What an irony! People change all time; yet, you can’t ask them to change.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Despite our belief “change starts from within” we keep trying (sometimes, forcing or blackmailing) others to change, especially those we believe we love; family members, spouses and kids.

While you fail to change someone you love, you feel shocked when another one transforms to someone you are not familiar with, and get surprised at a third who have changed because of you without you ever tried.

I have met many individuals who believe they can change someone, and they proved a complete failure. Especially, when someone believes he can change his spouse-to-be after marriage. I have met others who at certain points in their lives changed radically for no clear reason; they might not even be aware of their own change. While, everyday I meet people who fail to change something they dislike about themselves.

People actually change all time; their values, interests, habits, attitudes, priorities and whom they love. Yet you can’t drive someone to change. Let’s be clear, what is more convincing that you can’t change someone than your own struggle when it comes to changing yourself. How many times you failed before you managed to change your own attitude, to get rid of a habit, or to become physically fit.

Each one’s personality is a product of multitude of factors, let’s say; genetics, upbringing, culture, environment, and experiences. All entangled together to shape they way he feels, thinks and behaves. Long exposure to certain circumstances greatly affects his personality. His attitude toward something reflects the way this thing have affected his life especially in early age. And sometimes the stories he learnt about something shapes his attitude toward it.

Every trait that had been acquired over time under certain circumstances can’t be simply changed upon someone’s request. It requires change in the aspects that led to its existence in the first place. And that is the very reason why people change all the time but we still can’t ask them to change.

It is not a matter of decision for an introvert to become extrovert. People who suffer from certain phobias can’t simply switch it off. People who feel financially insecure (this feeling has nothing to do with how wealthy they are) to the extend they accumulate money, can’t simply start spending it off.

Making someone feels guilty or ashamed is completely irrelevant and usually bring about unwanted results, even if for a while it seems effective, the change built upon them is short termed and people bounce back to their original states. And the more we focus on a negative aspect of someone the more we empower it.

On the other side, people change over time by exposure to new experiences, by major shifts in their lives, or by overwhelming accidents or traumas. Not only on individual levels, but public habits, attitudes, mindsets change with new experiences, rules or major accidents. This change can’t be accurately measured or controlled ahead of time.
In order to change someone you need to understand the root cause for what you don’t like about him. Look into his needs, insecurities, and convictions and provide what ever might be missing. Focus on what is good until what is bad subsides. Offer him unconditional love, compassion and appreciation.

It seems a lot of work and it actually is, that is why you need to love them deeply in order to have the motivation to change them otherwise you need to let him go.

The final thing to consider is about you; why do you want the other party to change? Why you resist some traits of their personality? What this kind of resistance tells about you? Why you can’t be patient and loving or why you started the relation in the first place.


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To try and change someone is wrong as each is on their own unique journey and their freewill must be honored at all times.

Thoughtful post ~ :)

Upvoted/Followed I invite you to pop by mine for a mooch ~ I think we are on a similar vibe.


Thanks for stopping by.

People are who they are, they should not be asked to change nor should they be manipulated to change.

I tend to see it like this:

Society is 'controlled' by extroverts who think their way of thinking is 'average, standard, normal' anything else is 'different'
Then they think that all that's different is not 'correct' and all those other people need to change. Manipulate them put their brains on chemicals etc.

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer LET IT BE.


The flower power movement.

Yes exactly. and they have no tolerance for what is different. Thanks for sharing your thoughts,:)

you're welcome!

There is more where that came from, @bifilarcoil.

The best,and most long lasting, way to change someone is through example in my opinion. Partners have opened my eyes to changes in diet, politics and many other things. Those that simply want to change you are often on some kind of control trip.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

You are completely right. but not all cases are such as yours. actually the majority aren't.
Thanks for stopping by :)

be water my friend - Bruce Lee. the same thing but a deeper way of saying it

This post has been resteemed as part of newbieresteemday.

Thanks again.

this is very helpful. Thank you
Jim Kwik - a very nice man who teaches about memory said something that I fail to embody.
"people need to understand that you care, before they care what you understand". Yet if we show we care because we "need" to feel understood - that would be trading rather than giving.
I observe in myself that the need to control arises out of my own fear, or at best my inability to really appreciate the people around me as they currently are.
Do I really think I can improve the whole world from a place of not accepting it?
Without acceptance, can there be understanding?
what a delicious and insidious game this thinking is, yet it always leaves me with a bad taste - always leads me back to control rather than flow.
humour is my new best friend for my addiction to words is so ironic

Trading is when you fake care in order to be understood, and it doesn't take long before other discover it. The question is; if you don't care about someone why would you want him to understand you ??????? :)

That is a great question, I guess there are layers of motivations.
For instance I might start out genuinely wanting to explain something that could help someone with a problem they are suffering from.
Then during in the explanation, I run into a strong belief they have and they get upset.
At that moment, I realise that I truly wanted to help, and still do.
I also realise that I had not actually been asked for advice
I had just started to insert it into the conversation.
Underneath the sharing of information is the "need" to share
So it is not clear which one is dominant, the need to share or the care
Both are present even if I am not
That is the answer right there I guess
If I am deeply present, I will feel inside of myself - am I accepting all the minor tensions in my body right now or am I "talking" or writing to distract myself from them?

Both the care to offer change and the need to feel validated are real - which one is dominant depends on the beliefs I have that I have not been able to "dis-charge"

Thanks Alignment - you are pertinent and succinct as ever :)

You are clever watching yourself and analyzing your thoughts and emotions. which are very good actually.
Suffering is not enough for someone to listen to you. you actually need to be asked for advice.
When he feels upset. is it because of your intrusion or not understanding his situation completely or trying to force your answer??????????
you shouldn't distract yourself from your tensions. accept them let them be there.
Others are not sinks to be responsible for your discharge.
be self-validated.
caring doesn't mean forcing, intruding, it means unconditional love.
You are welcome dear friend :)

this is why I must do the work
the dis recognition and dis-charge
not just write about it

Thank you for your thoughtful and deeply honest reply
friends are the real wealth, I am honoured to be called such and accept gratefully :)

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