noise that would appear. 😉

You may do it with friends first. The thing is, that you need the knowledge about it from first hand so that you can imagine it later without being there. I know it it not the easy task :)

Thank you. Very nice post. I am interested in esoteric knowledge

Thank you for commenting. I am not the esoteric person, but if you find something interesting here then it makes me very happy. And I am open for any new topics.

Thank you again for wonderful pictures sharing...

Thanks my friend!

Thank you again for sharing a wonderful and informative post , next time I go camping I'm gonna go stay near the moutions and see what I can unlock

I am so happy to know that my post get used.

I used to actually meditate and work on the third eye and etc, and this actually motivated me to go back out there again, thanks again !

We (shamans) always start with the basic chakras, only if the first 4 are totally clear you go up to the higher ones. I will make a post about this soon.

Extensive post. How you are treated in Russia ? What do you like ? What's not to like?

Hey! Thanks!
I feel very good in Siberia, they have a saying: There are no problems in Siberia, only if you make some.
And I do not drink alcohol, so there are only people around me which also do not drink too much.

See my travel series about my Yakutia travel.

Nice post. Great to know someone out there knows about shamanism! I've written steem post about soul journey I think the process may not always be pleasant! If you could share more about the hidden secret that would be $$$$$

Thank you!! My blog has already some posts with Nada-Yoga and shaman knowlede, if you have any subject of interest, it is a pleasure for me to come up with it, just tell me.

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