Dreaming big again: Outlines of a new marketing campaign for steemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #promotion8 years ago

steemit needs to grow? Well then let´s make it grow... 

The following marketing campaign idea is 100% targeted on social network users, addressing their common behavior in these networks. The idea is to build a bridge between the addresser of the message (person who appears in the ad) and the target through identification. Let´s catch these bored facebook users and convince them to share their stuff on steemit! 

The ads 


Travel experiences are one of the TOP issues shared in social networks. 


Sharing (holiday) pictures is one of the most popular actions in social networks. 



Social networks are full of people who share their food experiences. 


People love sharing their favourite music in social networks. 


There are no other places where politics are more discussed than in social networks. 


People love sharing knowledge, odd news and interesting facts in social networks.
That one enables us to point out that even sharing links can be rewarded on steeemit! 

The concept  

Some weeks ago I published Outlines of a citylight campaign for steemit - the concept: 'Do what you´ve always done - but not for free.' 

Due to the positive feedback, I have kept working on it and developed a second one. The new concept: 'Do what you´ve always done in social media networks - and get paid for it.' 

This second concept (ads shown above) is even more precise than the first one - and 100% targeted on social network users, addressing their common behavior in these networks. If we want to attract users from other social networks, we would have to catch them in their comfort zone, explaining that they won´t have to change a thing on steemit - but that they will get even paid/rewarded for their actions. 

The idea behind

  1. IDENTIFICATION: Each of the above shown characters respresents a potential target group within the already existing social network users. Obviously there are much more, this is just a non-representative selection. The idea is to build a 'bridge' between product (steemit) and customer (potential network users) through identification. 
  2. PROMISE: "I CAN DO WHAT I HAVE ALWAYS DONE - AND GET EVEN PAID FOR IT." That´s a quite money-driven approach, but I think it´s still not too aggressive. It doesn´t promise people to make them rich, but offers to be paid for their shared content - and that´s the truth. 
  3. AIDA: Attention - Interest - Desire - Action.
    Attention is gained by huge charismatic portraits.
    Interest is gained by identification.
    Desire is gained by chance to be rewarded.
    Action can be made by clicking on logo (even better: URL integration - here still missing).

That type of ads could be used for all kind of media - both offline and online. Plus: the idea could easily be transfered to video clips where representers of the specific target groups tell their personal experiences with steemit. 

The simulation (offline)

Please excuse that the ad is not perfectly integrated in the medium. It´s just meant to be a first rough outline and non-professional simulation (I am not a graphic designer) :-)


I go with Richard Branson here:
'If your dreams don´t scare you, they are not big enough.'

I would be happy to get your comments on it.
Cheers and have a nice sunday,
Marly -

PS: I don´t have any commercial rights on the used background pictures, so they still cannot be used for publicity. This is meant to be a rough outline and idea for a further campaign.  

Holiday girls source: http://blog.vistarooms.com/home/5-places-every-girl-should-visit-with-her-gang-while-shes-single/
Guy traveling source: http://www.popsugar.com.au/love/Why-Guys-Hotter-While-Travelling-39208679
Political guy Source: http://gayinkelowna.com/project/coffee-club/
Researcher lady source: http://theconversation.com/women-get-a-much-needed-boost-in-research-funding-gender-equity-plan-50846
Musician source: https://tallblackguy.bandcamp.com/
Restaurant tester source: http://www.eatthis.com/clean-eating-plan


Thank you @barvon! I appreciate that :)

ahhh @surfermarly you're speaking my language with this marketing outline! I'm working on a video very much up this alley. Thanks for the added inspiration!! =) The stories are palpable, they just need a little light and motion! ;)

Sounds great! Looking forward to seeing your illuminated and moving pictures :-)

These are just brilliant! Great work!

Thank you @beanz!!!
Your positive feedback is MUCH appreciated :-)

Good idea. I've resteemed it.

Thank you very much for your kind support!!!

fabulous!!!! I hope ALL the whales find this and upvote it ;) upvoted and resteemed!!! :)

OH you are too kind, thanks for your great support!! :-)

Thank you @dennygalindo, I truly appreciate that!

Cool ideas..shared in facebook!

Thanks for your great support, @immarojas!!!

yw love your posts,keep them coming!

Very good marketing ideas. Those would all look good on billboards and in magazines.

Thank you @solarguy!!! I am glad you liked them.
It would be truly awesome to see them printed out in a magazine one day! :)

Ah, if only I could afford to have you on my marketing team!

NICELY DONE! ;) :) 😄😇😄


OH you are so lovely!! Thanks for your kind words!
Actually my ideas published on the blockchain were 'for free'.....;-))

Thanks for the ideas and example of good marketing thinking, dear! :)

It's quite clear that you have a marketing background as these ideas are just brilliant. That concept of AIDA really hits the nail on its head!

Great work! Hope once we are out of beta we can do lots of marketing :D

Thank you so much for your kind feedback, it´s MUCH appreciated!! :-)
It´s been a decade of marketing now, I really love creating things like this one.
Hopefully some of the ideas will help to get the platform growing some day...

I was a Marketing major myself in college and I can tell you that your ideas may actually be used one day by the team!

That would be awesome - not for my ego but the community! ;-)
We have a lot of people out here, and everybody is adept in something. That´s a huge value!

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