Past life memories : exaggeration, distortion or reality

in #psychology6 years ago


Have you ever felt like you know someone that you have never met before? Or certain smells, sceneries and situations that you feel familiar with and bring out some feelings out? Well, i have! And i often think about those experiences and are they in any way connected to the past life theory.
If you think, reincarnation is all around us. We observe it with the cyclic motion of the planets, with plants and their life cycle and many others in the nature.


But when it comes to human reincarnation there are many theories popping out. The beliefs that our souls are “old” and when we die we reborn in another body is the most common one. But in order to better understand reincarnation maybe we should first talk more about the cellular memory.

The theory of the cellular memory suggests that not only our brain can preserve memories but our bodies too. And these memories have a serious influence on our needs, desires and the way we perceive the world around us. Experts in different fields that run researches about past live experience believe that it exactly our cellular memory that stores the data about our previous lives.
Despite there are no official scientific ways to prove the existence of our past lives and any details of them, there are some signs that we can look deeper into and try figure it out on our own. Or at least a part of it..


Whether you have sweet recurring dreams or repetitive nightmares they might be signs of some experiences from your previous life. Because dreams are reflections of our unconscious mind and they can often signify some issues or traumas we have experienced in our past life.
You have probably noticed that some of your dreams stick you long time after you wake up. This is because you mind might be recalling traumas from your previous life. For an example if you have nightmares about drowning and enormous amounts of water surrounding you this might be a sign that you have died drowning in a previous life.
It is important to try to distinguish occasional dreams from the ones that are keep coming back to you. What you can do is to keep a notebook near your bed and when you wake up to write everything that you can remember. The first half an hour is the time your dreams are still vivid and alive and you can recollect more detailed vision. If you do this for a period of time like a month or two you can notice a certain pattern and then think over that a bit more.


Urban dictionary says that Déjà vu is “Something that very few people know the true meaning of. Even though deja vu is French for "already seen", it actually is used to describe the strange feeling you get when you're in a situation, and feel like you've been in the exact same situation before, but really haven't. Most people think it means the same thing happening twice, which is wrong.”. (
So the phenomenon is triggered by certain smells, situations, people or place and if you spend more time around the triggering factor you might unveil some memories of a past life that you’ve had.


Sometimes the great fears we have are signs for past life memories. They can be connected to some experiences that you’ve had during a past life.
You have to differentiate common fears and phobias from irrational ones. Some of the most common fears are fear of spiders, fear of heights, fear of snakes and etc. But when we talk about irrational fears the ones like fear of drowning, fear of specific shapes or colors, fear of certain places we can explore them deeper in order to recall some past life memories. This you can do by spending more time observing yourself when you are close to your fears and examine your thoughts about it.


Your passions are also something that you can listen to. Not only negative experiences can be linked to past life memories. Passions are one of the best ways to connect to your previous personality from a past life. Whether it is your hobby or just something that you enjoy doing a lot in your free time,this can be a sure sign of an occupation or skills that you have developed and used in a past life. It can be jewelry designing like me or just the inexplicable necessity to go out jogging or the love of a certain period of time, but if you feel that there is something inside you that is dragging to that activity or interest you might consider that as a past life memory.


It is good to spend time thinking about your previous life and the lessons you left with but don’t overthink too much. There is a reason for everyone of us to be where we are at that certain moment in life and in that certain part of the Earth so try to focus more on that life. What is important for you right now and how you can improve yourself and your life. What you can do to be a better human being. Because what matters most is what you do right now. You can change and work on only your thought and actions in this life that maybe are going to affect your next one.

So live for the moment and live for right now!


And at the end i would like to give a shout-out and a huge thank you to the partner in all of my past lives, the present one and hopefully the ones that are yer to come - @rorxco. He is an amazing person that i met a long time ago and only a year and a half i call my significant other. He is the main reason i believe in the existence of the past life and the only logical explanation i have so far.
He is responsible for all of those great photos you have seen in my article, expect the first one that is of a painting that i have painted couple of years ago. He always manages to capture pretty well all parts of me and then to turn them into beautiful photos.
I recommend you to check his profile for more of this out-of-this-world photography!

