
Thanks. They explain it well. This quote is what I’m also trying to point out where I wrote “eviscerate” our “cherished beliefs”:

On other things, like government corruption – especially corruption that falls on party lines – the red pill is not as easily swallowed. We like to think we’ve made good decisions and planted our loyalty flags on solid ground. If our party is engaged in widespread corruption, it indicates we were either fooled, in agreement with such behavior, or ignorant. None of those outcomes is pleasant, and so we tend to excuse, rationalize, justify or just ignore evidence that challenges our beliefs.

I’m positing that decentralization may be the solution for how those of us who are awake can side-step being the collateral damage of the corrupt and dysfunctional collective governance that is sustained by all those who can’t swallow the red pill.

I thought of the many obfuscated names for high-fructose corn syrup Frankenfood when I read this:

you mean Monsanto engineers GMO foods and they’ve been proven to be dramatically unhealthy for your body? Your body actually treats GMO food as a foreign substance, something to fight, instead of fuel?

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