What do you think about consciousness and its opposite?

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

The unconscious mind is linked with our intuition, and the better the connection we have with it, the better we will understand ourselves, and the easier it will be to accomplish anything we want, since it could help us realize what it is that drives us forward.

Because of this, it is necessary to understand that it is fundamental for us to be able to properly manage our own emotions, even if they are caused by bad experiences. In fact, it is essential to give ourselves all the time we need and the space to feel whatever feeling we have repressed. Without judging ourselves because of that.

Having proper knowledge of the things that excite us and the things that scare us, can a be a monumental help to maintain the always important balance in our personal life.

What do you think about this?


Nice post. Our unconsciousness is pure and divine and selflessness in nature.

That's a nice way of seeing it!

I loved reading your post! It’s bery informative and well structured, keep up the good work my friend👏🏻 you inspired me today✨

Thanks for your kind words bud!

You are always welcome 🙏🏻

very cool. being a fan of "following one's intuition" and dreams, etc, i really appreciate your post. i think it's soooo incredible to think of "our operating procedures" and try to bring them to light. otherwise, it's like living our lives underwater compelled and nearly compelled by forces we don't understand (which are really just ourselves). thanks! following you now as you seem interesting and i like your other post topics!

Yeah man thanks for the support!

I really appreciate it!


Interesting stuff! I was always a fan of Jungian psychology and his interpretation of the subconscious. His writing on the collective unconscious is really interesting too. Nice article :-)

The thing with the collective unconscious is that how can it be explained?

I know there are some mothers that are able to feel when something is wrong with their children, I even made a post about the story of my premonition a few weeks ago, in which according to my mother when I was a little kid, almost a baby, I saw my father having an accident in my dreams and that night indeed my father had an accident... So I do believe there must be some way to access information we don't yet understand, or some way to twist time perhaps?

Anyways, I am glad you enjoy the post bud!


Yes, you've hit on it in what you say about premonition. I think premonition along with déjà vu, mass hysteria and psychic experiences are some of the indicators of a collective unconscious. Although Jung didn't prove it empirically, I truly believe that he has made the best explanation so far. It is interesting what you say about your dream + father, I had quite a few dreams as a teenager where work-a-day situations were acted out in a dream only to then occure the next day. I'm talking specifics that my consciousness couldn't have fabricated. An example, an old lady nearly getting run down by a bus by my local supermarket. I dreamed about it then a few days later it happened and I had really strong déjà vu. It was only after 2 days of pondering the déjà vu that I started to remember the dream fully. Now, a phycologist might say, you constructed the dream after the fact, but I know I didn't. Anyway, lol 'there is more under heaven and earth' and all that :-)

Its interesting the fact you forgot about your dream only to remember it later on.

In the same post about my premonitions I also talk about another one where I dreamed a goal before it happened, it was an important goal in the Champions League finale. The curious thing is that I told my 2 friends about the dream I had that day.

And the next day, I didn't remember anything about i and it was one of my friends who told me that the goal I dreamed the night before was exactly the same as one of the goals in the match, it was only after he told me this that I remembered my dream and it was indeed the same goal I had already seen the night before...

Weird things happen to us while we sleep.

And the only reason I believe in this is because it happened to me, if someone told me this I would not believe it. But yes, premonitions are real. I wish I would know how can they be real? How could we be able to see into the future?

Excellent write up on the subject of the unconscious area of our mind. I love how you note all your sources and this was very well laid out!

It's difficult for me to admit, but I've actually been noticing the effect of my unconscious on my life, whether in actions or reaction. I'm quite fresh in my career, and I'm only now consciously trying to adapt the way I act or react. I don't know why I'm finding it so difficult, I guess you could say it's like trying to remember a dream you had forgotten. I'm getting better though. Dealing with a lot of socially manipulative people around me at work atm. Thanks for such a well written informative post.

Socially manipulative people are the worst! I hope you can see this experience as an opportunity to learn and mature.


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