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RE: Soapbox Sunday: It's Called SELF-esteem, not OTHER-PEOPLE-esteem!

in #psychology7 years ago

As usual, you raise a lot of good points here and I'm not just Saying that as an "over praise." I can't quite put a pin in my own personal issues with self esteem. I am eternally "let down" (as you put it) by most people but that's usually because they did the opposite of what I considered "good " or "moral " in a given situation. In other words, my initial impression of them or who in my head i had built "x" person up to be is shattered. What I'm Saying is I'm not sure the usual reason I'm let down by people is self esteem related. Am I making any sense here?


Yeah, I get what you're saying. People often let us down... but that's an interesting dynamic. As often as not, when someone lets us down, it's the result of their own shortcomings... intersecting with our expectations. I get "trapped" by my own expectations that people would generally be "good" and act "intelligently" in the world-- which is a BIG mistake. People aren't and they don't.

But does my disappointment reflect how I feel about me or just how I perceive them? In most cases, the latter. I am still who I was, before the interaction.... although perhaps a little more jaded and cynical.

Good introspective way of putting it. Generally leading me to be more cynical and pardon my French but, I'm already cynical as f*ck

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