Is society going in the direction of a State conformism and a normalized mass behavior?

in #psychology7 years ago

Conformism and Mass behaviour

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The development of the means of communication shows that people are feeling and getting more alone and lonely, and have increased values in the incidence of mental deceases like depression and anxiety.
The Millennial Generation has the largest number ever seen in history in depression and anxiety disorders than in any past generation.
The actual Millennial's second cause of death is suicide and psychological instability.

People psychological profiles are becoming more conservative, less self-reliant, more conformist, and opportunist but at the same time, but most of the people today are less audacious to challenge authority and dogmas, less involved in changing the world and themselves.

Millennials evaluate the social component of face-to-face, but virtual communication is increasing and creating a lot "room-people" that avoid human contact on the supposition that they will reduce the anxiety of facing and be aware of reality.
Millennials on the other way are using technology for self-adaptation in the future and learning in new different ways from past generations and they prefer videos as the main fountain for personal change and learning, to substitute for old paper manuals and books, and they like memes as a way to spread messages.
Virtual social networks communities are not a way out of solitude but it just increases and closes people in the self-centered aseptic screen relationship.
Millennials, the "selfie generation" are often seen by past generations as lazy, self-centered and narcissistic, because they are living in a changing world where "the gates" of the centralized economy are closed to them and have nowhere else to go.

On the other hand, they suffer from the problem of the classic educational solution as a "trauma", as this generates more and more debt, which before the beginning of life will be uncomfortable with incomes and few opportunities.
The School has increasingly a normalizing and indoctrination profile and seems less and less capable of providing adaptive and practical knowledge for the troubled reality of the future.
The blockchain world is an emerging possibility for them to find new "doors" that can create conditions to reveal their abilities.
This makes them have relationships that are easily broken, where the other person is always in risk of being a "dischargeable product", based in a false mirror of the search for happiness, that has a consequence because every day people are becoming less intolerant, empathetic, sympathetic, and the search for happiness is constantly a new possibility of finding it, like a made merchandise.

The generation after the Millennials

Frightening are the symptoms seen today for the next generation succeeding the Millennials that are showing symptoms like the game "Blue Whale" that is getting a very popular game.
It was originated in Russia and spread all over the world with its 500 levels of difficulty going from seeing forbidden videos to self-mutilation, hyper risk behaviors terminating in an invitation to suicide.
This is connected with recent data showing the increasing behavior of self-mutilation, self-injuries, and self-burning, with some incidence on girls and in the age of 15-16 years old.

The increasing feeling of fear of not being understood by their parents and they are not following their expectations, and this attitude is strange to my generation of the "baby-boom-freak-tripping" society, that had the goal of breaking off with all patterns of behavior of their parents, ancestors, and rulers, always feeling guilt-free about it.

The alarming growth numbers of and spread of mental illness or what I will call "ontological(self) insecurity" is co-related with the accelerated growth of knowledge and technology leading to more psychic instability with a basis in the parallel decadence of their parents multi-relationships, resulting in uni-parenting or multiple step-mothers and step-fathers.

This factor increases the level of safety and unconsciously generates a sense of rejection because children whenever parents separate they always feel like the culprits of these problems.
The problem is that some young people identify themselves with the "Little Men" with a gun in their hands, everybody is getting despotic in their character as a way to find happiness with "security" and they even like to feel the state over fucking their privacy.

New problems are emerging with the craziness of some leaders like Trump that to increase sales of the gun lobby, wants to put professors playing cowboy duel games in the classroom in the name of avoiding attacks in schools.

One Message for Steemit

If the Human Value is not on top of the pyramid of the Steemit strategy, always commanding over the Money Value I know that on the long run it will always mean the death of Steemit.
Steemit can be the sanctuary of the citizens that will become de Media in the Future, as decentralized reporters close to Reality that will replace the Mainstream Media that represent the centralized structures interests.
And to end here I leave a thought about Steemit and the current problem of rewards associated with bad content that is generated by contract and that in the long run devalue the platform, because its mission is no to be a casino nickel machine.

"Big rewards in worthless content is like the existential vacuum of winning a honeypot that does not have honey at all."

In the systems change alchemy, Matter is fed by Spirit not the other way round.
It's Human Spirit that makes Matter "significant" and "meaningful".

"Human Value" is the first and last determinant of Steem Value and the blockchained communities.
Good content is generated "Human Value" as good insights for changing people or reality and Humanity.

Other related articles on Steemit:

Hierarchy, Social Rules, Influence, Conformity and Obedience
Is Authoritarianism the cradle of Conformism?
Is the Blockchain an escape from Authoritarianism and Conformism?


Quality post right here!

Let me make some comments on some of the good points your raised:

"The Millennial Generation has the largest number ever seen in history in depression and anxiety disorders than in any past generation."

Parenting/family failure = lost generation!

When then parents are too busy working several jobs to make ends meed, which of course is a direct result of the FED's bubble economics and destructive monetary policies, the children are raised on the internet, where just about anything goes.

A structured family that gives quality attention to children, creates conditions for a good ontological (self)security in adulthood.
When things are wrong people blame the generation for their defects, but people never see the surrounding environment is the origin of the problems not the symptoms we observe.


Humanity is making itself too heavily reliant on technologies without having in store any plan B. Imagine how much stress it causes for people already when their mobile phone with all their data on it malfunctions.
There is just ever more information people need to consider and take care of in whatever it is, overtaxing the brain's capacity, hence requiring the execution of more and more "commands" to keep everything in place, like a machine which repeats motion sequences over and over according to a certain code. This again leads to overdrive of certain parts of the brain yet inactivity of others, making them rudimentary like a whale's feet. These inactive parts are mostly the ones responsible for our creativity, the absence of which in turn aggravates the conception of ideas for a plan B if this should ever be necessary. But also does it deteriorate our willpower to get ourselves out of the pickle, which will cause mental disease and instability as you describe it.

And yes, matter is defined by Spirit! We, our Human spirit gives meaning to an inherently meaningless physical world.

Very good article! Resonates strongly! :)

Yes, it's terrifying when I see people looking or typing the small screen for more than 1/3 of their living time.
And it's increasing the size of the Digital Man and taking over the Psychological Man and the Social Man.
Read more in this post what I call a Biota Do Biotas dream of a blockchain city?

Money has long been the main motivator and priority. There is no organization on Steem to stop bad behavior. Everything is allowed and no one can fight against it without concentrated wealth being used to punish bad people and make it not worth their effort to abuse the system... That leaves the individual and most people who can unite, powerless, as only the rich can do anything to stop people. Steem is on it's way down and down... :/ What can be done to change things for the better?

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