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RE: Humbling Ourselves Heals Humiliation

in #psychology8 years ago

To lower one's self with dignity. To be modest. To stop putting on airs and feeling superior to others. I get humble. To be humiliated... I get a sick feeling in my stomach from memories of being teased and bullied by my peers when I was younger. Sure, they pointed out truths. I was chubby. I wore glasses. I had slanty eyes. But those truths were for the purpose of exclusion. Nothing about it was uplifting.
My humility comes from knowing that I do not know everything. I have a self-deprecating humor because I've embraced my imperfections with the intent of turning them into strengths.
I'm rambling. I really wanted to say thank you for the thought-provoking post. :)


That's the point in my first paragraph. I'm not talking about the negative kind that is meant to degrade someone. That's a humiliation for the purpose of humiliation, I should have made that clear. Humiliation in the sense of the purpose to elucidate truth to get someone to face reality, is not with the purpose to simply degrade someone, and is actually a positive. It just happens that someone loses face, gets humiliated, and there is nothing to be done about that. Reality has to be faced sooner or later. Thank you for your feedback.

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