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RE: Flashing your nuts and emotional control

in #psychology6 years ago

There seems to be no antidote, as yet , to 'the NPC' being looked upon by certain personality types.

Psychologist's are, as we speak, trying to work out how exactly the thin black black line, encapsulating a mid grey shaded area, (with the odd squiggle) then manages to travel down the optic nerve, penetrate the temporal cortex, and then activate the amygdala to such extreme levels....


I don't even know what npc stands for, nor am I interested as a far as I can tell, it just more internet BS that will disappear like every other meme in time without doing anything productive. If it means Non-playing character than those spreading the memes would qualify. :) every other meme in time without doing anything productive.

You think memes do nothing productive?

If it means Non-playing character than those spreading the memes would qualify. :)

Qualify as ...?

lol - I was doing lots of them - and they were very good to!
Spreading them?
You mean that you take the position that those making memes are in someway responsible for the violent reaction of the people who cannot emotionally handle them, when they look at them?
Surely not?

I think (hope), I'm misinterpreting what you're saying.

So, all that needs to happen is to find what a person is predisposed to spreading, introduce it and then let the programming do the rest. Memes be definition are spread through culture based on cultural programming. Once the program is known, it can be hacked, much like that of a non-playing character can be moved into various behaviors once one knows how their behaviors are programmed. When it comes to Humans, it is more prediction based, often along political/cultural lines.

The spread memes ridiculing various positions are partly responsible for polarization and lack of useful discourse so various groups can no longer even have a direct discussion but instead mock each other by taking the most extreme cases of either side. pretty ridiculous in my opinion and not overly useful to solving any actual problems. but of course, no one is really interested in solving problems unless the solution is they get exactly what they want, no matter the cost to others.

It is all part of a ramping up effect that divides and conquers, spread through groups who believe they are beating the system that created the process in the first place.

I fundamentally disagree - about 180 degrees!

The spread memes ridiculing various positions are partly responsible for polarization and lack of useful discourse so various groups can no longer even have a direct discussion but instead mock each other by taking the most extreme cases of either side.

Political satire has been one of _the most powerful tools _ of communication, and public dissent, and of information, since printing began...
Most memes are of a politically satirical nature.

pretty ridiculous in my opinion and not overly useful to solving any actual problems. but of course, no one is really interested in solving problems unless the solution is they get exactly what they want, no matter the cost to others.

The beginning of solving problems between opposing parties, is to know exactly what those position are, surely?
Memes do this very well.

It is all part of a ramping up effect that divides and conquers,
spread through groups who believe they are beating the system that created the process in the first place.

If an expression of information divides and conquers, (through humor) then maybe this way more indicative of conversation that has been long overdue, more than anything else...? .
If memes accomplish this, I fail to see the long term downside..

A few hurt snowflakes -without the emotional maturity to handle political satire- is not good enough reason to quell free expression of opinion, surely?

A few hurt snowflakes -without the emotional maturity to handle political satire- is not good enough reason to quell free expression of opinion, surely?

This is the same for those who get pushback and flags isn't it? What is happening is a reduction of value and while you might feel economic value removed, another will react to their emotional/opion blah blah values being diminished.

This is the same for those who get pushback and flags isn't it?

Push backs and flags (not down voting) is entirely legitimate, and allows for open are not taking assets away from another's production/work.

Tangible real world value removed from someones labor - is not the same as a disagreement oover information exchanged..
'If you piss me with off with your message, that gives me the right to devalue your garden by poisoning the grass?.'

Hardly consistent with respecting anothers property rights?
(Content produced by some one on their own blog - is 'their 'property')

That's not a morale or ethical action as far as I can see (within societies norms) - or do you disagree?

What is happening is a reduction of value and while you might feel economic value removed, another will react to their emotional/opion blah blah values being diminished.

If the diminishing the value of someone else's property _because of your hurt emotions, _ and that is legitimate - then you are essentially saying the exact opposite of your own post!

(Hence the confusion and thinking I was misinterpreting it...)

The argument on steem is the blog and what is in your wallet is yours, not the pending payout.

I am on phone...

Also, what you consider valuable assets might be tangible while another believes their reputation is an asset too, It is an intangible one though. Attacking beliefs can to some feel like a lowering of personal values abd can actually impact tangible assets and potentials also. Where is the line?

Memes might have an effect in some cases but to me it is like only using 1st gear in a car, not overly effective considering other possibilities.

The argument on steem is the blog and what is in your wallet is yours, not the pending payout.

Using 'the authority of the system' is not a moral or argument.

Also, what you consider valuable assets...

An asset is materially defined.
Value assigned to some concept as an equivalent to material goods is ridiculous.
(Conflating the two is down to the phone call, I will presume).

....might be tangible while another believes their reputation is an asset too, It is an intangible one though.

And so condones initiating an attack, even though not attacked..?

I'll put your answers down to phone call distractions, mate....

Memes might have an effect in some cases but to me it is like only using 1st gear in a car, not overly effective considering other possibilities.

move 1 - Copy - Copy.jpg

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