Calling All Thinkers and Philosophers: Who Would Be Interested In Participating In A Series Of Debates On Steemit?

in #proposal7 years ago


As many of my followers will know, I believe that humans are gradually losing their ability to communicate with one another. Go and visit any comment thread on YouTube, Facebook, or even Steemit, and you will likely find an example of this communication breakdown.

I will not pretend that I'm uneffected by this problem. While I do try to communicate as clearly, and as respectfully as I can at times, there are other moments when my ego gets the better of me, and I find myself responding with personal attacks that are in no way relevant to the issue at hand.

While I do feel that I have improved a lot in this regard, I would very much like to continue to refine my ability to communicate effectively with my fellowman. The Steem blockchain is permanent, and I have left far too many examples of improper communication for others to find on that blockchain in future.

At the moment, I feel I have probably provided the blockchain with roughly the same amount of respectful debates, as I have immature arguments. I regret that I have set a few bad examples here, and I would like to drown those out with as many decent examples of how to communicate as I can. This is where the idea for a series of Steemit debates presents itself.

There are many topics out there that one can find it difficult to take a position on. It does not help that if someone wants to look into one of these topics, they will likely find two people arguing and throwing ad hominem attacks at one another. This does not help one to make up their mind, it only influences them to speak to other humans in the same inefficient manner.

What if we could create a permanent database of respectful, insightful debates, relating to controversial topics that others could benefit from reading?

This is a rather fresh idea, so I haven't worked out the minutiae of it all just yet. I don't know how this will work, whether there should or should not be bounties offered, or how, or whether a winner of each debate should selected?

This post is about testing the waters, and finding out who might be interested in this sort of thing. Then we might use the comments section to debate the aforementioned issues on how to run this potential project.

I would like to see @clayboyn, @dwinblood and @krnel perhaps getting involved, as I know you all to be deep thinkers who aren't short of insightful things to share.

If anyone else on Steemit is interested in setting a better example on how to communicate, while providing the steem blockchain, and the world, with resources that could help us all to get a better understanding of morality, then please drop a message in the comments section to express your interest.

If enough people are interested, then I will work on developing a more in depth structure on how this could be realised, hopefully, with the help of those who will be taking part.

I want to stress that the point of this is to have respectful debates. I do not want arguing, as that serves as nothing other than a cheap and costly source of entertainment. If you do not feel you are able to put your emotions to the side to indulge in a logical debate with someone who disagrees with you, then perhaps this particular project is not for you.. yet.

Please let me know if you are interested in helping bringing debates to Steemit, and give the post a resteem if you think any of your followers would be. The more the merrier.


Sounds like fun! I've joined the discord channel. Looking forward to more discussion about this.

I have wrote a little in the discord channel and will write a little more shortly. But, feel free to present any of your own ideas too, or scrutinize mine. Later, when everyone else is online, I'm sure we can start coming to some definitive decisions.

Sounds like a plan

I don't mind hopping into the deep end! I would recommend getting some representation from the opposite sex up in the debates though, we have some brilliant female deep divers on steemit as well. @breezin @dreemit @chelsea88 @mrslauren, you already named some of my favorite guys but @papa-pepper @bilbop @scaredycatguide @whatamidoing there are lots of us!

Yes, @dreemit has already put her name forward, and while I said she and all women are not allowed to enter, she will know that was a joke. I'd love a bit of diversity.

I'm making a discord server in a minute where we can figure out how to approach this thing. I will drop you an invite when it's done. Great to have you on board!

Word, I'll link your post in @whatamidoing's discord channel he started a while back. He has been recruiting deep divers for something or other, I'm not much of a "details" guy, I'm usually focused on the big picture lol.

ooo can't forget @battleaxe she's a fiery one. Join here if you would like to help us construct a method for executing this idea.

I'd be all for that- I love a good healthy debate- it;s a great way in which to learn.

My thoughts exactly. I thought there might be a place for this sort of thing here on Steemit, as we have our fair share of thinkers. I think it could be fruitful to unite them for some discussions. Join here if you would like to help us construct a method for executing this idea.

I would love to see more debates, and will be very happy to take part.

That's great to hear. I'm going to start a discord chat room where I will invite everyone who is interested, and we can share ideas on how to proceed. You are welcome to come by when it is set up later. I will edit this response to contain a link. Join here if you would like to help us construct a method for executing this idea.

Both those men died right after saying that shit. I hope you are okay, mate. Lol

I think rather than "debate" your project could be termed "brainstorming" regarding a topic, so that the exercise does not become blue team vs red team binary perspective. It would be very interesting to participate in such project.

I like the sound of that. I too think that the competition aspect of it could hinder the efficacy of the project. Though, I'm not against trial and error until we get something right.

By the way, your name rings a bell. Are you the one who wrote the article about everything being about sex?

If you are, I owe you an apology. That was a decent article, though obviously I disagreed. I remember that you got back to me but it was either too late, or I was too high to be bothered responding at that time. I meant to do it the next day but I forgot. I have so many comments to respond to at times that I can quite easily miss one, especially if I already read it and meant to go back to it later.

I will find this comment soon and give you the response that your comment deserves.. Supposing you are who I think you are. If not, just act like I never said anything. lol Join here if you would like to help us construct a method for executing this idea.

Obviously I'm in- I didn't realize you were posting as you were talking about posting it LOL!

Sorry. This opportunity is available to men only. But I think I seen a cookery competition posted a little while ago. You should look for that!

So you've created an opportunity that you yourself can't be a part of....little boy?

Well shit. I guess you win round one. Lol.

I would love to be involved as sharing is a prime objective of my purpose.
If you knew me better you would have included me as one you would want involved. Instead of being offended I will simply communicate my interest and support of this idea.
The more communication, discussion and even debate we have the better.
There is way to much being appropriate going on and it is detrimental to evolution.

I wouldn't expect you to be offended because I don't know you well. Sad perhaps.. Lol. But offended would be rather odd.

Would love to have you on board though, and I completely agree with your closing statement. I linked that article in my opening sentence just to emphasize that very issue, and why I feel this is so important.

Pop in if you wanna help us figure out how we're gonna do this throughout the course of the day.

hahahahaha yes of course it would be silly to get offended yet so many people get offended so easily!
I will try and get involved. See you around soon!

I have done a few posts about this very issue of people getting offended, often in a very funny way.

Great to have you board, mate. I will no doubt speak to you soon.

hahahahahahah yes humans are often fragile and insecure. Quick to anger, be offended and judge.
Silly humans.

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