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RE: Practice Snippets - The woman who wanted to get rid of hair on her hands

in #psychology4 years ago (edited)

Tax Rise:

How much money do people have to pay in taxes? Do you love taxes as opposed to free markets? When a company cannot make a profit, then competition declines. That means they are not encouraged to exceed. Because there is no benefit in doing better. That means things decline.

Value in Competition

Competition and profit is critical in driving competition. Otherwise, you get socialism, communism, tyranny, etc. If a company wants to do those things that you talk about, that is fine.


The problem can be when government forces companies to do them. That is a critical problem that does more harm than good, long-term speaking.

People Help People

Churches can help people. Non-profit organizations can help people. Also, people can help people. That is better than having government help people. Historically, that is better. When you read history and study history, you will see how big government gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.

Pretending to Help

They pretend to help people most of the time. They trick people like you into thinking that they are helping. And they do help a little but they end up doing more harm than good in the long-run.

Boiling Frogs

It can take more than 100 years to see how bad it can get but things become worse and worse as a result of the centralization, the regulation, the restrictions, the authoritarianism that rises higher and higher and bigger and bigger, gradually, slowly, and then all of a sudden.

Ancient Legal Systems

The legal system in America and in other countries is still connected to an older legal system from Europe that predates 1776 and the founding of the United States.


There is rumor concerning how America became a corporation because of what they did in 1871, etc.

German Obama Care

What you describe is Obama Care in many ways. So, you say it is different and yet it is not. You believe it is different because it looks different to you and because people told you so.


Deep down, you believe they are not connected. That is why you're not going to accept what I say. America has a welfare system that is similar to all of these things that you talk about. So, I understand why you say these things. I believe that you are either unaware of what America has or that you blindly choose to believe what people say falsely concerning America.

Fake News

I remember going to Vietnam and hearing foreigners from Europe come to Vietnam and lie about my country. Some people don't even know that they are being inaccurate. It is all a long story, the good and bad things that America has.


And yes, at the same time, Germany and different countries are not totally identical to America.

Smaller Scale

Also, some of these countries are so much smaller. So, at a smaller scale, you can sometimes do things differently. So, I don't disagree that some of these things are different which means you are right about that to the extent that these countries are the size of some of the USA states.

Europe is Dying

But Germany is running into big problems. Europe is dying. If people don't continue to rise up to stop Open Borders and other problems, then Europe will continue to decline like the Roman Empire did in a similar fashion.

History Loop

History can repeat itself but does not have to. That is why we have Brexit. The UK is trying to escape some of the problems.


But England is not perfect and Boris Johnson appears to be making some bad choices perhaps. But they are at least trying to remain independent as a country as oppose to a state of the EU which is actually a precursor to a global government that already exists to some extent.

Taxes Are Dangerous

Now, you say that parents don't have to pay and yet they do either directly or indirectly, economically speaking through taxes they pay or that their employers pay. When your employers pay more taxes, that means the employees get less money, etc, generally speaking. Many times, employers end up firing people, I mean laying them off, letting them go. Because taxes are generally too dangerous.

People Help People

Before the 1930's, Americans were helping Americans more and more.


But the same people that created the EU, the UN, etc, also were doing some things in America to cause the Great Depression which then resulted in certain actions that FDR, the U.S. President in the 1930's, to enact fascism and other things.

Banning Gold

The American government banned gold and started throwing people in jail. They even stole the gold from foreign banks and refused to give the gold back to them.


Bad people infiltrated the U.S. government and started making the government do bad things. It is long story. I have been reading books about it. There are so many documentaries that talk about what the bad people do to damage many different countries for many many centuries in a variety of ways.


I went into the "hot coffee" case because we were talking about the extremely high compensations. I followed an interest of yours and read about the case on Wiki. I wasn't really surprised anymore how such a high amount of money came about, because - unlike in Germany (!) - the winner who gets a sum of money has to pay all court costs at the same time. The case also made it apparent to me how difficult it is when you get sick in the USA and have to pay a high percentage of insurance fees for frequent follow-up treatments. That is definitely different here! Please inform yourself.

What you are doing right now is to call all people under governments to be victims. If you want to know something about my background, how about asking instead of rushing to conclusions and prejudices? I mean, I told you before that if you think I'm brainwashed and you think I'm not also very critical and don't see the pros and cons, you haven't listened to me.

As far as you think I am a victim of propaganda, brainwashing and other forms of manipulation, you do not need to talk to me.

I am not in the slightest interested in talks like "the world/Europe" going down. If you are so concerned about everything you could stop talking with me and do what you can to solve the worlds problems.

Do you understand the difference between local government and federal government?

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