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RE: Soapbox Sunday: It's Called SELF-esteem, not OTHER-PEOPLE-esteem!

in #psychology7 years ago


I really like that idea, if I happen to remember next week and have something I will use that tag!


Never been big on self-esteem so don’t have much to say on that. While you do address many of my issues with it those are still my vailed points for hatting it. You can call it other things all you want: narcissistic, megalomania.

You can call it a misunderstanding but I call it the new social norm. People just want inflate themselves like an air balloon with hot air. I just don’t have time for that.


Once upon a time we were judged by the depth of our character, but somewhere along the way that became not "enough," and now we live in this "cult of personality" world where every single thing we do feels like it is just another sales pitch.

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