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RE: Psychedelic Trip Report (DMT)

in #psychedelics7 years ago

Nice one brother DMT

I had the pleasure of experiencing DMT 'the sacrament' for the first time in 2008 after having the privilege of meeting my now good friend, "B" at a deeper level of substance through a mutual friend of ours. The first time we met we had a remarkable discussion, which involved subjects of ethereal and occult knowledge, philosophy, perception, the afterlife and the ultimate creator. This discussion lasted for 3 days consecutive days and on the third day we both looked at each other and knew in our heart of hearts that we were ready for a transcendental experience that was the sacrament . We were able to get a hold of 3 different types ranging from a dark orange batch to a white and powdery and finally a batch that was pure clear/see through crystal. I truly believe that the sacrament found me at a point in my life that was essential for the optimum growth of my mind, body and soul and ultimately enlightenment, in the highest sense of the word.

On reflection I first became aware of my journey of consciousness and path of enlightenment started some 14 years earlier (16 years old) I had an experience that questioned my faith. My faith turned to a deep understanding through an intimate connexion that i got to share with the divine creator. I found my highest truth i was reassured, the experience was so profound will never question its existence again,

Armed with that faith, the offering was given to me and as I inhaled the sacrament. Not more than 3 seconds after the smoke hit my lungs the most powerful and almost overwhelming sensation overcame my whole being. At this point I reminded myself (mustering up the ability only to say the words "at peace" repeatedly) to give in to the experience, which happened to be the best advice I could manage to give myself at the time. I was then immediately transported through hyperspace, in a form that can only be described as molecular in nature. After this initial transport through a lightning fast portal, I was immediately placed in the Ether but at the same time ‘I WAS THE ETHER’. I was at one with every particle in existence and the feeling that accompanied the experience was pure peace. The place I was in, was not impacted by my eyes being open or closed I WAS THERE no matter what my eyes did. I took this to mean that the creator had granted me a preview of where it resides. I felt so grateful at the hospitality I had just been shown that I was immediately humbled. After realizing how profound this experience was I could only thank my friend B and the Creator for gracing me with an experience such as this.

In the months and years since that first experience, I have had enjoyed many experiences with the sacrament and surveyed the depths of consciousness. I have always respected the experiences and adopted a shamanic and ritualistic approach to these, cleansing of my mind, my surroundings and my soul in the lead up to the sacrament.

In January 2015 I was on university holidays, it was just before the first new moon of the year. I was with a woman who I value most dearly "S" and we both decided to write down some things that we would like life to grant us. It was from a humble place that we wrote these words, and ultimately voiced these words to the universe prior to the new moon arriving. We were both preparing ourselves for the sacrament that we were about to partake in. I turned to her and expressed that while we were making these affirmations, maybe we should humbly request the sacrament to grace us with an experience, I suggested it grace us with the presence of the creator and said " creator I humbly ask you to grace us with your presence, I (we) want to feel what you feel" and finally voiced " I humbly put myself in your hands" my friend Sarah partook in the same ritual, humbly voicing in similar terms.

With that we prepared the sacrament and as I did there came that familiar powerful rush, and as it took effect all I could say was "I'm there" as I leant back on the recliner. S quickly followed suit and lay back in my embrace. What was about to be revealed changed my life forever.

First was the sacred fractal geometry that interconnected web that binds the universe and ultimately all things. After this sensation was the most profound feeling of KNOWING (awareness of self) and PERFECTION that I can only describe as the feeling that the ultimate Being or G/d is. At this point, once I realized that the creator let me experience first hand what it is, and what it feels, I immediately jumped up in the peak of the experience, full of abundant life force. I expressed that I was so thankful to the creator for giving of itself, so that something other than itself, could experience itself. Life and existence as we know it from the beginning, to as far as the mind can conceive, was created by an entity so powerful, it was able to bring everything we know, into existence, with one conscious thought. That one conscious thought sparked the first electrical synapse And that first electrical synapse was the event that spawned existence as we know it. If you can imagine a Radiating mass of abundant energy Let's call it a dark energy, but supremely powerful, It had an awareness But the moment it is Realised Its own Existence..... Boom It awakened.In that awakening the radiating mass of abundant dark energy created light by virtue of sparking the light of its consciousness The duality of one was created which provided the conditions that have sustained its creation. We are the eyes through which it gets to see its creation.I'm so grateful that I have got to mutually share these powerful and loving experiences . I am supremely humbled and so very thankful, and will be forever.

I just wanted to share a few of my personal experiences with you
Kind Regards
truly grateful.

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