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RE: We shape up our Life

in #psychology2 months ago

I so resonate with this post @nainaztengra <3 on more levels than I can even begin to explain!!!!

As someone who came from a pretty "old school" upbringing... I know well how this approach to life has been indoctrinated into us. "Life is hard" is pretty much the one liner that sums up everything the older generation was taught, and it is so wrong - well, at least in my opinion it is.

Our greatest failures as people are "doubt" and a mindset of "scarcity". Sure, life can be harsh sometimes - brutal even - but there is nothing in nature that carries doubt with it and there is nothing in nature that operates from a position of scarcity.

This is something which most people never even give a minute to think about... and they really should.

I am very "pro" turning that all on it's head and embracing a mindset of abundance - to look for the good in everything, everyone and to seek the lessons of growth from adversity of any kind.

Life is meant to be lived and loved, not loathed and feared... and yes, we very much make our own path! xxx


So true, over the past many generations we have been conditioned in this manner, that life is difficult and we have to fight for survival and to grow in life. This is all the mindset of fear and lower energies where we are stuck and it keeps getting passed on.
When I look around me, I feel life is so beautiful and every experience is an opportunity to grow and become a better version of ourselves.
Where there is a problem, there is always a solution, the universe is always supporting us, so why then fear and remain stuck in these lower densities.

This is all the mindset of fear and lower energies where we are stuck and it keeps getting passed on.


And you know what the crazy thing is... is that most people don't even question it. They just continue to follow it blindly like sheep, because that is what they know... or what they were taught. It is RIDICULOUS

I feel life is so beautiful and every experience is an opportunity to grow and become a better version of ourselves.

That is how things SHOULD be! <3
You are "doing life right" @nainaztengra :)

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