Remembering my ritual abuse — How they used 'respondent conditioning' to keep us quiet

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I was ritually abused in a house in the woods in England. In this post, I will describe some specific techniques the abusers used to keep us quiet. I want to focus on the respondent conditioning I was subjected to. I will describe how organized pedophile groups keep children quiet about what was done to them using trauma-based conditioning techniques.

What is respondent conditioning?

Wikipedia defines respondent conditioning in a slightly technical way, as a "learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus (e.g. food) is paired with a previously neutral stimulus. It also refers to the learning process that results from this pairing, through which the neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response (e.g. salivation) that is usually similar to the one elicited by the potent stimulus."

In other words: If you ring a bell every time you feed a dog, eventually the dog with associate the ringing of the bell with the arrival of food and will ultimately salivate in response to the bell alone, even if there is no food present.

This phenonmen was studied extensively by the physiologist Ivan Pavlov who observed this behavior in his dogs.

One of Pavlov's Dogs

In trauma-based conditioning, the 'potent stimulus' may be violent assault and/or sexual abuse and the previously 'neutral' stimulus may be picked by the traumatizing abuser (consciously or unconsciously). The stimulus and the feeling of terror will then become subconsciously associated.

As neuroscientists like to say about neuronal structuring: What fires together; wires together.

Many phobias can be explained in this way: When we are deeply scared of an object or situation in the present — especially if this object or situation is apparently neutral or harmless — then it is likely that we have associated it with something dangerous or unpleasant in the past.

The problem is that, when we are conditioned through trauma, we often repress or conceal from ourselves the original cause of our distress. This is done specifically because the original, or core, trauma overwhelmed the ability of our nervous system to process and integrate.

Now I would like to describe some of the traumatic conditioning that I was subjected to in the British child-abuse camp I was held in as a kid. If you want to learn more about this camp, then explore my other posts.

Popular music was played while we were raped and assaulted

Specifically, I remember songs like Brown Eyed Girl being played while the men at the camp sexually abused and tortured us. It seems likely to me now that this was done specifically so that, on being released from the camp, we would suffer micro-retraumatizations every time we heard these popular songs played throughout our lives.

It seems as though this pedophile group chose 'neutral' stimulus that they knew would recur throughout popular culture, and associated these stimuli with the abuse. In my case, pop songs were associated with sexual assault.

Once a child is released from one of these camps, this conditioning seems to have the effect of triggering the child's nervous system on a subconscious level and re-triggering the fear response in us. This maintains the child in a state of low-level fear; aggravating their complex PTSD. This process triggers the depression of the memories of the experience of being tortured as a child. This process persists throughout the person's life unless they remember the original abuse they were subjected to.

Brown Eyed Girl was also an interesting choice of stimulus because the lyrics of this song are themselves reminiscent of a romanticized delusion of a happy childhood. The song paints a picture of a idealized past, or fantasy, where childhood was a happy, carefree place. But this is absurdly far from the reality for so many children:

Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow
Playin' a new gameLaughin' and a-runnin' hey hey
Skippin' and a-jumpin'

To take this song, one that depicts an idealized fantasy of the past, and to then associate it with ritualized sexual abuse demonstrates the psychodynamic complexity of how these pedophile groups operate. Far from being chaotic, the organization who abused me appeared to be underpinned by a deep understanding of the vulnerability of the human psyche. And they knew how to mold it.

Other songs of a similar, romantic and superficial nature were used too.

Common household objects were used as tools of abuse and torture

The clearest example of this was the tool that they murdered Clare with. I wrote about Clare's murder yesterday.

I witnessed abusers murder children using common household objects. With Clare, she was stabbed with a common kitchen fork. As a result, I went through most of my life with (to an outsider) an apparently irrational fear of forks, and the feeling that I would stab someone in the face with one. This was a consequence of the respondent condition process.

The pedophile group specifically chose cutlery and other common objects to assault us with because they knew that we would encounter the same stimulus (the fork, for example) every time we ate once we were released from the camp. The 'potent stimulus' of watching children murdered by the group was associated with the previously neutral stimulus of a fork. As a result, we were wired, like Pavlov's dogs, to respond physically to the presence of these objects in everyday life.

In short, these groups have designed systems of conditioning that are a finely-crafted exploitation of the human nervous system. They know exactly how to program children, fracture their psyches, and keep them in a state of fear into adulthood.

Post-release depressants

Once a child is released from the camp, they are at risk of remembering the abuse they are subjected to. Because these pedophile groups are associated with government and power-structures, these conditioning techniques used in the smaller cults (child conditioning camps) are re-enforced by rituals in the larger cult (society).

The larger cult, or 'culture' sells depressant chemicals to the adult population. These depressant chemicals (alcohol and others) serve to re-repress or 'depress' memories of abuse in childhood. These memories may be of abuse within the family, or abuse by organized gangs.

This largely explains the reason why the most dangerous drug known to society, alcohol, is freely available at government certificated medical dispensaries called, ironically, "bars'.

However, medicines that can potentially be used to remember trauma (LSD, MDMA) and which are harmless (in the right setting) are illegal. This helps 'society' to prevent adult-survivors remembering what was done to them as children. Instead, unconscious survivors are invited to 'depress' their memories, resulting in 'depression' which is then treated by 'doctors' through recourse to 'pharmaceuticals' which, again, profit the abusers and prevent the eruption of memories of abuse.

In short, children are abused in the UK on an industrial scale. I went through that process myself. The most awake children are subjected to the most violent abuse. I went through that process too. Then, when they are subjugated to the 'cult' or 'culture' of society, they are encouraged to re-repress memories of their abuse by consuming a dangerous poison, sold by the government, that interferes with the brain's capacity to recall and integrate memory.

What now?

In my next few posts I will talk in more detail about more respondent-conditioning methods that were used, and how some of these are practiced openly by many 'educational' institutions. I will also explore how my 'school' system functioned as a hub for these pedophile groups. Thank you for reading.


Very Interesting post. i was talking about this with someone yesterday and I'm going to talk about this on my youtube channel. I'm sorry you had to have these experiences but I bless you for being so strong and sharing with us. Followed and upvoted.

thats a paychological content post..i appreciateo to your content...carry on my friend...well done..

I am so sorry for everything you have been put through. Thank you for sharing this information on the blockchain, you are very brave to tell your truths, and I hope this encourages others to also step forward.

This world is such an evil place. The devil sure has power. Have you been able to forgive your assaulters? Thanks for sharing.

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