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RE: 3 Tips for Taking Care of Love

in #psychology7 years ago

The love languages changed my relationships with my children, especially, so much. It really helped to shift my thinking on a lot of parenting things for the better.

My husband and I still struggle with this at times, because his language is acts of service... and mine is more quality time/words. So his love language is my weakest area and mine is HIS weakest area.

We are still fine and all that, but man, it is easy to get complacent as we've been together for nearly 25 years. That's a lot of years to get into ruts as far as how we communicate with each other. And there is a whole new level now as we deal with a nearly empty nest and all of the relationship dynamics change yet again!

Great post!!!


That's really hard--when you have to stretch so far to speak your lover's language. Knowing this has also helped me with my children. It allows for much deeper connecting with all the beloveds in our life. I'm grateful to have this knowledge.

I'm glad to at least know why we struggle with it. It makes it easier to work on, whereas before, I would just tend to think that it was impossible and we weren't compatible at all.

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