in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Becoming Self-Less instead of Selfish . . .

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Morning Revelations

Every morning I seem to discover something new that changes my perception especially as it pertains to my ideas of family and relationships. Take this morning. It was made clear to me yesterday by my old friend but new girlfriend, that no one can make me do or feel anything.  I am completely in charge of that activity by my lonesome.  

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But now, I have to say that I cannot be willfully ignorant. Once I learn that some behavior of mine is a waste of time or that I am misinterpreting something, I take the steps to correct that behavior. And I am an advocate of “retraining” myself to be more aware.  I am always surprised when someone points out a character flaw or trait that I seem to exhibit.  But what really surprises me is when I revisit old behaviors without being consciously aware of doing so!

You see, I am trying to become self-less. I want to eliminate the word “I” from my vocabulary.  Children begin their primitive toddler-hood being selfish. They have to be taught to be self-less by their parents who, if they are not mature themselves, will be too selfish to teach them. So by degree, we are all selfish to one extreme or another depending on how we are raised. 

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The Products of Selfishness:

Here’s a makeshift list. If you examine your own behavior you will find many more products.


Single Parenting when both parents are still alive

Believing that someone else “makes” you do anything

Stepping into traffic with a sense of entitlement as if you are immune to being hit by a vehicle

Racing to the cashier to beat out someone who is actually closer

Berating and Bullying others

Passively slowing everyone down because you need to control others 

Withholding vital important information because you don’t like someone

Always talking about yourself and how you feel

Always putting yourself first 

Exhibiting Entitlement Behavior 

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Ironically, the same mechanism for defeating Depression is used for becoming Selfless. Do things for others without seeking any acknowledgement for what you have done. Go and sweep your neighbor’s gutter and keep it to yourself. Pick up the trash in someone else’s or even EVERYONE else’s lawn. Don’t tell ANYONE you did it. Tell No One. That’s the key. That’s the Trick. And if you are Depressed, after doing something for someone else, you won’t be able to go back to being depressed. It always works. 

Always do a good job; your BEST regardless of what you do. Stop seeking acknowledgement or approval from others. Practice being Selfless. And you will feel AMAZING as soon as you do. You will have nothing but good days and your conflicts will disappear.  

Until tomorrow morning . . . .


Barbra Marx Hubbard talks about how humanity is evolving. Yet it's not a physical evolution that we're going through- its a spiritual one. We are transitioning from homosapiens that think "I, me, and mine" to homoUniversallus, who think "us, we, and ours".

Even more so, we are collectively transitioning from more or less hedonistic highs, to "the helpers high".

In doing this, we are bringing in the New Earth, and suffering is thereby decreased.

Are we?! I feel the complete opposite, we are being more and more "me, myself and I"... In what sense can we see humanity evolving into a spiritual way?

It's said that crisis creates change.

Even though most of the world is still dwelling in selfishness, there is still a growing number of people who are learning how to rise above the murk of self seeking.

People are beginning to learn the lessons of life, and are beginning to see that- if you touch the flames of selfishness, you will get burnt.

It may take a soul years and years to comprehend and embody this knowledge- but once it's learned, it can not be unlearned.

"Man must walk through the darkness to fully appreciate the light."

And once we enter into the light of selfless service, we'll find abiding joy (where as the darkness only brought us illusive pleasures).

Thank you for your words! I hope one day I can see that change. For now, I'll pay attention and share good examples.

"Good people are everywhere! If you can't find one- be one".

"Your vibe attracts you Tribe."

"$&@! Mainstream media- refuse their lies, and avoid their manipulation. This world is actually quite wonderful."

"What you seek, you'll find".

"There is a way of living, that will bring out the best in everyone you interact with."
(This is one of my favorite ways to create my own blissful reality.)

I think lately I've been doing a lot of "Always talking about yourself and how you feel" :/ Maybe because of my jobs (psychologist/teacher) where I can only pay attention to others, regardless of how am I feeling, maybe because of stressful days due to motherhood... :D Maybe both! Whenever I chat with a friend, I feel I talk too much about myself :/ But I only aknowledge that after all the talking!

Hi @helgapn - Narcissism seems to breed selfishness. And some people are incapable of empathy and I don't believe they would ever even try executing a selfless act because they would be incapable of recognizing depression if they are even able to recognize experiencing it. In your opinion, are most people narcissist and is there any gender leanings towards selfishness? Up-voted and followed by the way!

In my opinion people are becoming more and more narcissist due to daily competitiveness in every area: personal, social, professional... We're losing the sense of community and selfless acts. Any gender leanings? I guess yes, women are becoming obsessed to be the best: best mom, best professional, best daughter, best woman... men keep trying to provide for their families despite doing this in a selfish way "I need to bring money, I need to work better, I need to show my family I can provide for them". Am I being too pessimistic? I still hope one day our children won't feel this competitiveness and they will be able to care for each other without expecting anything in return.

Have you ever read any books by James Allen?

He's brilliant when it comes to "moral science" and is really good about clearly laying out cause and effect as it pertains to selfishness.

Oh course, it fits right into what you were saying- selfish thoughts lead to misery, while selflessness leads to abiding joy.

No @scottiemac, but I will look him up. The simplicity of the selfless act makes it that much more profound. Thanks for the reference. I will check him out.

" As A Man Thinkith" is what first turned me on to James Allen.

"Above Life's Turmoil" helped pull me out of a depression.

And "Mind is the Master" is a GIANT book of all his works.

Most every morning, I use essential oils like Spruce and Frankincense , while reading that book. It's rich with insight, so Ill occasionally look up at the sri yantra I painted, while I disgest the information.


It is true that you can blame no one but yourself for how you feel.
And when you are speaking with another ,ask ,listen misinterpertion can can really be a big issue as someone may have meant one thing and you took it as another.
People mainly take it as a negative , I do not know why.
NonCommunication is the number one reason for the break-up of relationships ,friendships ,even business partners.
Unfortunately the older we are the more we are set in our ways of thinking and doing things and it may be difficult to change but ask yourself if the relationship is worth it.
When you have a friend & it progress into more never forget that you are still friends that is the basis for any good relationship as you have a solid base to build upon.

From the Edgar Cayce reading 852-12:

...selfishness is the besetting sin of man. Tolerance, faith, patience - these be expressions that may make for the happiness that all are crying for. Yet so few are willing to pay the price for same - which is tolerance, patience, and selflessness in the expressions to its associates, its fellow man, its activities in the earth.

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