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RE: “You can’t handle the truth!”

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

I wrote at the Corbett Report:

I’m finding myself listening to Chris Bollyn and his notion of Zionism. I am a near-decade subscriber of the Corbett Report. James, might you have a look a this guy? I realise alignment is a difficult path to follow but I’m beginning to see the fingers pointed at Israel. What do my fellow subscribers think?

I don’t know if James Corbett and readers are aware of Antony Sutton’s research at the Hoover Institute which had access to many of historical records which enabled him to piece together a historical account of how the global elite created Communism and Hitler. Also follow the money trail through Prescott Bush and his Union bank to the financing of Hitler. I even found that Prescott was involved in the JFK false-flag.

The global elite created Israel. And this is all part of their fulfilling the scriptures which says all the wealth will become concentrated on the hill near Jerusalem.

Unfortunately the link to that comment has my numerous comments behind a paywall. Yet it only costs $12 a year to join if you want to read my entire discussions on that linked page.

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