Why Feminists Hate Men - @mfxae86 and his toxic meltdown EXPLAINEDsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

So this guy made a post complaining about how feminists hate men or something, and I want to analyze the comments section, his posts, and his debate-style and tactics to explain how bad it is and how it hurts people.

Before we begin, I want to stress that @mfxae86 is probably not a bad person, but is just overly consumed with a false sense of righteousness that he acts like one. Let's analyze this exchange that showcases just that:

Link to full: https://steempeak.com/psychology/@torico/re-mfxae86-contemporary-feminism-all-men-are-evil-20190226t230242590z

(Note: There is much more, read the full post for context)

So, I don't know this person, but they seem to know the guy in question and is providing a much needed female perspective from someone that he knows, and not just me. The main problem with these sorts of dudebros is that they don't have any women in their lives they genuinely respect. They have women they tolerate and talk to, but no one they genuinely care about the ideas of. And we can see that by the response below:

See this response? First of all, note the time gap. Second, it's a bit overly defensive, no? He's basically saying her thoughts don't matter because there's no data. He's making fun of her for having unique thought and perspectives. He's attacking her for disagreeing with his bubble. Not engaging nicely, attacking. Very important distinction.

To which, she responds as follows:

My response to her sums up what I have to say in regards to this interaction, but it gets worse:

Like, I said there, he responds again by writing out essays about how she is to blame for being bad and needs to apologize to him for being against facts or something.

"own your behavior" - telling an obviously upset woman that she is bad and evil is the definition of disgusting. This alone makes me hate this guy, but it gets worse.

Dumbing down her points to the point of mockery, making her look irrational, making her look stupid. It's disgusting. This behavior is absolutely the embodiment of why people in feminist circles dislike men so much. We shouldn't need to say this, but obviously NOT ALL MEN, but this one, this one right here, definitely is a fucking douchebag.

It gets worse:

He tells her that she is the one at fault, and he is perfectly innocent. Him being a complete and total disgusting jackass talking down to someone for daring to speak up to him is completely fine. She is at fault! How dare she think!

Honestly, this interaction is evidence enough to prove this guy is an unhinged psycopath, but let's go on a little deeper. let's look at his "facts" and "data" that he loves so much.



His "data" consists of tokens that are paid off by big money to say bad things in front of a camera. He uses Milo as "The Gay Man Opinion" and other women like Hoff Sommers as "The Woman Opinion".

What's interesting is this is all he has. Literal interviews funded by billionaires to defend billionaires. The fucking Rubin Report, dude.

Check out some data on Dave Rubin's setup and who funds his bitch ass "facts" .

Now, let's get to this juicy reply:

So, his "data" is literally just videos of women talking. Guess what, stupid-ass? I am a woman, I am talking. Your (former?) friend is also a woman, and she was talking. We are just as qualified to speak about woman issues as any other woman in your "data" is.


Literally just "feminists owned" cringe compilations. This is not data. These are opinions, at best. Of which, I am of equal qualifications. He is a fake philosopher, fake friend, and fake human. He exemplifies how to be a bad person in almost every single way.

By the way, I am open to a voice debate over discord, skype, or whatever if the clown or the clown's friends what to talk about actual data.


I read the original post a few days ago. I thought it was diatribe and rubbish.

The same conservative voices get trotted out again and again as “evidence” when WASP ideologues want to have a rant about how unfair it is that we finally are hearing from the marginalised voices of society.

White boys (not men) throwing tantrums.

I chose to ignore the post. It’s his opinion, he’s entitled to it even if I think it’s abhorrent and factually incorrect.

I’m ok with people voicing their opinions if I don’t like or agree with what they’re saying.

But then to read the exchange in the comments.... well, ok just a wee bit disgusted (although I’m not certain that word is sufficient for how I’m feeling right now.

What I saw was someone who bared their soul about the trauma they’ve experienced in the past.

And then someone — one who claims to be trained in psychology nonetheless — to rip into that person and tear them and their opinion to shreds.....?...??.....

It’s fucking shit!

@torico I’m really fucking sorry you had to be put through that. Feel free to connect with me on Discord if you choose:
Raven [metametheus]#4772


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I don't often get involved on these posts because most of the users here are angry cishet white dudes with little to know research skills but with huge egos, but it's getting hard to let these people roam around and take majority control of this site when their ideas are so exclusive and toxic. Just take a look at how he responded here in this thread for an example of his stupid entitled attitude. It's sick.

