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RE: 3 Tips for Taking Care of Love

in #psychology7 years ago

The greatest feeling comes from loving and bring loved, sometimes we are over weighed and sail away with anxieties of life that we tend to forget little ways to express love for our partners.
We should and always now and as long as we live show love to our partners. Its all abput give and take but we should also clamp down on our expectations


That's true about expectations. We have to communicate what we want, and that's a piece of setting expectations. We can't receive love if we don't even know how we need it (and therefore don't tell our partner what we need).

Which is why i seriously explained this in my article understanding your mate and also the advent of side chicks. Because most married people dont, they loose their partners to side chicks(male/female) who might understand better.
You could check it out later on my blog

I read those pieces! I think your ideas are interesting. It is so important to have an active, maintained bond with your partner.

Thanks so much i appreciate all of your work i have come across

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