New Evidence Suggests Martial Arts Training Can Help Autism

Autism spectrum disorder refers to a wide range of conditions that are classified by the DSM-5 as neurodevelopmental disorders. In order for individuals to be diagnosed as having ASD they need to present with two types of symptoms. Those symptoms are restricted and repetitive behaviors, as well as deficits in social interaction and social communication. There is a multitude of research going on in this area at the moment, and newer findings suggest that physical therapies, specifically martial arts training, might be where much success could be found.

A study review that was published in the journal Autism at the end of last year, sheds new light on the possibility of martial arts training being able to help with autism. A team of researchers at McMaster University and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology together reviewed an array of available literature on exercise intervention in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from infancy to 16 years of age.

They found that physical activity was a great influence in the reduction of stereotypical behaviors that are associated with this illness, along with improved social and emotional function. They also saw that it could help to boost cognition and attention.

Where they found the most promising results was with horseback riding and martial arts specifically. And they assert that there is strong evidence to indicate that these activities can help to produce great results like those mentioned above.

The researchers sought to review and critically analyze the existing literature related to behavioral outcomes with regard to exercise interventions and it consisted of focusing on 13 different studies. They suggest that future research is necessary which includes larger sample sizes, longitudinal follow-ups, standardized assessments, and more. They also propose that a focus on earlier childhood is needed and on adolescence, in order to better understand the possible benefit that exercise might be able to provide.

Recent estimates place the prevalence rate of autism in the U.S. at roughly 1 in 45 children being diagnosed as having ASD. This is considerably worse than the earlier estimate by the CDC in 2014 which was said to be around 1 in 68 children. And the earlier that those who suffer with ASD are able to be diagnosed, it is said that the better of a chance they will have in terms of personal progress.

ASD doesn't only place difficult on the life of the individual but it greatly impacts the family as well. Behavioral therapy and other healthcare costs associated with ASD are very challenging for most families to deal with who have to go through the process. The estimated lifetime cost for an individual with ASD is between $1.4 and $2.4 million.

Studies looking into the benefit of mixed martial arts on ASD have found that regular training in “kata” can help to reduce stereotypic movements in children. And for children between 5 and 16 years of age who completed at least 3-4 months of training (about 20+ actual hours), they were seen to have greatly improved in their communication ability; compared to the control group.

There are many different occupational therapies out there and it can be a very stressful situation when parents are trying to decide on which one might work best for their children. Further research in these areas will help parents be able to know what programs might offer their child a better chance at improving symptoms.



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My daughter has Aspergers, she started doing kick boxing when she was around 9, it really helped her. The discipline really helped :)

As a full time professional Martial Artist, I witnessed this rise first hand with both students as well as a nephew. (don't get me started where this originated).

However the focus on something they enjoy lasers in far beyond us mortal beings. They are savants in their own ways... so maybe, just maybe... we were the ones with dulling factors injected into us comparatively, that the younger generation is growing out of.

There is a growing number of very enlightened children these days.

thank you for sharing!

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