The Lensbury Club London: A personal account of childhood sexual abuse at a Shell oil clubhouse

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Here is a personal account from Kid B, describing her abuse at the Lensbury Club on Broom Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 9NU. Her experiences are recorded here in the hope that other survivors can use this account to bring clarity to their own experiences of abuse at this location here:

club front.jpeg

lensbury map.jpeg

Here is Kid B's statement:

"In the 1990s, I was sexually abused several times at The Lensbury Club, in different ways. My father was a member of this club on account of his employment by the Shell oil company (who owned the property).

On one occasion in childhood, my young cousin and I were taken to the Lensbury Club by my mother. This was during a school holiday. At the time, my cousin had her arm in a plaster-cast on account of an injury she sustained elsewhere. Normally, we were taken together to the Lensbury Club's children's 'play area'. But, because my cousin had injured her arm, I was left in the 'play area' on my own. This 'play area' included objects to climb on and structures for children to crawl through. While crawling through a structure in the 'play area', I fell though into an area beneath the floor level.

This area was contained within the basement level of the Lensbury Club. Here I was subjected to torture including being tied up and restrained with handcuffs. This area of the club contained sadistic paraphernalia, and resembled a dungeon of sorts. Eventually I was allowed to exit the area via a metal staircase. This area seemed to be used regularly to entrap children from the play area above.

On another occasion, I was taken to a hotel room at the Lensbury Club. In this room there was an access door to another room in the building in which the sexual abuse of children took place. "

A note on the above statement

A note from Kid A: I want to add a postscript to Kid B's account here. For those readers who are not well aquatinted with the scope and severity of organized child-abuse in our societies, Kid B's account may sound unimaginable. However, I would remind the casual reader that many abusive groups specifically rely on the incredulity of the public. In other words: These abusers often do unimaginable things specifically so that the accounts of children are not taken seriously.

It is important, for example, to remember that Kid B's experience took place in the context of a British Society that had knighted and celebrated public 'celebrities' like Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris who, we now know. collectively raped and abused many hundreds of children.

It would be unwise to disregard Kid B's statement simply on the basis of our disgust and horror at the idea that a multinational oil company ran a club in which children were systematically abused in a well-architected scheme. We now know, for comparison, that the BBC was deeply complicit in child rape throughout this same time period and facilitated the abuse of more than 1,000 children on BBC property.

Ritual near-drowning at the Lensbury Club

Here is an account from Kid B detailing another experience at the Lensbury Club:

"Late on an evening in the 1990s, I was taken with several other children around my age to the pool area of the Lensbury Club. Here, men wearing long dark robes, with their faces covered, tied the hands of each child together with rope. We were then pushed into the deep end of the swimming pool. The knots were sufficiently tight to cause intense distress and panic and I felt like I was drowning. The other children managed to undo the knots in the rope underwater. I felt like I was underwater for a long time, but also managed to undo the ropes and return to the surface. I felt like I almost drowned."

A note on the above statement about near-drowning

A note from Kid A: Again, I want to add a postscript to Kid B's account here. For those readers who are not well aquatinted with trauma-based conditioning, Kid B's experience here may, again, seem unimaginable. However, near-drowning experiences are well-documented as a means of causing splits in the psyches of abused children and this method of trauma-conditioning is often combined with ritualistic 'ceremonies' such as the one described above.

Although it is difficult to know the precise intent of this specific ceremony, it is well documented that abusive groups will subject a child to near-drowning and then 'rescue' the child at the last moment. This induces both compartmentalization in the victim's psyche, while simultaneously creating a trauma-bond between victim and perpetrator. The perpetrator now also fulfilling the contradictory role of 'saviour', having 'saved' the child from death. Perhaps Kid B would have been 'saved' by her abusers had she ultimately been unable to release herself from the rope.


You're not alone... and the forces are turning.
Hang in there.

Thank you for this, @frankbacon

Very inspiring!

this has left me horrified, really that these practices must have their legal consequences, imagine the amount of children who are subjected to these acts is sad

Thank you for reading, @mgaby

So many children around me as a kid were being hurt too. In the UK this was (is) epidemic.

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