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RE: Verify Your Degree #proofofdegree A New Tag For Verification of Advanced Degrees

in #proofofdegree8 years ago (edited)

Is it your suggestion I take it down? In what way could someone possibly commit fradulent activity with a grainy photo of a degree with redacted names. Everyone knows what diplomas look like, the picture just serves as validation that I have one.

I am not arguing that quality posting, informative dialogue, appropriate analysis, or anything is not possible for a non degree holding person. Nor am I arguing for any sort of superiority for degree holders, however they are accredited as being experts in their fields.


In case you want to reply to me (I hate the 5 comment nesting limit).

You should ask an expert.

If I wanted to I could find your thesis, using the date on your PhD and your Institution as a filter.

Then I'd have your name and a rough photograph of your PhD.

How hard would it then be to order a replacement? Or find you on linkedin?

How hard would it be to find your workplace?

I wonder what sort of chemicals I could order with a PhD in chemistry and a professors phone line?

No phone line? How 'bout I order Chinese factory to send synthetic RNA for anthrax, a PCR machine and a yeast vector to your home address using an American proxy server?

I hear Guantanamo bay is beautiful this time of year.

Do you want to sleep with that can of worms open?

There are a lot of intelligent people on here with a wide spectrum of morality, do not underestimate the power of information.

You didn't creep me out, or scare me :). You did however make some good points and I respect a well handled argument. I have put the post back up but made additional modifications. Perhaps it can serve as a template for any other holder that wishes to provide some level of verification of their own qualifications.

I don't want to creep you out either, but the block chain never forgets:

You can see every edit of a post, so editing doesn't really cover it up, sorry.

Fine, Point made.

Anthrax is an organism you could not synthesize it (I certainly don't have the clearances to order it either). I don't know what anyone would do with yeast, a plasmid and a PCR machine.

All this aside, I would say there is still very little anyone could do with that information. If someone really wanted they could do what ever to me anyway. I will abide by your better safe than sorry idea though.

Why not keep the post up? Just obfuscate your information a little better.

In your case, it's pretty unlikely anything is going to happen. But if this became general practice, it's possible opportunity might eventually meet malice.

I didn't mean to creep you out, or scare you. I think this is an interesting discussion.

I certainly harbour no ill will. I studied molecular biology, and I think you'd be suprised what you can actually get away with.

Scientists have a lot more power than people realise, we are lucky most of them are good people!

I think it's a valid idea and a good discussion.

I think when it comes to opinions, an expert should be given more weight than a layperson. I just think a more secure method of verification than posting a photo of your degree would be wise.

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