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RE: But what are you doing for self-care?

in #psychology6 years ago

I wish I would have read this yesterday. I needed to read it, hear it and absorb it... that I need to do things for ME. I think because (in the past) I've worked through the majority of my issues THROUGH writing, that now it feels more like... work? I guess, now that I'm blogging more and taking time to just write for me seems like it's just more of that? I really do love writing, but I hit a wall yesterday with my own freak out and had to step away from all of it. I was able to ask my husband for some alone time so he took our daughter out for a movie so that I could have some NO PEOPLE time.

I was able to ask for that in large part because of reading blogs like yours. I was okay with saying, "I'm exhausted from being around humans right now, can I please have a break?" because of people like you, especially YOU and this blog. You are so real and just write in words that I understand. Not that I'm dumb, but it takes a lot for a writer to really resonate with me, so I can not only read and understand, but I really take the words and experiences to heart.

I am so grateful for the fact that you can write these things down and share your struggles and your experiences. It helps people like me so much.

ALLL of that "me" talk being said, I'm so sorry you're struggling and I hope you are able to find a good therapist to help you deal with this wave until you are once again ready to float and hold yourself up again.


As for me, I took a few hours off, had a relaxing bath in my rarely EMPTY house and read a paperback novel. I stepped away from ALL online everything, all socializing, all responsibilities and just had me time. It was desperately needed!

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