Phase Change

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)


There are basically two states of matter: Solid and Fluid. Liquid, Gas and Plasma are sub-states of Fluids. They act much the same.
The point at which a Solid becomes a Fluid, or vice versa, is called Phase Change

In similar fashion there are two states of society...the monkey sphere

and everything else. The monkeysphere is the cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. Those within our monkeysphere are know as US (or the people). Everyone outside of the monkeysphere is not US..they are THEM not people, infidel, other, less than human,unbeliever, disbeliever, nonbeliever, agnostic, atheist; heathen, pagan, idolater, heretic, freethinker, dissenter, nonconformist; Goy , Gentile, alien, nonnative, stranger, outsider; immigrant, refugee, settler, newcomer...the list goes on and ON. The thing is, this is NOT learned behavior. It's inherent. It's due to the hardwiring of the wetware. It's the default condition of mankind. It's human nature.

Within the monkeysphere, sometimes known as the family, the extended family, the club or the clan one set of rules dominate. Basically it's the ten commandments

  • You shall have no other gods before Me.
  • You shall not make idols.
  • You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Establishing the boundries of the Club. Distinguishing it from

  • Honor your father and your mother.(enhances the stability of the family)
  • You shall not murder.
  • You shall not commit adultery.
  • You shall not steal.
  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  • You shall not covet.

Rules of behavior within the club to enhance stability. Typically they do NOT apply to outsiders.

Similar codes can be found in Judaism, Samaritan, Christianity, Islam and in possibly every culture from ancient time until now.

Out side of that group of approximately 150 to 250 people the rules break down. Irrationality increases proportionate to increase in the group size. There is rivalry. In Texas Football it's the LongHorns


The one true god is the Longhorn...
everyone else get OUT of town.
In WWII it was US vs the HUN...

or US against the yellow peril
Degrade, dehumanize the foe.
They are not human like we are.
It's ok to kill them, cheat them, enslave them.
..after all they aren't really people..are they?
The irrationality increase is not linear.
Longhorn vs Aggie is mostly in play.
KuKluxKlan vs Black Men were DEAD serious.

(emphasis dead)

The bigger the group..the more insane it gets. Perhaps it’s exponential or even logarithmic? Evidence to support this speculation is freeway traffic at rush hour or the presidential election. In either instance rational behavior is NOT exhibited.

The ultimate exhibition of chaotic behavior among large groups is called war.


The technical term for this phenomena is that they are ALL nuckin futz.

In groups. As individuals they're pretty fine guys.

The boundary between sanity and increasing insanity in groups is where the phase change occurs. Within the phase-change boundary one set of rules dominate. Out side the boundary there are no rules.

Within the the monkeysphere, the family, the clan, whatever name you chose, an approximation of communism may occur. Socialism, to an extent, maybe the style within the clan. It’s marginally possible within the phase-change boundary. Outside the boundry it’s impossible. The only thing that works outside the border of the MonkeySphere is force.

Government is not reason,
it is not eloquence
— it is force.
Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master;
never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action


..... government is not the solution to our problem;
government is the problem.
From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society
has become too complex to be managed by self-rule,
that government by an elite group is superior to government for,
and of the people.
Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself,
then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?
All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden.
The solutions we seek must be equitable,
with no one group singled out to pay a higher price.


Great post my Beother. Totally agree we are genotypically tribal and society at larege chooses to focus on phenotype alone when there are so many other forces at play. I remember the first time I heard glass was not a solid. Blew my mind. A Chemistry BS mibor later and two General, two Organic, a Biochemical and various other Pre-Med related college courses later now I get it in depth. You are on target with te idea of the "other". If you can dehumanize your enemy than it is much easier to gain support to destroy them. Nazi Germany, Afghanistan, he list goes on and on. WE are the world, we are normal and THEY are the ones threatening it with subhuman minds. But like you said it is human. Judgement and discernment are innately built in as a mechanism of survival and defense. To deny it is to deny our humanity. And that is why I dont believe all cultures can mix. Certain groups are just better off surrounded by their own tribalistic brethren. As an Irishman I understand the clan. Not the KKK btw. Great post and I always look forsrd to your content. UPVOTED & RESTEEMED!

Thank you
that's the way it IS.
but do we want it to stay that way?
how can we change it if we do?
I suggest it would require an enhancement of some sort. Either chemical, cybernetic , both or something else.

Très bon post . Merci grâce à toi j'ai appris des choses que je ne connaissais pas merci

i like your post, thanks for sharing

It makes complete sense to me.

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