'CUBE TEST' Japenese Personality Test -

in #psychology8 years ago

This was definitely one of my favorite party tricks when I was younger.
I came across this test when I was much younger and applied it to just about every person I encountered, The shocking truth is that it proved to be accurate every single time.

Unlike most personality tests, this test encourages you to delve into your inner self, creating awareness of that which your conscious mind ever so gracefully subdues.

Try it out on yourselves and those around you.


Close your eyes and try to clear your mind; then picture yourself in a desert; vast, empty, just desert - now picture a cube in your dessert:

  • In as much detail as you can, describe the cube that you see
    • How big is the cube?
    • Do you see the cube embedded in the desert sand, on the surface, floating or moving around?
    • Is the cube hollow inside or is it solid?

Just remember that there is no final score to this test, enlightenment!
Thus there is no wrong or right answers, so just allow your thoughts to come to you.
If you want you can note down the details as the desert picture unfolds.
And try to get as much detail as possible!

  • Building on your image, your desert, your cube. a Ladder appears; Again describe it.

    • Where is the ladder in respect to the cube? Above, below or against the cube?
    • Is the ladder; Old, new? Long, short?
    • What is the ladder made of?
  • As you look at the ladder, a horse now appears. Please describe for me what you see.

    • In respect to the cube - Tell me where you see the horse, close or far?
    • Is the horse standing still or moving around? If he is moving, which way is he moving?
    • What does the horse look like?

  • You now see flowers in your desert.
    • Where are your flowers growing in your desert?
    • How many flowers do you see?
    • Are they strong & healthy or wilting?

remember the importance of details

  • There is a thunderstorm over the desert.
    • Where to you see the storm? Far away on the horizon, or close to you, the horse, the ladder, the flowers?
    • Is the storm affecting anything in your picture?
    • Is there strong winds? What kind of storm is it?


The cube is your true self!

The size of this cube is your own ’I’ or ego.

  • The size of the cube is directly related to your impression of your yourself;

    • a Big cube depicts a more confident person. Bold strong and willing to be seen.
    • a Smaller cube introduces the possibilities of you rather being the more shy, introverted modest type who would much rather blend in than stand out.
  • a Cube standing on the desert surface implies stability, you probably know what you want from life, and you intend to get it. Logic & precise.

  • Whilst a sunken cube or one covered with sand points to the more pedantic one step ahead type, that remain meticulous in all they do.

  • Floating cubes connect to the more artistic type of person, often your dreamers and creators as well as the spiritually elevated.

  • Lets say that your cube is spinning or moving, this then refers to your open mindedness and your spontaneous and adaptable nature.

  • a Solid cube tells you that you know who you are you are not easy to manipulate and carry self assurance.

  • And a hollow cube lets us know that you are still busy discovering your inner self.

The ladder is your friends

How you imagined your ladder may tell much about your close relatives and friends, and how you treat them.

  • a Ladder that is standing apart from the cube implies that you probably resolve most of your issues without the aid of family & friends.

  • a Touching ladder would mean that you or not completely dependent on your friends & family but you do rely on them for support and guidance at times. And you know that you can count on them if you need them.

  • The more co-dependent person would for example have a ladder that is firmly pressed up against the cube or supporting the cube.

  • Should your ladder be higher than the cube you value your friends & family highly, and look up to them.

  • a ladder at equal hight would mean you see them as such - equal.

  • and lower would or shorter than the cube would mean that you regard yourself as a leader or a alpha type.

  • the older the ladder is a direct result of your subconcious relating to how well or how long you have known your friends, lets say that you have a brand new ladder then the friendships you have in your current space are probably mostly new, or do not know you as well while an old ladder would imply long enduring friendships.

  • The amounts of steps in the ladder relates to the amount of people in your circle.
    3-5 you would rather have a handful of friends
    +/- 12 refers to you having a few friends but you also entertain acquaintances
    if your ladder has a lot of steps means that you probably enjoy being the social butterfly.

The horse is your partner

  • Are you seeing a sturdy brown working horse? Then a dependable and reliable partner is what you want in a partner.

  • And if you saw a glamorous prancing horse, you would be the type of person that values the outward appearance more. and might need someone that you would like others to approve of.

  • Whilst a Unicorn or Pegasus might reveal unrealistic expectations.

  • Insecurities or uncertainties in a relationship would be depicted as a horse moving away from the cube, whilst a horse moving towards the cube whould be a sighn of a new relationship or strengthening the bonds of an older relationship.

  • a Close relationship would be revealed by a horse that is closely the cube

The flowers are your kids

The number of flowers means how many children you would like to have or see by your side. It could also imply something you have created or 'mother' so to speak.

  • a Vibrant blossoming garden reflects on the health and prosperity of your children as well as your relations with them.

  • a Cube that is overgrown with flowers could imply that your children are kept very close - this could be draingn or heavy on oneself at times - make sure to keep the balance.

  • Whilst wilted or dead flowers could be s sign of broken or lost relationships - be sure to water your garden!

  • Look at the distance between the cube and the flowers. Now look at the relations you have with them in that respect and ask yourself how close you are to your children.

The storm is your fears

  • A thunderstorm symbolizes threat and anxiety within yourself and your surroundings.

  • If the storm is vaguely in sight or on the horizon, you are at a more peaceful inner place. However the closer the storm the closer the immediate threat.

  • Should the storm engage in any of the elements without affecting it, you consider the threat manageable and you have confidence in your ability of resolving matters.

  • If you imagined the storm affecting any of the elements within your picture, then you might currently feel overwhelmed by your problems. You hold a fear of the outcome more than the battle itself. Just remember you are always bigger than your problems!

I hope you enjoy this new way to get to know yourself and those around you a bit better!

It worked for me, and I hope that it works for you too!

Pictures compliments of pixabay


My brain made me see a pyramid rising above the clouds with animals and trees everywhere. Then I read the rest.

I better call the doctor today.

Noooooo..... you're fine!
I ended up on the Alps with yodeling midgets dressed in chicken suites.
Surrounded by goats.
Now I have Multiple-goat syndrome...
Cause one goat will just never be enough!

Yodele Hee Hoo... Cluck

Careful there the tend to be quite aggressive, the last person to make such a remark ended up with teeth marks on his shins and an ice pack on his balls!

That sounds like a job for This Man.

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