The Secret Life Of Dream People; A Lucid Story (FInal Part)

in #psychology7 years ago


This is the third in a series of three entires I had in my journal. Probably motivated by Leo DiCaprio's Inception (2010), they all narrate an attempt at questioning dream characters while lucid with the aim being to test their intelligence and personal memory. The 2 first entries are available on my blog.

(Nov, 4 , 2016), this entry is actually older than the first two. I was in a kind of auditorium somewhere that felt and looked like a post apocalyptic world with a few friends, two were real friends I knew in real life and the few others were random dream folks. I started levitating suddenly. Now, this has always been something that happened randomly while I was a kid and at a point, it had set itself as a trigger to lucidity. I immediately realized I was dreaming and floated for a few more minutes, right after this, my ongoing urge to know the origin of dream characters set in, I went to one of the few people around, one who now doesn't seem so much like a friend (I thought I recognized him as someone I knew in real life while approaching him), I asked him for his name and his surname, which he told me. However when it came to his parents' information, he became a little confused, first saying his father was from London then later changing the information. I moved on to talk to a lady who was hanging out at a balcony overlooking some ruined remains of buildings , meanwhile, the whole time I was with her, I was waiting for my attention to fade away. There exist a type of panic that grows when lucidity is prolonged, I only notice it when lucidity is strong enough and the awareness is not fluctuating. Sometimes, it starts to feel like you would never find your way back to reality. Slowly, I lost control of the dream but didn't wake up, I guess I passed on to a regular sleep.

Over the coming weeks, I plan to use the wake to bed method (explained by @leaky20 in his Lucid Dream article (a method which I have found very useful in the past and my primary go-to method), I hope I can do something more experimental and will be sure to report them.

I guess it is worth concluding this by stating that I do not totally believe that the dream world is objective and stable. I was only curious about finding out how intelligent and independent dream characters could be. As it is, I believe (now) that sometimes, they are able to communicate intelligently and explain things in seemingly autonomous ways. I don't think this is strange since the mind also recreate massive scenes and worlds that serve as the dreamscape.

If you are interested in or you engage in similar stuff, please be free to ask for a follow in the comment as I would love to read your entries too. I also hope to make similar posts once in a while.

Thanks for reading, put your entry in your posts and mention me or put it in the comments so I can read.



Talking to dream characters is such an interesting experiment. I have never done it but It makes me wonder how much depth they would actually have. The characters are created by your own mind in the moment (unless there is some sort of astral plane that people meet up at in their dreams lol) so I wonder how deep or complex your own mind would make a character hmmm.

Something interesting about dreams is that our minds simultaneously create the dream and experience the dream. I think that demonstrates how powerful our minds truly are

Exactly, the depth of details the mind can put into this simulations is fascinating. I'm trying to get to a point I can discuss broader issues with them and see the different or deeper perspectives my mind can come up with through these characters.
I think you should try to. I have a flexible schedule so yesterday I woke 4am, read for 20mins and went back to bed. I had a hard time getting back to sleep but did eventually, I had 3 lucid entries, the first 2 were a continuation of each of each other, it faded away in the middle and continued again. In the third, I didn't know what to do so I continued with talking to people. I'm trying to make the experience broader and more fun only that these things only last for about a minute or lesser.

very interesting. 3 in one night is impressive. I think I have had 2 once. Mine rarely last longer than 2-3 minutes. Its too bad they wouldn't last longer - like 15mins or so.
Something else that I wanted to try is searching out a book or a chest (like a treasure chest lol) and seeing whats written in it or whats hidden inside. I'm not sure if that would provide anything cool or interesting but I was always curious about it.

I wish they would. I can use 3 minutes, it would be fun. once it's around a minute mark or little longer, things start to fade away for me and I'm drifting already, sometimes when I try to hold it, I just wake up. There is this man name Goddard, who said to hold on to any object and you would wake back into the dream. (I never remembered to do that).
I think I now have a new addition to the tests now. I will also try find a book or a chest too, let's see how long it will take to internalize that intention. By the way, I did the same method this morning, I was up for about 25mins, I had a very hard time getting back to sleep and finally did but nothing happened. I guess, being up for about 15minutes is the optimal time.

yeah its hit or miss for me a well. Sometimes I achieve lucidity, but other times I don't. Let me know if you have any luck with the book or chest idea.

I definitely will do that. I'm trying all month long if holiday activities do not disturb. I will post and notify you.

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