Some thoughts about the psychodynamic theory of personality.

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is the founder of psychoanalysis and deep psychology. The term "psychoanalysis" has three meanings: - personality theory and psychopathology; - method for the treatment of personality disorders; - a method of studying the unconscious thoughts and feelings of the individual. This combination of therapy theory and personality assessment is present in every Freud presentation of human behavior. According to the model for the organization of the psyche, called "Freud's Topographic Model," in the psychic life of man, three degrees can be distinguished: conscious and unconscious.

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The sphere of consciousness consists of experiences that we realize at some point in time. Consciousness covers a very small percentage of the information stored in the human brain. The sphere of the pre-conscious, called "accessible memory," involves the experience we do not realize at any given time, but we can quickly recover conscious or spontaneous or as a result of a minimal effort. For example, we can easily remember what we did a few days ago; where we lived, your favorite books, and more. According to Freud, the preconscious places a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious mental area. The sphere of the unconscious is itself the deep and significant area of ​​human reason. Conscious is a repository of primitive instincts, emotions and memories that fill consciousness. Evidence of unconscious processes is the forgotten traumas of childhood, critical hostile feelings towards parents, or sexual desires that we do not realize. In the context of psychotrauma, Freud assumes that it works by turning the unconscious into conscious.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Freud reviewed his model of the personality structure and introduced three personalities: id, ego, superego. The model presented is known as a "structural model of psychic life". Id - means an extremely primitive, instinctive and innate aspect of the personality. It works entirely in the unconscious sphere and is associated with instinctive biological motives / sleep, differentiation /. Id has a lifetime importance, albeit primitive and free from limitations. Ego - his name comes from the Latin "Self". The ego seeks to express and satisfy the wishes of the ego according to the constraint imposed by the external environment and social realities, the ego is subject to the principle of reality. The ego, unlike id-a, distinguishes reality from fantasy, changes in accordance with new experience and participates in rational-cognitive activities. Superego - comes from the Latin "super" - "ego" - "me".

The superego is the last component of the developing person, representing an internalized version of public norms and behavioral standards. According to Freud's view, one is not born with a superego. Children acquire it, thanks to interaction with parents, teachers, and others. "forming" figures. Or, speaking extensively, Id or It - these are the instinctive impulses. It acts in accordance with the principle of pleasure, the need to satisfy our needs immediately. In the first year of a person's life, a portion of Him is transformed into the Self. I associate the organism with reality through his consciousness and search for objects to satisfy His needs. This activity is called a secondary process. The self functions according to the principle of reality. During this process, I encounter some obstacles / the mother who will punish the child if she hits her little brother / and draws a "list of illegal items". That list turns into an Over-Self. It is not yet formed until the 7th year of the child. This is never happening to some people. The super-self has two aspects: one is conscience and the other one is the ideal.


It is incredible how Freud was so far ahead of his time one of his theories that most impresses me is the Oedipus complex, sometimes also called oedipal conflict, I study it thoroughly in his work and his literature, I love the topics that I address I need to translate them but happy to do it. Thank you very much here for my humble support.

This information that you share on man's conduct and his doctrine is very knowledge-oriented and very good.

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