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RE: Why Feminists Hate Men - @mfxae86 and his toxic meltdown EXPLAINED

Ugh. Is this seriously a debate people are starting in 2019? Just to clarify - that argument being @mfxae86's - that all modern feminism is evil.

Feminism is good, women's rights are a cause worth fighting for. That's not to say that the modern, westeranised idea of extreme feminism (feminazis, if you will) is good.

Just as Islamic extremists don't represent the rest of Islamic people, or how the KKK don't express the views of their fellow white people, the views of extreme feminists may not always align with feminists.

While we still have a long way to go in areas like the statistic pay gap, the #MeToo movement, or parlimentry representation, we have come a long way thus-far.

Of course, identity is so very complex and people have different ideas and views. Perhaps a greater use of all our energy could be focusing on Women's rights in developing nations, where some women still can't vote or even make their own decisions.


Talking about how bad feminazis are has been the teenage libertarian trope for at least a decade, and the teenagers growing up watching sargon videos are now old enough to think they're wise and mature adults and post on the internet independently, it's honestly kind of horrifying.

Actually this is not a debate, and that is NOT "my" stand point, what the article does is present evidence that this is the current climate of the situation... people exist with extremist views on both sides of the camp. I would suggest you read the article itself, the "conclusion" gives all the insight necessary to the POINT of the article.... and that is, all this conflict you see (and not just in this arena) is by design.

I look forward to hearing your perspective on the point of the article

No, you cherry picked stupid garbage to straw man an entire group of people and are basing all your views off of billionaire funded talk shows like Rubin Report. You're an NPC drone with no nuance in your words.

Actually... if you read the article (even if you ignore the videos, audio, and links).... you will see the article is about how we are divided by design. in fact, i challenge you to read the "conclusion" section as that is the only place i present MY opinion on the subject...

If that were the case your behavior wouldn't be so awful and you wouldn't make fun of LGBT people and women in your comments section.

You clearly didnt read/understand that last comment.

And again would you care care to substantiate that claim with any evidence? I said nothing of the sort.

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