Artist Imprint Series – Shades of Iridescent - Chapter One

in #prose6 years ago (edited)

Chapter One Scene One - Scene Three.

Karen arrives at the brownstone in Brooklyn

“As soon as I look up the steps of this Brownstone I see this beautiful woman coming down the steps and she walks like she owns the Earth. What do I say to this magnificent woman that owns every step she takes?” Said, Karen

Karen takes a deep breath and begins to speak,
Hello, how are you I’m your upstairs new neighbor? Hi, I’m Karen.

Hi, Karen, I’m Esmae we spoke over the phone a couple of times, I am the owner, your landlord. My family and I live downstairs. Nice to meet you, everything is ready for you to move in. Go right up.

Karen: I am so happy to be here, in the neighborhood, or should I say the hood, uh, what do I call you friend, sister, girlfriend, I don’t know what? Oh damn, I can tell by your expression I said the wrong thing. I did not mean to offend you, never.

As Esma descended from the steps she approached Karen with a stern look and then broke out into a laugh. Hmmm girl, what do you know about this neighborhood or “the hood”, for that matter and no you can’t call me Sister, Well I have three of them already. We can work on the girlfriend thing.
Listen, you need to relax. I can tell you’re new to the outside world of New York after living in the dorm at Parsons,

Esmae pauses a minute and takes a long stare at Karen, Ahhh I just got a glimpse of why you moving through life in half-measure that has left you limping and found wanting.

Somewhere along the way, you dropped your Spirit on the ground and you need to pick it up. Only then will you stand out, you were not born to fit in or measure up.

But if you can just relax and breathe through it, girlfriend you will raise the bar that will determine how high others need to rise. And then those divine connections that you need to make will seem to magically appear and they will help you do what you came here to do.

A car horn blowing interrupts Esmae,
“Well, Karen my taxi’s here go right up and make yourself at home. You have my number if you need anything just call.”

Chapter 1 Scene 2

Upon seeing my new space.
As Karen walked up the last step to the second floor, she felt it. It was something so familiar about this place. And the space itself as she walked from room to room felt pleasingly inviting to her.

And Karen thought,
I have been here before. Yet according to my parents, I’m new to New York.
Yet something inside of me is screaming for me to remember. As I walk through each room I feel the feverish familiarity that haunts my very soul.

Ok, let me refocus and organize my day tomorrow. I have got to make a good impression on This editor from Random House. (As she browses through her purse she finds the card that had been given to her by a Mr. Hawthmore of Random House Publishing.

(And Karen thought back to when he had introduced himself to her at the showing of her fashion collection on her debut prior to graduation day.
The showing of a collection at Parsons was about 55% of the grade and it weighs heavily on whether or not you graduate at the top of your class.

I had to graduate with honors anything less was unacceptable because I know and understand that I am a Savant and I am living every inch of the 25% of the brain capacity that I am using.)

Okay, these are the poems for what I see as a collection,” Karen thought.
And then she pulled out from another small suitcase a manuscript.

And this is the book on the Art of Fashion and Fashion Houses as I see and if designers would just listen whether they be clothing designers, photographers who put the clothing and the model in freeze frame to capture that money shot, if they all truly listen to my words and follow the prescription on the way art should be presented in the year 2018 and beyond they will make a fortune.

Because what I see based heavily on what has already on the trends that have already come and gone.
This is what will work now. And very few design houses are doing it.

That's it. I am ready. And Karen gave a deep exhale and she lay on the bed that was more comfortable than she anticipated. And as she drifted off to sleep she mumbled," Ohh, Esmae does housekeeping well, this pillow and these sheets smell so good.

Chapter One -Scene Three

As Karen walked into Random House this joy overcame her. She felt in some unsettling way that she had come full circle in her life and that this interview would be a defining moment in all that she longed for. A career as a writer that she so desperately wanted.
As Karen steps off the elevator, she immediately makes eye contact with a woman sitting just a few steps in front of her.
"Hi, I have a 10:00 a.m. appointment with Mr. Hawthmore. Are you Mr. Hawthmore’s secretary?" Asked Karen.
“Did you just call me a secretary? Lady let me help you.

This job is just one of my playtimes. I live in Manhatten on 5th Avenue. I’m trying to comprehend. Did we just step back in time? Or did your mouth just by mistake write the wrong rhyme.

This isn’t sitting well with me little lady. My name is Jade Fury and I am not here to be your judge or jury. I just need you to come to me showing some respect. Which Is why right now I will put you I check I am a part-time Admin Assistant if you please." said Ms. Fury
"I am so sorry, Ms". Fury said, Karen.
"Um huh, You good, Mr. Hawthmore will see you now, go right in," said Jade Fury.