Обичам те и ти благодаря!


Love this !!!💓
So you do believe in reincarnation?
Actually love that topic. It fascinates me so much.
I was reading a book a while back and I remember there was a line in it saying that the wounds you avoid healing in your current life, you will have to heal in your next one. So better start now haha:P


Yes you are correct that there are no scientific ways to prove past lives, however, there are scientific theories which can be utilized to support the POSSIBILITY of past lives and future lives in a sense.

The Conservation of Energy states that

Keeping this in mind, there is a life force energy which exists within us all, , sciences would call is consciousness, religion would call it soul/spirit , but no matter which camp you back both say its there. so what happens to this energy once we die?

By the scientific law of the Conservation of Energy that Life Force Energy can not be created OR destroyed.... it can only be transferred or transformed....

Now this does not confirm or refute concepts of reincarnation, an afterlife, etc. or speak to what happens to us, before and after life. This is all left to speculation until we either experience it ourselves or we find the technology to support theories with evidence.

What is does do is provide a scientific approach to the subject for which we have no means of scientific investigation at the moment with our current technology. This being said we must also accept the possibility that though our energy may shift, we may have no concept of it once we make the shift.

And i will preemptively drop this Carl Sagan quote for those who may jump in with the "there is no scientific evidence of that..."

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Oh, absolutely! “In search of” is better than “there are no evidences”. Funny, coincidence or not, but last night we’ve watched a movie called “Flatliners” from 2017 and it is about out-of-body experiences. I recommend it if the topic is interesting for you! It was a good movie!

I have seen Flatliners, and if you like it you should see the original film from 1990 which i believe is far better... reboots seem to be wrecking franchises and great classic movies these days (not to mention videogames) ;(

Thank you for the recommendation! I am going to watch it for sure!

Have a sunny and meaningful day, @mfxae86! ☀️

let me know what you think , much love :)

i have met several people throughout my life whom I was instantly drawn to, or encountered places that seemed more than familiar. In some cases it was like meeting a long lost sibling, lover, parent, friend - or frienemy. or walking into a dream.

some of these people ended up being long term and beneficial friends, someone i learned from, cared for but in time outgrew or moved on from. others were like bad karma that bounced back and hit me in the face after the initial attraction wore off.

whether we say this is past life, psychic connection, astrological, or just some sort of subconscious "click" upon meeting is a mystery, but i am loathe to label it. what i am certain of is that even if this gut feeling is triggered, it isnt something that is always good or will last forever.

too many times I have met someone who i thought was a soul mate, only to have it later turn out to be a nightmare. in one case I was so intuitively linked to the other person to the point that I knew when they walked into the same room or even the building, even if i hadnt seen them.

this seems preposterous. most times i dont buy into what i call psychic or esoteric nonsense, so im not sure what to attribute this sense to since it seems to come at a strong subconscious level. if i try to explain what im sensing, most people think im insane or imagining things.

it doesnt mean the feeling im having is any less real. the trick is knowing how to react when it does happen, and not to place too much emotion into the event until you understand why it is occurring.

Yes, I completely agree with you! Until you understand why, you shouldn’t let yourself to drown into emotions and the truth is that we can never be a 100% sure.
But about people and soul groups there are few interesting theories that I find quite remarkable. One of them suggests that the romantic partners we have in our life are all sent by our true soulmate. And this is the reason why we fit and accept only parts of their characters. They are supposed to help us grow and realize some things in order to prepare us for our true significant others.
People can be here for you in order to help teach a lesson and when their job around is done they pass and you move on.
This is why it’s important to understand the part everyone surrounding you has in your life and the disappointments will be way less!
Greetings and thank you for sharing your thoughts! ✌🏻🌑

hahah i think my one true soulmate must not like me much! either that or i suck at learning lessons ;) cheers, and thank you for the reply!

Hahahah! Don’t overthink it too much! But lessons are here to understand, accept and learn them so no matter we like it or not we don’t really have much options... Cheers to you too and have a wonderful day! :))

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