As an amendment, let me say this as well.

Reminder, in a debate, you are not supposed to send someone 5 hours of homework before they respond. You need to be able to use these videos to form your own words. I can't just put a link to a Wikipedia article on my history thesis, so why should you be able to cite 5 hours of dumb talk shows? It doesn't make any fucking sense. Learn how to converse. @mfxae86

As a second amendment, I made another post that must be examined for anyone who wants to know what this guy is about. On top of hating women, he also loves mocking transgender folks.

Thanks for the extra exposure on my article :) i really hope people take the time to read what i have written on the subject and see that the conflicts which occur between many groups (not just men and women) is by design... which is the point of the article. What this indicates is that this falls into the 'social identity theory' realm of psychological constructs which is being discussed in the chatspace to some extent. Thanks again :)

Just because some figurative "THE MAN" told you to be an abusive cunt doesn't excuse it, jackass.

much love and copious hugs in your direction, i hope that you find respite from the turmoil you face and are afflicted by.

thank you cyberdemon. while i appreciate the defense and support, I also really wish to not exacerbate this any further. its your call to speak how you will on this, but I am deeply hurt by this and dont wish to make this into something that will divide people.

cope is, or has been til now, someone I've always respected and admired. but from this I get that it might take a bit of work from both sides to understand how to talk to the opposite sex with caring and respect.

from a feminist viewpoint you make some awesome valid points that I am cheering over. I'm so used to guys telling me how wrong I am and talking down to me that its sometimes difficult to recognize and know my own worth.


Men like this love to gaslight us into thinking we're actually irrational. It's really important to have people that can affirm your stances so that you don't get tripped up.

I'm not out to make this a huge deal, I just want to document bad behavior and this was a cut and clear case. Hopefully all goes well with you, and I'd like to do my best to make sure nothing goes bad in your direction, though we don't run in many of the same circles so I don't see it being much of an issue.

Though, I think that the fear of division is an irrational fear that men like this keep telling us over and over while they are doing just that. I prefer punching back.

see that's the issue with convo between the sexes. i truly believe that men (in general) are unaware of how and when they express suppressed anger. i tend to punch back too, but it never seems to resolve anything. now i just say my piece and try to walk away as gracefully as I can.

Yeah, I feel it. I'm trying to make myself out to be one that does it so others don't have to, hence I get into arguments a lot here :P

Not everyone should be weighed down with this kinda shit, it does get tiring.

Ugh. Is this seriously a debate people are starting in 2019? Just to clarify - that argument being @mfxae86's - that all modern feminism is evil.

Feminism is good, women's rights are a cause worth fighting for. That's not to say that the modern, westeranised idea of extreme feminism (feminazis, if you will) is good.

Just as Islamic extremists don't represent the rest of Islamic people, or how the KKK don't express the views of their fellow white people, the views of extreme feminists may not always align with feminists.

While we still have a long way to go in areas like the statistic pay gap, the #MeToo movement, or parlimentry representation, we have come a long way thus-far.

Of course, identity is so very complex and people have different ideas and views. Perhaps a greater use of all our energy could be focusing on Women's rights in developing nations, where some women still can't vote or even make their own decisions.

Talking about how bad feminazis are has been the teenage libertarian trope for at least a decade, and the teenagers growing up watching sargon videos are now old enough to think they're wise and mature adults and post on the internet independently, it's honestly kind of horrifying.

Actually this is not a debate, and that is NOT "my" stand point, what the article does is present evidence that this is the current climate of the situation... people exist with extremist views on both sides of the camp. I would suggest you read the article itself, the "conclusion" gives all the insight necessary to the POINT of the article.... and that is, all this conflict you see (and not just in this arena) is by design.

I look forward to hearing your perspective on the point of the article

No, you cherry picked stupid garbage to straw man an entire group of people and are basing all your views off of billionaire funded talk shows like Rubin Report. You're an NPC drone with no nuance in your words.

Actually... if you read the article (even if you ignore the videos, audio, and links).... you will see the article is about how we are divided by design. in fact, i challenge you to read the "conclusion" section as that is the only place i present MY opinion on the subject...

If that were the case your behavior wouldn't be so awful and you wouldn't make fun of LGBT people and women in your comments section.

You clearly didnt read/understand that last comment.

And again would you care care to substantiate that claim with any evidence? I said nothing of the sort.

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