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RE: Part 3 - The Philosophy of Existentialism: II - Fascism, and Existentialism

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Great article as expected.

"responsibility for one's actions" under the Point "existentialism rings very true to me. We know that already, yes, but yet I am again and again surprised at how illogical human logic is. Of course we all have displayed Human logic at some point in our lives, so there is no need to talk from my part as if I have never applied such consciousness, but by growing and wanting to "get one's house in order", hence shifting away from the Human mindset, we gradually realise how outlandish a type of logic this really is. Responsibility takes shape in many forms but one of the most real and raw forms of what responsibility should be like in last instance is emotional responsbility, from my experience. No matter how mature most people think they are based on certain aspects, one of the most common tendencies I notice with most people is that they blindly treat people in ways they detest to be treated like themselves, irrespective of whether they have experienced for themselves how being treated in certain ways feels or not. Many people hate it when indviduals build groups to harrass a single person, especially when they have experienced for themselves, but still they engage themselves in group building to lambaste other single people while instead there should be a very vivid memory how that feels like, hence should be a no-go. The most popular method seems to be then to simply forget and never disinter that past trauma. There is virtually zero growth drawn from that experience. The world is in a state where the term "ethics" or "moral" sounds like ridiculous concepts to most people, owing to an attitude that "one day we will die anyway, so why bother?"

This is also why many people fear "death", because after avoiding the emotional work for the entire life, there is no way but to confront it once leaving the body. This is where facing oneself will become inevitable.

Thanks for having gotten "lost" in your considerations ;)


Responsibility seems to be the kicks reality gives back from our actions, like a retro-action that gives us some kind of sense of right and wrong.
Every wrong thing we made always come back to haunt us for life like a non-being (not based in love or spirit) while our "being" give back the White Light of self-recognition and cosmic fulfillment.
"House in Order" is a degree of self-knowledge to reduce anxiety, until we discover that it resides in the denial of remembering what was traumatic to us, done by our educators (mother, father, teachers, bullies, etc.) and because we are not conscious of it we keep repeating it.
One of the best things we can do in our life is trying to remember everything we felt as bad actions made to us, and eternally keep it in our consciousness, like some kind of head police that is vigilant so that we don't repeat those patterns in the people of our life ( kids, relatives, and friends).
The worst bullies and the ones that have been more bullied (by parents or school) - the theory of envy of Freud - When you submit to power, your dream is to have the same power to do it worst.
This is not applied to everybody, because sensitive people suffer pressure and pain, but their human compassion, stop the pattern by understanding why the others were bullying.
(A bully is always very afraid and he wants to create fear, and he is a sadistic reflecting an authoritarian or a punishing mother or father.)
Self-comprehension and consequently of the others is the best self-healing of our spiritual life.
Some people die in peace because they have dug and accepted themselves, and some are restlessly showing the exact behaviors of the parents around them before they were 3 years old because they couldn't get rid of them.
Aldous Huxley before dying took 250mg of pure mescalin and died with a big smile on his face, but in the week preceding he gave orders to the servants, to tell the people visiting him, that he couldn't receive them because the master was busy preparing his death.
As death is Fate, I think it's necessary to accept it as a natural fact of life that we can't deal with.
Hell is dying in fire agony for our "sins". hehe
Thanks a lot for your beloved and pertinent comment that will enrich us both because existence is dialog, one of the essences missed on Steemit.:(

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