Karen turned quickly with head down as she walked hurriedly pass Mr. Hawthmore who stood in the doorway of his office. Mr. Hawthmore glared angrily at Ms. Fury and stepped inside of his office and closed the door.

"Take a seat, Ms. Perry," said Mr. Hawthmore.
"Please just call me Karen."

"Thank You, Ms. Perry, for accepting my invitation for this interview and for having an open mind for what you can do with your career." Said Mr. Hawthmore.
"Do you normally go searching for writers or should I say author clientele at Fashion Design events? You’ve got to admit, how we met was a little odd." said Karen but these days I am just going with the flow as I follow my passion."

"No, I don’t but I was invited to the Fashion Collection debut by Mrs. Townsend. We have been friends for years. And she just thought I needed a break from my routine and she knows I love a good fashion show."

“Mr. Hawthmore you needed in Editing and Productions right now.”
Said the voice of Ms. Fury over the intercom.

As Mr. Hawthmore excused himself, Karen turned her attention to the framed pictures on the shelves and on Mr. Hawthmore’s desk.
Karen saw what she assumed as being a picture of Mr. Hawthmore, his wife, and a teenage son.

And to the right was another framed picture of a woman with dark brown hair standing behind a podium giving a speech. It was something familiar about this woman.
And it was something about this woman that captivated Karen. Yet Karen dismissed what she was feeling as Mr. Hawthmore re-entered the office.

"I apologize for that interruption. Getting to the point and I will not hold you long, I have read the poems and the manuscript of the book you left me. I love them both.

And do not take my words lightly Ms. Perry. I see a lot of manuscripts daily. My question for you is what do you want to do? Do you want to publish your poetry book or your art fashion nonfiction book?" asked Mr. Hawthmore
You tell me and l will work hard to help make it happen.

After a few minutes of silence, Karen spoke and said at this time I want to release my book on the art in the 21st Century of Fashion/Fashion Houses. Said Karen.
Ok, I am loving your confidence and from what I have read I think it is an incredible book. Let’s consider it done said, Mr. Hawthorn.

I will reach out to some other editors here and in the states. Please, give me about a week. In the meantime, if you can sign these authorization forms to officially bring you aboard as an author of Random House, which means we have exclusive rights for publishing this non-fiction manuscript.

Without hesitation, Karen signed the authorization form as she beamed with excitement at the thought of becoming a professional author.
Karen shook Mr. Hawthmore’s hand and left the office.

As Karen walked outside of the office towards the reception area, who she saw made her gasp.
I do not believe who I am seeing right now. It is my idol, mentor, my muse, Someone tells me I am not dreaming.

It’s Francis, the Pulitzer Prize, literary artist/author, aphorist, and poet. As I walk a few steps closer I see it is really Francis. As I stand only a few yards away from where he sat, he is oblivious to my presence.

He is totally consumed by the matter at hand, in his phone conversation. I stood there frozen. I had read every book he had written and attended many of his recitals when he came to London and Paris.
This man was the reason I chose to be a writer and give up my uneventful quest to be a fashion designer.

Yep, I changed careers in midstream but it was this great enigma of a human being that had shifted my perspective on life. I wanted to live like he lived and write and touches hearts the way he has done for the last 30 years. Now finally I will meet him and talk to him I hope.

Karen walked over to where Francis was sitting.
“Excuse me, Mr. Francis. My name is Karen Perry. I am a fan, have been for many years. Could we talk I mean I know you must be very busy, I just….”

“Young lady it is nice to meet you. Did you say your name was Karen? Asked Francis.

"Yes" said, Karen.

“Karen nice to meet you but…"

Mr. Hawthmore interrupts,
"Hey, Francis sorry to keep you waiting come right in."
“I’m sorry Karen. I really don’t have the time.” Said, Francis.

“I don’t need time, I just need 5-10 minutes of you.” Said Karen adamantly.

“Now that I have not heard before said, Francis, as he handed Karen his card.
“Please join me and my assistant at dinner tonight at 6 pm and don’t be late,” said Francis.
"Oh thank You, I won’t be." said, Karen.

Special thanks to @staceyjean for her collaboration naming of the character Jade Fury.

Special thanks to @yahialababidi for his collaboration and naming of the character Francis.

Cover Art Painting -

Full Moon Mardi Gras

New York Brownstone image courtesy of


Thanks for the opportunity to collaborate with you ♥

You are welcome @staceyjean so glad to have you join me on this collaboration.

I Like This Post. That's Very Amazing!

This is wonderful. I am enjoying reading this so much. Can't wait for the next chapters, seriously & how a bout a book (self published on amazon)? keep up the great work, you are such an inspiration to me :)

Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. @inksanity.

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