Give the World the Grandest Version of You that You Can Possibly Give.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology7 years ago

When I was growing up, being "selfish" or "self-centered" was one of the worst things you could possibly be.  

Google's definitions:

(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure
preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs.

Whatever the cost, it was not acceptable to put the self first.  We became a generation of people who spent more energy on making sure others were comfortable with our behavior, that others didn't get offended by our words or actions, and that the needs of others were met before our own.  In fact, we were taught to always offer the best to another-- it was "selfish" to even serve yourself the bigger piece of pie or the last bite on the platter.

We've been constantly making ourselves acceptable to others, and there has been no room for us to completely express and be ourselves.  We haven't truly been ourselves, so how can we truly love who we don't even know? 

It's so rare to find people who love themselves.  Since we have no frame of reference for what that means, we place judgment upon those traits.   We use the hot label "narcissist" these days to let people know we are condemning their ability to love themselves "too much".  Who decides what "too much" is?  Generally the person making the judgment call, who likely doesn't love themselves much at all.

Google's definition of a narcissist is: 

a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
"narcissists who think the world revolves around them"

That description is interesting to me, since the truth is that the world does revolve around us.  If we were not in the equation, our world would not even exist.  It only exists because we are in it and if we're going to be in it, we might as well enjoy ourselves to the fullest.  How can we truly enjoy ourselves if we are not in full honor and appreciation of ourselves.  I find it silly that we should tame our self love, for without first loving ourselves, we cannot truly love another.   We are limited to loving others only to the heights of which we can love ourselves.  We have not learned to love ourselves unconditionally, never being blessed to believe we deserve it.

Heaven forbid, we would think highly of ourselves, speak highly of ourselves, appreciate our own worth, hold true to our values without compromise, and give ourselves the optimum care.  How dare we do what is in our own best interest and look out for number one.  How dare we put ourselves first so we engage our other relationships from a  healthy and empowered perspective. How dare we be responsible for our own existence and give to the world our grandest version of ourselves.

Now, I am not condoning being a "selfish beast".  I am aware that some people are way over the top in being selfish--but from my perspective that does not come from self love, but compensating for not enough self love--for wanting others to believe they are more than they are by putting up a facade to protect and deflect their own self-hatred.  

In true self love, putting the self first has great rewards. For if one loves the self, they will then be able to love another.  And at the same time, if one does unto another as one would do unto the self, if the  intention is to treat the self with unconditional love, the other will be loved to a very high degree as well.

A phrase from Michael Jackson's song - "I'm looking at the man in the mirror--I'm asking him to change his ways...." has been swimming around in my head for a couple of days now. It has multiple meanings for me and the one that pertains to this topic is.... that if we better ourselves, our "selfishness" will pay off in service to making the world a better place, one person at a time.  Since we can only change ourselves, this is THE place to start.  I believe we will find that if we love ourselves, we will inherently love others, so there is nothing to do but start right here at home with the self!

We are our own piece of art.  
At the risk of judgment and labels, we must do the work to find true love for ourselves.  Remembering our worth and taking care of our best interests,
we will do the world and all of humanity a great service.  

Be your own best lover, friend, and confidant.  
Respect yourself and hold yourself accountable to be the best you you can be.  

Give the world the ultimate gift--the gift of the highest and grandest version of yourself you can possibly give! 


That's cause you get it!! Great to have you here @virtualgrowth.

Do what you want it's a short life anyway

Yep!! That's one way to handle life! Gratefully tuning into loving myself and sharing it with others is what I want. No matter how long or short my life may be--I'll be glad I lived it! Thanks for your comment @major137!

I think putting ourselves first and putting others first both has its pros and cons. The most important thing in my opinion will be finding the right balnce between the two. One could give room for flexibility.
Very nice post. 👍
Upvoted and following

I find that for myself, if I am grumpy I am a poor pretender and cannot give what I don't already have within. And I also find that when I am feeling really good, it is super over the top enjoyable to give to others. So others always benefit from me being right with myself. Often times loving myself is putting others first, because it feels so good to share and doing what feels good helps others and also benefits me. It's a win/win all around.

I live my life in service to humanity at the @gardenofeden. I wouldn't be able to do that if I didn't put myself first--I enjoy it so immensely that I am first of all doing it for myself, and then others get the benefit. If I didn't enjoy it first, it would be worth nothing at all. Thanks for your comment @timoshey. It's great having you here.

lovely post and nice photography... thanks for sharing

Thank you for showing up on my blog @gbenga. I appreciate your comment and your presence here!

The pleasure is mine

Thanks @everlove! I can't wait until we cross paths again... you're so positive and uplifting!

Oh my it's @robrigo!!! So long it has been. I'm truly grateful to see a comment from you on my blog and reconnect with you. I'm grateful to share a little love around and throw out some little reminders that we are all worthy of such love. Thanks for being here with me.

I think about you and the Garden of Eden often. You have a beautiful vision that you are truly living and achieving; it's very inspirational to me.

Thanks for the acknowledgement @robrigo. We definitely know our people by the heart connection we feel. You are one of those even from a distance. So glad we can share so much with you and that we are much on the same page. What a blessing!

Your have a good soul !!! @everlove a stunning take on love .

Thank you @louiscpt. You acknowledgement is appreciated. Most people seem to be struggling with feeling worthy--and it is coming up potent all over the place, including myself. It's been so squashed out of us that it will take some consistent, intentional focus to remember. I'm grateful to share with you.

Is this girl is you? @everlove

by the way, nice post.

I am the in the shadow on the bicycle and behind the camera lens. The first photo I took of a mime in the square in Amsterdam at Steemfest. The little girl is Noki, @saramiller is the last photo with the big eye, and @quinneaker (founder and visionary of the @gardenofeden) is with the light surrounding him-- all from our eco-village community the Garden of Eden in Arlington, Texas. Thanks for you comment. I'm grateful you appreciate my post @kyra-kristian.

This is good post on all level. Pictures are very attractive and reflect the value.
Thanks for sharing @everlove .

You're welcome @motivator. Thanks for being here to share with.

nice thoughts. upvoted :)

Thanks for thinking it with me @royalmacro!

I appreciate your appreciation @jorlenbolivar. I shall check out this post as well. Blessings to you.

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