How to overcome a midlife crisis.

in #psychology8 years ago

1. Closer to 30 years, many are beginning to experience the psychological discomfort. Some people think that life is vain. Others are disillusioned with their values. A third think that they are alone. All these are consequences of the same reasons - the dopamine withdrawal.

2. Studies have shown that the brain throughout life is growing unevenly. More than 90% of growth accounted for up to twelve years. From twelve to twenty-five is an active cleaning of unnecessary neural connections. During this period, the brain also varies greatly, but after 25 years he gradually reaches a plateau: the dynamics of change falls significantly.

3. These two periods (1-12 and 12-25) are called sensitive. They are needed for the animal under the naming of "man" has adapted to the environment and transferred its gene further. The author is based on the research of neuroscientists Sam Wong and Sandra Aamodt. There are other models that describe the process of neuroplasticity fall.

4. How is all due to the depression in the region of thirty years? Dopamine. It is a hormone-neurotransmitter. It is produced when a person is faced with new information. Not until the end of its function is known, however, it is known two facts. It helps the brain to work faster (probably to the better learned new information). It causes a feeling of joy, happiness, high.

5. The award of the new information gets the animal for a simple reason: the more the animal knows about the world, the more likely to survive. However, the growth of the brain and maintenance of its size - huge energy costs for the body. Therefore, this process lasts only a limited time.

6. Now the simple consequences. The more active the brain grows, the more dopamine. The stronger man stoned. Children up to twelve years - dopamine addicts. Therefore, they have a tremendous need for new. Therefore, they are laughing all the time. Many of this notice. Children smash the bottle against the wall to get new information (and dopamine). There was one object that has become a lot smaller. Each unique shape.

7. Up to 25 years old man lives with hope for the future. It is an illusion that will be then as well as now, only better. What he still has time, all he could. And then bam! With great speed crashed into the physical brain growth restriction. The body begins to age, dopamine is no longer produced. The period of adaptation to the environment is over.

8. Towards the age of thirty, when the pleasure of the new becomes very small, a person first realizes that more is not better, but worse. And the ability to correct the mistakes of the past never existed. It was an illusion. It starts breaking.

9. People have different overcome this condition. Someone goes to the religion, someone ceases to believe the contrary. Someone closed the business and went to look at butterflies, someone, on the contrary, trying to start a business. Someone begins to change jobs as gloves, someone like a glove begins to change partners. THEY do the same thing: trying to artificially force the brain to grow again. Put yourself in an environment where there is a lot of new information, a lot of dopamine.

 10. What can we do? Maybe just to hang himself? Nature care. Nature concerned only those who remained, talk about them. What happens to an addict after the drug is over, and after him and breaking? Man no longer go with the flow and begins to take his life under control.

11. Midlife crisis - a chance. The chance that not everyone will benefit. This is an opportunity to begin to control your life. If one looked back and saw only emptiness, it means that he learned to distinguish the meaning of emptiness.

12. The only thing you can not do - run away from you in search of a new drug. The man has one who has become. Brain completed his formation. We need to take the best of what was in a past life, and strengthen it through awareness. Thanks to goals in the future. Life for the first time under control - this should rejoice.

13. But what to do with dopamine? Do not give the same from such a buzz? Yes, it is not necessary. However, it makes sense to start to avoid situations where he is thrown out artificially. We must avoid situations in which it is produced is not a result of new information. All the humor breaks the system of knowledge. Joke - it is an imitation of new information, cheating brain.

/// Humor - it's great, but everything is good in moderation. Consumption in large quantities replaces a person desire for knowledge, driving slowly into a depression. ///

14. As mentioned above, after thirty people just do not want to learn new things. He does not get the usual dopamine reward for it. There is good news: if you continue to load a new brain (through force), the dopamine rush back soon.

15. From the point of view of the brain, new information - is a dynamic changing environment. Once the environment is changing, it is necessary to continue the process of adapting to it. We must continue to give dopamine as a reward for new information. In short, it's like in the gym. At first, the most difficult stage, and then only manage to catch a buzz from the brain growth.

/// Many remain alone. They do not understand what is happening to them. This often leads to trouble. When you recognize that this stress is shared by all around - it becomes easier to handle /// 

16. Now specifically. After 30 years it is necessary to:

- To see the best that was in the past, to understand what skills are available;

- Understand how these skills can be developed to achieve more;

- To set new goals conscious (most likely want to contribute to society, since it is inherent evolution);

- Begin to consume more professional information, developing professional skills;

- To begin to engage in sports (the brain when doing sport is growing, too);

- Get out of your comfort zone (in the food, people, places, clothing, etc.), so that the brain could not use previously gained experience and developed;

- Examine the practice of self-observation (when a person begins to follow his thoughts, he gets a new environment for the study).


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I love this ! An easy insightful read.
I sometimes feel like I"m going through this already. I'm only 23 though.

Yes it is, food for thought :)

this is a wonderful post..i can identify with many points here

Veny nice Post mate !
I enjoyed reading and learning ;)
Gonna subscribe to you ma dear.

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