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RE: The Effects of Power - Part 6 - Power in Cyberspace

in #psychology6 years ago

Great one.

Yeah, I am not a fan of technology in general, and I wasn't using facebook, Twitter or of likes at all, because I prefer spending time in nature, reading books etc..but I found people have become so absent on all levels, and the working environment so senseless and draining (as we experience it here on Earth), that I decided to go for blockchains to get my freedom.

I know already that ultimately I don't want to use any technology because it is simply not my Soul interest, but in this situation I see cyberspace as the only way to set myself free.

I am confident that by the end of 2019 a tremendous shift will have taken place. I am not really into it, but the Mayan Calendar referred to the time frame from late 2012- late 2019 as the "Time of no Time", with many things up in the air, yet with each year showing us more clearly what the change will be. In hindsight, I found this to be very accurate and in sync with personal shifts, and it was dreams which lead me here, so I know this is part of it.

Stay tuned! ;)


The blockchain is the first technology in the world, that is glued to a sociological theory of decentralization.
So, the Blockchain is the first technology that I become a real obsessed fan, but I've learned all the new technologies I could, including programming (today fighting to learn blockchain programming) because they are the vortex of change in the way humanity progresses ( progress has always been used to dehumanize and impoverish people ), but to feel the pulse of the times.
Of course, the problem of technologies is that most new technologies are private property and they are not shared like in the Source-code.
But I have no TV, radio, and social media is mostly about how the color of my pants or my hair is a big change in the world and a sense of being very advanced and living in the 23rd century.
Well, I never followed any predictions in my life, I just stick to surfing in the ways of change.
Of course in sometimes of big change people tend to find those references because there are structural similarities with the actual events, like a kind of "cosmic quotes".
So more sensitive people tend to find it in the old echoes of past realities related to actual metamorphosis, and more cognitive people like me go the pure knowledge way. But both ways are valid and complementary.
Science today is mostly serving private interests, and without poetry, dreams, and imagination it would never have been possible.
Every new discovery always start with a dream.

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