Developing Our Capacities to Think and Learn

in #psychology7 years ago

I look at what is valid or invalid in anything I choose to reflect upon, by comparing it to principles of truth and morality, then I try to figure out what lays underneath its manifestation, and I target the underlying causal forces that produce the effects, manifestations, symptoms or results.

Study the effects, manifestations, symptoms or results to understand how it is a problem by understanding core foundational principles of truth and morality. Then go deeper and try to figure out how these results came into being in the first place. All violations of principles of truth and morality manifest due to a lack of understanding principles of truth and morality more deeply. False models in economics, politics, or any other -ic or -ism, is a result of false consciousness modalities.

You can target the many plethora of negative effects, manifestations, symptoms or results, and deal with them all, or you can go to the source root of the issue and deal with all the acceptance of falsity that stems from fundamental processing capacities within consciousness. To deal with that problem of consciousness means that consciousness needs to be able to discern truth from falsity, right from wrong, good from evil, morality from immorality.

Until this capacity of consciousness is well developed, consciousness won't be able to accurately discern truth from falsity, right from wrong, good from evil, morality from immorality. Consciousness will be acting/behaving in the world on a basis of ignorance to truth/falsity, good/evil, right/wrong, moral/immoral, which means some actions and behaviors will be aligned with falsity, evil, wrong and immorality.

Learning how to think and learning how to learn, involves learning how consciousness functions, psychological knowledge, self-knowledge. Know thyself. No movement forward will be made on grounding in reality unless we have adequate accurate knowledge of ourselves and reality. All of what we produce is a result of our quality of consciousness, be it low quality producing evil and or high quality producing good.

When we clean our own consciousness, we can then clean the existence of the human world we created. It starts with each one of us. We're all in this together in the end. We need to take responsibility for our own position among the many and empower ourselves with self-knowledge.

Just a quick blurb on looking deeper to the root causal factors; deeper within our own selves and how we function. Do you know about logical fallacies and cognitive biases? I've done some posts on them before. Would like to have more? The last one was the Ben Franklin Effect.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.



A well reasoned and balanced argument. I like the concept of applying the gold standards of truth and morality and then try ṭo discern the manifestations of perceptions and other coating that usually coat the truth. Usually, many of us go by these surface coatings, taking things at face value, without applying the basic standards of truth and morality before we decide actions. Thanks for this informative blog. I will read more and also read about the Ben Franklin efffect. Thanks

I have posted an outlook on burden of life with my original pictures. I request you to take a look when you have time. Your views, experiences and comments on the subject would be very welcome. Thanks

Yeah, we need to start at the basic foundational axioms that we use to build up other understanding. We don't verify what we have that drives and motivate us, that leads us. Thanks for the feedback.

Can you reference the link like that next time? Thanks. ;)

In the ancient mystery schools the first lesson was "know thy self" and was inscribed over the doorway. The initiate would be led a passage to journey alone to meet the god. At the end they would find a chamber, empty, for all but a mirror.

Yup, god/gods are externalized personified aspects of our psyche. People just need to go through Egyptian, Greek and Roman mythology to figure that out ;)

I always enjoy reading your posts! You clearly put a lot of effort into them and have thoughtful comments.

I don't have a lot of experience/knowledge with logical fallacies or cognitive biases, but I do understand that we have many biases built into our brains; some of which we know about and can control and others that we may not know about and can't control :)

Indeed, the more we know, the more empowered we can be :)

With technological advancement standing where it's at -- our personal interiors are the last frontiers to be explored. We've got everything at our disposal to create a New Living Paradigm, we just need to dig in there, inside of ourselves and sort ourselves out, so that we can equalize the within and without. Interesting times ahead. Can't agree more with this:

When we clean our own consciousness, we can then clean the existence of the human world we created. It starts with each one of us. We're all in this together in the end. We need to take responsibility for our own position among the many and empower ourselves with self-knowledge.

Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome, and thanks for the feedback. I agree. We make rapid technological advancements, but we don't keep up with moral check and balances, nor with our own understanding of ourselves which is why morality is left behind. Self-knowledge leads to greater moral understanding.

This razing consciousness thing starts with us, but to do that on a larger scale we need to create an social environment that motivates people to do so. Now, all field of existence are created to motivate the opposite. And its hard to go against the grain. But there are people who are willing to go against the grain more then ever! That's why all the alternative ways and systems are popping up - from bitcoin that will abolish the current monetary system, unschooling movement, freedom movement, steem, and of course the blockchain tech.
I am vary optimistic about our future, and I think that now more then ever we need to push people and motivate them to grow, because we need more of them on our side of the fence

Thanks for the motivating feedback :) Wo0ot! Hehe. The future has much potential indeed.It is what we make of it.

Thank you for this post i am really enlightened

You're welcome.

I believe once our biases are set ,its very difficult to undo them, like learning to do a task in particular way for a long time and if someone tells you to do same task another way, it would be super difficult if not impossible.

Habits can be changed, the neuroplasticity can be changed to new pathways.

yes, but neuroplasticity reduces as we become older right, making new things learn or unlearn more difficult

Sure it can be more difficult, but it can still be changed. Old dogs can learn new tricks.

When cognitive dissonance becomes the fuel for our moral compass then where do we turn to be calibrated? And by who's standard?

Reality. :)

Reality based on what? Who's reality? Isn't this the cause for the term delusional? Goals and affirmations force one to create their own future, which in turn is their new reality.

Wisdom, and food for thought, as always.

These days, I find myself feeling increasing gratitude towards my parents who taught me-- from pretty much when I started to talk-- that I had to "think for myself." It was annoying as hell having to "reason through" why I had to have the same jeans as the other kids... I could still have them, but I had to understand my motivations.

Balance. Balance matters. For me, it's too easy to spend all my time in the rabbit hole of exploring causality and original motivations behind *everything." Or-- as a friend of mine sometimes says-- "sometimes crows eating crawfish are just crows eating crawfish." I like to understand as much as possible... but have to stop myself from overintellectualizing.

LOL, yes there are limits. Keep the "why" asking for practical matters more than more mundane things ;)

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