What is Intuition | What Roles Can It Play To Make Us Successful & Content ?

in #psychology7 years ago

There are various forces within us which can help to make us successful. Like Determination, Anger, Consistency, Passion, Love, Ego, Hatred and Kindness. Each quality or force has some role to play in our life. If we can learn to harness all these forces within us, there would be nothing in this World which could hold us from becoming Successful In Life either physically, mentally or spiritually. 

Now, Let's talk about another force which reside within us and has a strong power to drive us into the right direction. That power is Intuition. 

What is Intuition?

Intuition is an inner knowing, which is not based on any logical reason or skills, but still drives us to take a better decision. 

Simply speaking, Intuition is our inner voice which compels us to choose a better option when we are about to make a decision. There's no logic behind Intuition, there's no formula's exist on the basis of which Intuition works, rather it works on our previous experiences, how our sub-conscious mind works, how it reacts to a situation and just on the basis of that, an inner voice rings a bell on our consciousness when we're about to make a decision irrespective in any field or area of work. 

What Role Can Intuition Play To Help Us Taking Better Decisions?

First of all, Intuition is an abstract, which means it is a feeling which can't be described with any logical explanation and using of technical situations. So, it's effects and degree of impact would be different for different people. 

Sometimes when we're not mature enough and we had to take a decision, then we mostly rely on our parents, relatives, society and friends. We take decisions according to their choices, although we feel our inner voice when we're about to take a decision related to career, business, profession or relationship, still we take those decisions just on the basis of society by using their skills and technical choices ignoring our Intuition.

Now tell me what happens if that decision would fall miserably in the near future? Who would you blame? 

The real answer would be No One. You can't play the blame game with society or your parents. Because in the end, you'll still find yourself a failure. 

There's no guarantee of success but the safest hands are still ours. If we take our decisions by relying on our senses and inner voice along with using some technical points as well, then it would be a better choice in the end. Intuition sometimes connect you with your destiny. You all must have felt at least once in your life that sometime you took a decision completely ignoring your intuition and later you get to face failure because the decision you chose wasn't good for you. Somehow, your inner soul or voice knows whats best for you. So, depending on it while taking a decision especially if your whole life depends on it, would be a wise choice. 

Listen to your inner voice and live your life according to it. Trust me you'll not face consistent failure on this road.

That's all I wanted to say. You can disagree with me but still when it comes to Intuition, there are no easy and fixed explanations. 

Thanks for reading..!

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Yes, I concur that IF people can develop a sense of #INTUITION - i.e, there are books that can HELP w/ this .. anyway if one can learn to TRUST in their Inner voice, well they'd be Better off !

The #Book I know of - called "Finding Your Own North Star" by Martha Beck - what It can DO is help someone who isn't very "in touch" with themselves. It has a Series of #Exercises (and QUESTIONS) for a person to do just that .

Check it out people.. it may help u. (is Avlble via Amzn )

Thanks for your Post ♦♦ Sometimes for a Young person, it can be DIFFICULT as they don't have much #Experience yet -- as you said, Intuition is based off of previous experiences, so IF a person is in their 20's.. well, he/she may not have enough experience to draw off of !

If a young lady is ever on a Trip by herself, I suggest (Strongly) she ALWAYS listen to her Gut - it's too dangerous not to.

I once was on a trip by myself, and my car conked out (this was B-4 Cell phones); a man was walking toward my car to presumably help out, & I had to decide FAST if I was gonna trust him, or just drive OFF.
My gut told me what to do.

Since we've spent so long ignoring or dismissing this aspect of self, how do we now successfully re-integrate it into our practical decisions? The answer is simple: dialogue it.

Very good post @crytonet. . I like your post. Thankyou for sharing

Now they know that we have neurons in our intestines, that are sending our brain messages about chemical balances there, digestion and hormones. We are starting to understand that that old "gut feeling" about things is linked to complex information being shared throughout our body and factors in to intuition it would seem.

Yeah, it could be the case but still the gut feeling has to do something with 'soul call' thing. Dont you think so ?

Yeah, I suppose... I don't really think about it much, and thankfully i'm not usually in any highly stressful situations where i'm really put to the test.

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