in #psychology7 years ago



I know in today's PC world, you like getting told that you're smart and special.

Well if you want to trade successfully, you're going to have to come into the real world where quite frankly, you're not.

You're not Smart or Special

Aww diddums, does hearing that hurt your feelings?

If it does, then stop reading now because trading just isn't for you. Head back into your walled world where whatever problem that hinders you from competing with the best of the best, is accepted as normal, rather than the negative that it obviously is.

Everyone else is smarter than you. The quicker you realise and accept that you aren't special and that you have to actually compete against the best of the best to make money, the better.

Markets are Emotionless

Markets don't get emotional. People get emotional.

If you're worried about how smart you are, or worried about being right or wrong, then your emotions are already getting in the way. The market isn't greedy or emotional and as a result it's never wrong.

Markets just are.

Human beings are terrible traders by design. We just are no longer wired to have the ruthless, zero emotion streaks that are required to be a successful trader.

There is no coincidence that such a small percentage of traders ever truly make it in the end.

Take Responsibility for Yourself

When push comes to shove, it all comes down to taking personal responsiblity. The good the bad and the ugy, it's all on you.

If a trade goes against you, then it isn't the fault of the market. Nobody is out to get you, blah blah blah. It is what it is so take reponsibility and process the situation as is to minimise risk and maximise your reward.

Remember, you don't have to know which way the market is going to move to make money. You quite simply just have to define your edge and exploit it consistently.

You are not smart, special or entitled to anything in any way. Just always be better.

Best of probabilities to you.

Peace 🏻.

Please leave a comment with your ideas or just share a chart.

Blogging about markets is all about sharing ideas and making us see all possible angles. I look forward to having you follow along and reading what you throw at me.

Twitter: @forexbrokr
Instagram: @forexbrokr


I guess you've read Nassim Taleb's The Black Swan or Antifragile. If not, I recommend them. Those are the books that opened my mind the most to this reality, that we, humans are not that smart and we can't predict.

If you did, what's your take on them? I keep thinking about an antifragile system on forex. Though I don't yet have 'skin in the game' as he says. But I might get on forex soon.

Thanks. :)

Hey, thanks for the book recommendations. I'm on the hunt for some new material so I'll give them a read. :)

If you want to take the plunge into the world of forex trading, definitely find me @forexbrokr on Twitter and send me a DM. I'll help point you in the right direction to get you started on the front foot.

it's so true that does talk to me because I have that in mind when I look at trading it does help not to feel special it does feels good to think your not the smartest, it keeps you grounded and aware of exception in your strategies and you see failures more as a question on where it went wrong rather than a frustration because you were feeling it.
I just missed the nano pump I saw it right at that fucking bottom but I didn't do anything it's harsh but I'm learning the market is not your friend neither your ennemy it just is, doesn't judge anything.

I'm learning the market is not your friend neither your ennemy it just is, doesn't judge anything.

You're on the right path mate. :)

That's gr8 thinking @blacksheepblog (I almost wrote blacksheepdog, hehe), I always say that when it comes to trading, I am my own worst enemy, and that I need to get out of my own way!

As somebody said, and I don't remember who, "If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room!" :).

"If you're the smartest person in the room, then you're in the wrong room!"

Haha, I like this. Definitely going to use it myself.

Calm composure is the ultimate way to thrive in the market.

No human emotion.

Iceman shit!

well if this aint the truth lol

Deep down everyone knows it, but not everyone wants to accept it.

Taking responsibility irrespective of whatever happens.

That’s exactly it. In trading and in life! 😎

Good spam.

Do you even know what the post is about? Pretend you read it and say something about the post in your comments or they are just spam.

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